REVIEW: Betty Crocker Hot Fudge Brownie Warm Delights

A couple of months ago, Impulsive Buy reader Muneer asked if I could review the Betty Crocker Hot Fudge Brownie Warm Delights. About a month later, I picked up a package, but did so with a lot of trepidation.

When I picked it up, it was about the same time that Impulsive Buy reader Ultimate Best Vamp Ever sent me an email asking me to review the Warm Delights. I told her I would, but didn’t tell her about my dark, deep secret, which prevented me from actually trying the Warm Delights.

Finally, this week, Impulsive Buy reader Jamie also asked me if I could review the Betty Crocker Warm Delights. With this many people asking for a review of the Warm Delights, I’ve decided to overcome my fears and let you know about one of my dark, deep secrets.

I trim my pubic hairs…

Oh wait, that was the wrong dark, deep secret.

Um…the actual dark, deep secret I wanted to tell is that I REALLY suck at baking.

Much like Trivial Pursuit, Connect Four, expressing myself emotionally with women, double dutch, shuffleboard, getting girlfriends to not break up with me using pathetic amounts of begging, and getting change back after sticking a twenty dollar bill under a stripper’s thong, baking is something I’m not very successful at…especially brownies.

I’m not talking about baking brownies from scratch, because I wouldn’t even dream of attempting that. I’m talking about from the easy-to-make brownie mix box. I have attempted to make brownies twice in my life and both times I failed miserably.

The first time I made brownies was in college, while playing Crash Bandicoot on the original Playstation. I added all the ingredients, except two eggs, which I kept out to make a “healthy” brownie.

About 30 minutes later, when I had to stick a toothpick into the brownies to see if they were done, the brownies broke the toothpick because the surface of the brownies was as hard as the pan they were in. It was so hard, I could’ve probably used it if I was in a tag-team wrestling match and wanted to knock out my opponent when the referee wasn’t looking.

The second time I made brownies, I added a little too much liquid and ended up with something that was less like brownies and more like chocolate cake.

So for years, I’ve stayed away from baking brownies, because I’d like the number of failed brownie baking attempts to be significantly less than the number of David Blaine “magic” television specials.

So it was with a lot of caution that I attempted to “bake” the single-serving Hot Fudge Brownie Warm Delights. On the packaging there were several “easy” steps, but not so easy for someone who not only sucks at baking brownies and pleading with women not to leave him, but also sucks at unit conversion.

After adding the brownie mix to the provided bowl, the instructions say to just add one tablespoon of water plus one teaspoon of water. Unfortunately, I only had a tablespoon spoon and I didn’t know which unit of measurement was larger. However, this problem was quickly solved thanks to our future overlords, Google.

So after mixing the water and brownie mix, the whole thing went into the microwave for 45 seconds. Yes, only 45 seconds. Enough time to get milk from the fridge, but not enough time to get milk from a cow.

When I pulled it out of the microwave, I had a decent-sized brownie that was about four inches in diameter and three-fourths of an inch thick. It definitely had more substance than Nicole Richie.

Included with the Warm Delights kit was a pack of fudge topping, which I drizzled on top (see picture above). I was surprised by how much topping there was to put on top of the brownie. It was enough to make people say, “Would you like some brownie with that fudge topping?”

After letting it sit for a while, I dug into it with a fork. Fortunately, the fork didn’t bend. With it still being a little warm, the brownie was a little bit on the cake-y side. So since I prefer my brownies to be chewy, I ate half of it and stuck the rest in the fridge, which really didn’t do much.

Overall, it was surprisingly good. The fudge topping added a lot of flavor to it, but if you’d like to make it a little better, you might want to think about adding some ice cream on it, chocolate chips in it, or going to your friend’s place that always smells like incense and getting some “special” ingredients to put in it that they grow hydroponically in their closet.

Item: Betty Crocker Hot Fudge Brownie Warm Delights
Purchase Price: $2.00 (on sale)
Rating: 8 out of 10
Pros: Tasty with the fudge topping. Lots of fudge topping. Takes less than five minutes to make. Convenient. Microwaveable. More substance than Nicole Richie. Trimmed pubic hair.
Cons: A little too cake-y for me. My abilities to make brownies from a boxed mix. David Blaine. My ability to express myself emotionally with women. My unit conversion skills.


38 responses to “REVIEW: Betty Crocker Hot Fudge Brownie Warm Delights”

  1. Pel

    We need to give you some cooking lessons! I’ve not tried these and am not likely to, since baking is my specialty and I can whip up a batch of brownies in nothing flat. I do, however, like the idea of hydroponically grown substances being added . . .

  2. Ginger

    Well, there are so many things to say about this post…but I have to say my favorite was the comment about our future overlords Google!

    That is so sad and yet so true…well actually we will probably be ruled by a triumvirate made up of Google, Bank of America and Halliburton., but anyway at least Google posts pretty pictures on its home page that coincide with the holidays…I get nothing from Bank of A except overdraft fees.

  3. I love those molten chocolate cakes at the upscale restaurants these days.

    If I can make it at home, why would I ever go out again?

    So, trimmed pubic hair is a pro in your list, eh?

    (Thanks for the nom for the food blog awards!)

  4. Ultimate Best Vamp Ever

    Yay! I’ve been sooo looking forward to this review! Now I can finally go out and buy one! Hehe. Looks tasty. Maybe by adding less or more water it would be chewy? I know regular boxed brownies tell you how to alter the directions to either get cakey or chewy like brownies. Maybe this has it too!

  5. I was so excited to try it a coupla weeks ago, until i realized there were things that you had to mix. Then I was sad. Thanks for reviewing it, know I can safely prepare my own without fear of mixing things!

  6. Trimmed pubic hair???

    Eeeewwww, dude. TMI!!!

    The brownies look pretty good though.

  7. Genny from the Burbs

    oooo, baking I can do in my dorm room. That sounds intriguing. I’d seen these in stores, but I’m always initially suspicious of microwavable foods that I would normally bake in an oven. I tend to only try them if someone else buys them for me, because then I don’t lose anything either way and may gain a delightful surprise.

  8. I’m a total brownie whore, so those look WONDERFUL! I just wish they’d come out with a version that already has the special ingredient added!

  9. I know you didn’t mock David Blaine. Next you’ll be mocking Criss Angel and there’ll just be all sorts of madness in the world. *stink eye*

  10. I like the dried-up, crusty bits of brownie, around the edges of the pan. I cut off all the edges (which I tuck into a Ziploc and stash for ME ME ME) and give the soft, chewy brownies to my kids and husband. I am assuming that there are no dried up crusty bits with microwaved brownies, so I guess this product is not for me.

  11. Gia on Guam

    Making special butter is a bitch.

  12. “substance than Nicole Richie” Probably more personality, too!!

    Gia…GUAM! I lived there for 4 years a long time ago! Hafa Adai!

  13. another megan

    So, these Google overlords. Do we think they will be benevolent overlords or evil overlords?

  14. Karen

    Mmmmmmmmmmm… brownies!!!

  15. kiki

    marvo, you totally rock! i’ve been reading your reviews for a few months now, and you always satisfy…great humor, always concise, wonderfully entertaining. many thanks for all the days you put a smile on my face. (and from one writer to another: keep it up; you’re seriously talented.) but as far as the brownies…i think i’ll go have a lindt chocolate bar instead!

  16. klew

    Your English degree should have provided you with dozens of literate lines you could use on women. You should get your money back, or get back at them by “reviewing” the school here, with all the appropriate prois and cons. What’s the next most demanded item from your public?

  17. marvo

    Pel – I need more than cooking lesson, I think I need to go to cooking college, fail a few classes my freshman year, be put on probation, wonder whether or not I’m majoring in the right field, go see an academic counselor, ponder my future over shots of tequila, get totally wasted, make drunk phone calls to ex-girlfriends, get pressured by my parents to graduate, switch my major to something easy like sociology or English, get my degree after six years of school, have everyone who sees me after I graduate tell me that I should teach, then wander from temp job to temp job, and then finally realize that maybe I should’ve stuck with cooking.

    Ginger – I think being ruled by Google won’t be so bad, and I’m not saying that because I want my Google page rank to go up.

    cybele – Well…Because it’s probably better at restaurants, unless you’re a pastry chef, then probably not. Trimmed pubic hair is a pro on my list. If environmentalist say forest fires are good for a forest, then trimming is good for my “forest.”

    Ultimate Best Vamp Ever – Nope, no instructions on how to make it chewy, but I did earn 10 Betty Crocker points.

    DeAndre’ – I think of it this way, it’s like a plant, just add water.

    Toni – Want even more TMI? Bald ball sack…

    Genny from the Burbs – If you had an Easy Bake Oven, you could bake any time you want.

    Webmiztris – It must suck when faced with the dilemma of whether to use the rest of your stash for brownies or for a doobie.

  18. marvo

    dramastically – We will see, but I definitely won’t be mocking David Copperfield because if he can make a jet plane disappear, he can make me disappear.

    Amber LB – I like the edges of brownies too. They are the most chewiest part. Unfortunately, this product didn’t have chewy edges.

    Gia on Guam – Making anything special is a bitch.

    nat – But the brownie definitely doesn’t look like it’s wearing a Halloween costume everyday like Nicole does.

    another megan – I think Google will be the most awesome overlords EVER. Everything will be free, although everything will also have text ads.

    Karen – Mmmm…In N’ Out burger.

    kiki – Thanks for the compliments! Also, how about a melted Lindt chocolate bar on top of the brownie. Ooh, with ice cream on top. Yum!

    klew – I don’t know about the lines on women. For example, “My loins quiver as I watch thy posterior from afar” sounds classy today, but back in the day that would either get you a slap in the face or your wig pulled over your eyes.

  19. kiki

    great idea, marvo, but i’m not sure i can handle a melted lindt chocolate bar on top of a brownie…i mean, i have the imagination (and even the cooking skills) for it, but it seems kind of like naked major league baseball — my brain might explode for sheer joy.

  20. Nicki

    as long as the pubic hair doesn’t get into the brownie goodness it’ll be ok. Maybe you should give one of these brownie things to that girl you have been pining for from afar (that’s right I know all about it and i happen to know she likes brownies)

  21. Ooooh Nicki has scoop on you! I *so* love scoop. And you pine from afar! Will there by haikus expressing your longing on The Other Blog?

    I thought people with English degrees mostly went to law school.

    I always say if the whole lawyer thing doesn’t work out (or I hit the MegaMillions lottery), I’m going to go to culinary school.

  22. Gia on Guam

    I am in culinary school and strangely, don’t cook for myself much.

  23. I used to date a guy who preferred a shorn scrotum. Bleh, he was an asshole.

    My bf and I actually have a chef as a next door neighbor. He’s a graduate of the California School of Culinary Arts in Pasadena. One time my bf invited him and his roommate over to watch movies with us, but they were kind of busy and instead gave us these red velvet cupcakes with cream cheese frosting. They. Were. Amazing. I wish I could get the recipe, but I’m sure he’s not one to share those types of things.

  24. Sasha_Kitty

    The title of this product “Warm Delights Hot Fudge Brownie” sounds like a porno ad!

  25. Come on, Marvo, you can’t say you’re bad at something just because you didn’t have success at it the first two times you attempted it! I know you’re not dating right now, but you HAVE dated in the past, and I bet you didn’t get a girlfriend after asking someone out on a date only twice. Practice makes perfect!

  26. I have never seen this! I must have it! NOW!!!!

  27. Hey, I was thinking about something my mom did when she had hard brownies. She took some sugar and cherry brandy and mixed them together in a bowl and then poured the mixture over some hard cake. In no time, we had a delicious and moist (read that as able to cut through) dessert! No reason one couldn’t substitute creme de menth or rum on brownies. Its not herbal, but it would be good in a different way.

  28. Karen

    Mmmmmmmmmmmmm… more brownies! (No In ‘n’ Out!!)

  29. Nyfeh

    Yes… Marvo I’ve tried the warm delights before, and I assure you, they are perfect for adding those “special ingredients”.

  30. marvo

    kiki – Naked major league baseball!?! That must be painful without a cup.

    Nicki – Yeah, but she already has a boyfriend. Besides not even brownies can overcome my looks. 😉

    Amber LB – I prefer writing love poems on paper, then folding the paper into a plane, and flying the plane into her window.

    Gia on Guam – When you’ve got your own restaurant, you can make your employees cook for you, so you’ll never need to worry about cooking for yourself.

    Toni – I think I know what the recipe is. Cream cheese, cupcakes, and love. 😉

    Sasha_Kitty – An interracial or German porno ad.

    Chuck – Yes, after years of practicing making out with my pillow, I believe that I am an awesome kisser. Not Superman sucking out Lois Lane’s memory good, but almost there.

    Thumper – I realize that this comment is a few days later, but I hope you got to try it. THEN!!!

    MrCorey – I’m afraid I would drink the rum and then not have enough for the brownies. Then I would be so drunk that I would actually try to eat the brownies, chipping my teeth in the process.

    Karen – Such a one track mind. 😉

  31. yew put the ew in review

  32. Great job Marvo. I thought it tasted really good. Cut the choclate chip one like this tasted like doody.

    Sorry I am a little late. Been too busy to read by blogroll.

  33. marvo

    Sevy – Yes, I dew.

    Muneer – I didn’t see the chocolate chip one, but I did try the cake one. That one was good too. I thought the most tastiest powdery substance mixed with water was paste, but now it’s probably this…Or jello.

  34. oh fine. i guess all you need to get something DONE around here is be muneer, ultimate best vamp ever, or jamie. if THEY say “review something”, then we get a review. that’s just great. boy o BOY. i suppose we should be grateful. at least now we know who’s calling the shots. (p.s. that’s some great drizzlin…)

  35. marvo

    TG – Well if you say, “JUMP!” I’ll say, “How high?” 😉

  36. Sarah

    Speaking of womwn trouble and boxed brownies… Did anyone see the Sandra Lee Mega Mix on

  37. If it wasn’t for all the talk about shorn pubic-y areas I might be craving brownies now….who am I kidding, I’m always craving brownies.

  38. marvo

    Sarah – Yes, Sandra Lee should be stopped. Or be put in a bikini mud wrestling match with Rachael Ray.

    Mia – Brownies are the quicker-picker-upper, except when there’s weed involved, then it’s the opposite.