NEWS: Wrigley’s 5 Gum Line Continues To Reproduce Like Reality Shows That Star Unlikeable People

Update: Click here to read our Wrigley’s 5 Vortex Gum review

Wrigley’s 5 Gum is marketed to teens and since they were introduced a few years ago, the flavors available have grown at a rate equal to the number of Real Housewives shows. Because teen tastes change more often than Lady Gaga changes outfits during a concert, it’s easy to see why Wrigley’s continues to pump out new flavors of their gum that comes in cool black boxes.

Their soon-to-be latest will be the juicy green apple-flavored Wrigley’s 5 Vortex. It’s the second straight fruit-flavored gum for the Wrigley’s 5 Gum line. Vortex follows the watermelon-flavored Prism.

The sugar-free gum will come in the standard 15 piece packs.

Image via flickr user saschaaa / CC BY ND 2.0

2 thoughts on “NEWS: Wrigley’s 5 Gum Line Continues To Reproduce Like Reality Shows That Star Unlikeable People”

  1. A reader wrote to inform us of this new flavor last week and I’ve been on the lookout since. No luck finding it, though. I’m on the same page about the reproduction rate of the 5 line. It’s a neat concept that’s gotten out of hand.

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