August 14th is National Creamsicle Day.
I didn’t know that until just moments ago and although it’s only a few more months until it comes around again, I’ve been making up for the years I didn’t celebrate National Creamsicle Day by eating one Limited Edition Creamsicle Oreo for each year I missed it. Unfortunately, I don’t know when the holiday was established, so I hope the thirty cookies I’m eating will make up for it.
When the holiday comes around again, I won’t be sucking, licking, or biting a frozen Creamsicle to celebrate the day. Instead, I’ll be eating more of these Limited Edition Creamsicle Oreo cookies to honor the orange and vanilla treat. I hope they’ll still be available, since they’re limited edition.
Why not honor a Creamsicle by eating a Creamsicle? Because I believe one should honor something by eating something else that honors it. I wouldn’t eat an actual flag on Flag Day or a mother on Mother’s Day. In the case of Flag Day, I would eat something that honors the flag, like a cake or cookie decorated to look like an American flag or a pizza that uses pepperoni and mozzarella cheese to create the thirteen stripes.
Although, to be honest, I don’t really celebrate Flag Day, because no one gets the day off, there aren’t any fireworks, and I don’t want to blow my entire patriotic load before the Fourth of July.
Speaking of blowing entire loads, it looks like the folks at Nabisco have been doing just that with their Oreo cookies. Over the past two months, they’ve not only released these Creamsicle Oreos, but also Berry Burst Ice Cream Oreo, new flavors of Oreo Fudge Cremes, Oreo Brownies, and Triple Double Oreo.
However, out of that high fructose corn syrup-sweetened group, Creamsicle Oreo is the only one labeled limited edition and I’m disappointed by that because they make me wish every day was National Creamsicle Day.
After all the twisting, licking, biting, and other verbs that sound sexual but are also done with Oreo cookies, I think the cookie as a whole doesn’t taste like a Creamsicle. However, the orange and white creme itself does taste very similar to the frozen treat, but it doesn’t have a strong enough flavor to stand out from the vanilla Oreo cookie. When the creme is combined with the vanilla Oreo cookie, its flavor reminds me of Fruity Pebbles.
Even though the Limited Edition Creamsicle Oreo as a whole doesn’t taste like a Creamsicle, it’s still a pretty good cookie. And I look forward to celebrating National Creamsicle Day with it.
(Nutrition Facts – 2 cookies – 150 calories, 60 calories from fat, 7 grams of fat, 2 grams of saturated fat, 0 grams of trans fat, 1 gram of polyunsaturated fat, 3 grams of monounsaturated fat, 0 milligrams of cholesterol, 15 milligrams of potassium, 20 grams of carbohydrates, 0 grams of fiber, 12 grams of sugar, less than 1 gram of protein and 2% iron.)
Item: Limited Edition Creamsicle Oreo
Price: $2.98
Size: 15.25 ounces
Purchased at: Walmart
Rating: 8 out of 10
Pros: Creme taste like a Creamsicle. As a whole, it tastes like Fruity Pebbles. Honoring something by eating something that honors it. The number of Oreo varieties released recently.
Cons: As a whole, it doesn’t taste like a Creamsicle. Limited edition. Missing years of celebrating National Creamsicle Day. Eating an actual flag on Flag Day.
NOM. Do want. I am going to have to be on the lookout for these.
I found these at Walmart. So if you have one nearby, I’d suggest checking there first.
I went to their website to see if their was a list of all the new flavors and I think you might be interested in this looks like it’s a contest to see which one will be the next permanent oreo
Over the past few weeks, I’ve voted for Root Beer Float over dozen times, but no matter how many times I vote, Rainbow Sherbet is going to be the flavor we’ll be reviewing sometime in the future. Sad. Or I could use my power of influence to get everyone to vote for Root Beer Float. Readers of TIB. I command you to click the link above and vote for Root Beer Float. Oh, who am I kidding. That’s not going to work.
well I’m guessing all of them are limited editions right now and oreos are highly processed so if you ever find the rootbeer float version you could probably buy 20 boxes and they’ll last till you die=p
ive never minded eating a mother on Mother’s Day…
Wow, when was the last time I had a creamsicle? And I have bowed to your wishes and voed for root beer float.
Walmart only had these for 1week.
WAIT, “0 milligrams of cholesterol, 80 milligrams of cholesterol” which is it? 80 seems crazy for 2 cookies, so probably 0… unless these are actually creatively shaped eggs.
My bad. It should just say 0 milligrams of cholesterol.
I found the Creamsicle version to be really gross. It’s overly sweet, doesn’t taste at all like creamsicle, and is not reminiscent of anything that even tastes good.
No one in the family liked the creamsicle.
For a second I thought this was actual ice cream/ice cream sandwich. Wouldn’t have surprised if it was, cause its just another vanilla ice cream/wafer combination with the same exact taste.
They are voting right now I think on the official Nabisco Oreo page for the next limited edition flavor.
I bought these because they didn’t have regular Golden Oreos (which I LOVE MADLY) and thought they’d be tasty because I also like Creamsicles. I was wrong. They are not up to par with the deliciousness of Oreos OR Creamsicles.
I’m copying Joseph’s comment because it says it all.
I found the Creamsicle version to be really gross. It’s overly sweet, doesn’t taste at all like creamsicle, and is not reminiscent of anything that even tastes good.
I enjoyed creamsicles cookie I sure wish that they would make some again I probably by every bag of them. How can I get some more of them.
I loved creamsicle ores where can I buy more