REVIEW: Limited Edition Extra Dessert Delights Rainbow Sherbet

Limited Edition Extra Dessert Delights Rainbow Sherbet

Wrigley says their new Limited Edition Extra Dessert Delights Rainbow Sherbet gum is made up of the flavors orange, lemon, and lime. So I was hoping a stick of it would look like a vertical strip cut off from a Rastafarian flag, but it was just pink.

Of course, I should’ve easily guessed the gum’s color because the packaging has so much pink that I’m disappointed the profits from this gum don’t go to breast cancer research.

To be honest, I had forgotten what rainbow sherbet tastes like so I headed to the nearest supermarket to pick some up. Unfortunately, all the store had was a 4-quart pail of rainbow sherbet, so if you invite me to your Super Bowl party, guess what I’m bringing.

After chewing on a piece of Limited Edition Extra Dessert Delights Rainbow Sherbet gum and eating a little rainbow sherbet straight from the 4-quart pail using the smallest spoon I could find, I thought the gum didn’t really taste like rainbow sherbet. Instead it had a generic mild citrus flavor, which eventually became more lime-ish the more chewed on it. I also noticed the sherbet has a sourness that the gum lacks.

Limited Edition Extra Dessert Delights Rainbow Sherbet Closeup

With all of that said, I have to say the Limited Edition Extra Dessert Delights Rainbow Sherbet gum has a good flavor, even though it’s not rainbow sherbet. It’s a pleasant soft chew and the flavor lasts for a decent amount of time.

And thank goodness it has all of these traits because it seems it’s only available in packs of three. So if this gum sucked, guess what I also would’ve brought to your Super Bowl party.

(Nutrition Facts – 1 stick – 5 calories, 0 grams of fat, 0 milligrams of sodium, 2 grams of carbohydrates, 0 grams of sugar, 2 grams of sugar alcohol, and 0 grams of protein.)

Item: Limited Edition Extra Dessert Delights Rainbow Sherbet
Price: $2.17
Size: 3 pack/15 sticks
Purchased at: Target
Rating: 6 out of 10
Pros: Good flavor. Sugar free. Low calorie. Pleasant chew. Flavor lasts. Being irie. Super Bowl parties.
Cons: Doesn’t taste like rainbow sherbet. Having to buy a 4-quart pail of rainbow sherbet. Gum is not multicolored. Lot of pink, but no money going to breast cancer research.


9 responses to “REVIEW: Limited Edition Extra Dessert Delights Rainbow Sherbet”

  1. I have no interest in this gum, but now, I really want a big bucket of sherbet… and I live in a country which doesn’t sell it. :-p

  2. Noodlez

    Don’t eat to much of that stuff the sorbitol in it can give you a massive case of the bubble guts

    1. hannah


  3. I am a gum HOE-BAG… so I JUMPED, LEAPED, HUMPED… my way over to this gum when I was at Target because I HAD TO TRY IT!!! After all I LOVE the Mint chocolate chip variety… Eh, well… this gum did not put out quite the way I wanted it to. I guess I just don’t like fruity like gum! Needless to say, 2.5 packs still sit in my cabinet.

  4. hannah

    this gum is AMAZING! my mom had some in her kitchen drawer that i had no idea about and i just decided ti try it and it is amazing. im chewing some right now(: yumm

  5. tom long

    some sherbet is sour it depends on what brand.

  6. Starlight

    I got this gum with huge hopes, thinking it would taste like sherbert.

    It tasted like bubblegum. You know, the the kind that blows huge bubbles. In fact, I’ve tried blowing a huge bubble with it and it did.

    Way to go, Wrigley inc. Make bubblegum into sticks and label it as “Rainbow Sherbert”.

    I still like to blow big bubbles with it, though.

  7. Noneofyourbuisness

    Is it sold in the UK? Thanks šŸ™‚

  8. Gloria Tretiak

    how do we order all this gum online or on Amazon