QUICK REVIEW: Nestea Half Lemonade Half Iced Tea Liquid Water Enhancer

Nestea Half Lemonade Half Iced Tea Liquid Water Enhancer

Purchased Price: $3.99 (on sale)
Size: 1.76 fl oz.
Purchased at: Target
Rating: 5 out of 10
Pros: Drinkable, but I’d rather get myself an Arizona Arnold Palmer Half & Half. No sugar. No calories. Made from real tea leaves. 26 eight-ounce servings per bottle. Being mesmerized by the liquid water enhancer being shot into a glass of water.
Cons: Lemonade and iced tea flavors are too mild. I wouldn’t call it a lemonade flavor, it’s more like lemon juice. Not for those who hate propylene glycol. No caffeine. Unlike MiO which disperses easily without stirring, this needs a spoon, finger, or whatever you have handy as a stirrer.

Nutrition Facts: about 1/2 tsp. – 0 calories, 0 grams of fat, 0 milligrams of sodium, 0 grams of carbohydrates, 0 grams of sugar, and 0 grams of protein.

2 thoughts on “QUICK REVIEW: Nestea Half Lemonade Half Iced Tea Liquid Water Enhancer”

  1. Now I’m in less of a hurry to get this flavor of NESTEA water enhancer because of how it looked the first time I saw the video.

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