COMING SOON – Limited Edition Dr Pepper Vanilla Float

Limited Edition Dr Pepper Vanilla Float

The 2000s was a great decade for new Dr Pepper flavors. There was Dr Pepper Red Fusion, Diet Cherry Chocolate Dr Pepper, Cherry Vanilla Dr Pepper, Berries & Cream Dr Pepper, and Dr Pepper Cherry.

This decade we’ve seen, um, Dr Pepper Ten…and that’s it. However, that will change in mid-May when Dr Pepper Vanilla Float hits shelves. It will bring together Dr Pepper and the flavor of vanilla ice cream. It’ll be available in 20-ounce bottles, 2-liter bottles, and 12-ounce 12 packs.

If you’ve tried it, leave your thoughts about it in the comments.

121 thoughts on “COMING SOON – Limited Edition Dr Pepper Vanilla Float”

  1. Well, this is just flavored with vanilla, unlike those ultra sweet root beer floats in a bottle from A&W a few years back.

  2. Looks good! While I was in Denver, I found some 12 packs of cans of that Dr. Pepper (with real sugar) emulating the classic Dublin from Texas. 3 for $10 at King Soopers, but the Dillons here in Kansas doesn’t stock it. I’ve seen those 12 packs in Oklahoma and Colorado. None down my part of Interstate 70 West, Free State.

    I could have grabbed bottles, but they were $1 each so I opted for the cans.

    I’ll be on this new D.P. variant as soon as I can. Also due is a visit to this new soda shoppe that just opened on Mass Street, a few blocks down the way from my place in Lawrence.

      1. Technically I found them at the King Soopers on S. Broadway in Littleton. I figured other King Soopers around Denver had them, as well! They had both glass bottles and cans.

  3. Yay! I imagine it will be just like the cherry vanilla dr pepper which is one of my all time favourite pops! w00t!

  4. still not found in Oakland Marylad 21550….I sure hope I come soon the Dr. Pepper Vanilla Float

  5. So I went into my local Harris Teeter in NC and they were selling these, I picked up a case to try and it’s alright. It really doesn’t taste all that different from regular Dr. Pepper.. Glad I picked up a case of vanilla coke as well. Baja blast is really the big one of this summer I think. Picking up as many cases of those bad boys as I can!

    1. Yoon , I went into my HT in Winston salem and found no 12 packs but 2 random 2 liters on a shelf. I grabbed those for the time being…

      So far , it is pretty good. I think out of a can might be better , but yes I it does have a little vanilla flavor to it. Like if I added a flavor shot of vanilla at a freestyle machine to a dr pepper. Its a change , and I’ll take it. Yes Baja is my summer drink this year and happy I got the hookup locally for cases.

  6. So where’s the diet version? I love vanilla and when I go to Quiktrip or Circle K I add vanilla to my diet Dr P

  7. Michael Stegner

    Just bought this as a two liter at Kroger in Savannah, Ga.
    It is very good, It tastes like regular Dr.Pepper, but with a tiny hint of added vanilla extract in it. I’m not really sure there is anything “Ice Creamy” about it, But it’s still very good, most likely my new summer 2014 soda of choice.

    1. I miss Dr. Pepper flavors–the only non-regular flavor I ever can get nowadays, in a large metro area, is cherry (which I like better than the plain). Vanilla used to be available, years ago. With the lessening demand for soda, you would think that Dr. Pepper, and other companies, would offer more, not less, and in diet versions. SIGH–why don’t companies listen?

  8. Dr. Pepper Ten sucks…..I tried it and I’m a die-hard Dr. fan. “Ten” tasted worse than “Diet.” It’s not even palatable.

  9. CaughtNotSleeping

    My friends little bro got some through his school (I think it was career day and a guy from the dr.pepper company came or something idk) and he let me have a can. its actually really good and tastes just like a dr. pepper or root beer float. although it does taste more like vanilla than it does dr.pepper. but its still good :p

  10. Well you’re slightly incorrect…They did do “Heritage Dr Pepper”, with real sugar, at stores nationwide! It was great but it was at the same time they were also destroying the lovely Dublin Dr Pepper…

  11. I’d really like to try this because I like dr pepper and drinks with vanilla in. But I have one question, why don’t they do this in the UK? And if they do, where?

  12. I really, really do like this new Dr Pepper Float and I hope that you keep it around longer or bring it back!

  13. I’m from Canada and I was wondering if the sell this in Grocery stores in Burlington, Bellingham or Seattle, Washington

  14. I’m from Canada and I was wondering if the sell this in Grocery stores in Burlington, Bellingham or Seattle, Washington. I just really want to try it

  15. This tastes just like regular Dr Pepper. I don’t even taste the vanilla at all. Disappointed.

  16. I love the Dr. Pepper Vanilla Float! My favorite!! I was wondering when Dr. Pepper was going to come out with vanilla added to it! I order vanilla Dr. Pepper from sonic a lot! Hopefully the company will sell this flavor for good!! Love It!!!!

    1. I just saw these and bought them today. I’m also a ‘vanilla Dr Pepper from Sonic’-aholic. I have been irritated that the only vanilla being put in Dr Peppers was a diet or combined with other flavors. FINALLY ….they do it right!!! This is the best! Pair it with ice from Sonic and you have the perfect drink!!

  17. Bought some today for my Dr. Pepper addicted husband as a Father’s Day gift. He really liked it.

  18. My four kids and I love Dr Pepper but, not so much, the vanilla float. It doesnt have much flavor. It is not sweet nor taste anything like vanilla. Sorry, but regular Dr Pepper is alot sweeter.

  19. Love it! I am a huge fan of Dr Pepper and this is much better than Vanilla Coke. The main flavor I taste is the vanilla and it is very smooth when you drink it. It needs to be a standard product!

  20. Purchased 2 bottles or Vanilla Float …..they did not last long : )
    Hope this product stays for fulltime. A bottle a day keeps you healthy!

  21. Danette Wilson


  22. Love Dr. Pepper. This new Vanilla flavor is fantastic. Please keep it on the market. Everyone that I ask to try it they love it. Thanks for making this. Hope it stays forever with us.

  23. I was always wondering why they didn’t just make vanilla Dr Pepper and not just that cherry vanilla crap!

  24. I loveee Dr. Pepper, but not a fan of this one. I freaked out when I saw it in the store, but it was really bland and almost tasted like water. I also order vanilla DP from sonic with extra vanilla 😉 I will be waiting for Dr. Pepper to come out with a good vanilla drink. It will be a big hit!!

  25. I truly loved this Dr.Pepper Vanilla Float..Make sure to have it really cold or at least put the cans in the fridge ….This will help the taste …it’s very smooth and has great flavor.loved it

  26. Here’s the trick with Vanilla Float DP: you have to add a shot of half and half, or better yet, straight cream, to make it really tastes like a vanilla Dr Pepper float! Think of it as sort of a Dr Pepper version of a New York egg cream, or an Italian soda. YUM!

  27. I found my first can of the drink smooth with a slight vanilla taste. Not overpowering. 12 oz can was poured from room temperature into an insulated plastic tumbler full of crushed ice.

  28. I found my first 12 oz can smooth with a subtle taste of vanilla. It was not overpowering and no chemically or after taste. Room temperature can poured into plastic tumbler filled with crushed ice.

  29. I love it…. got 12 packs at Walmart when I first saw it now I can’t find it anywhere. I only see two liters. I wish they would keep it as a regular product. and I wish I could find it in 12 packs or in the 20 ounce bottles

  30. I honestly, drank this and then later the same day. Tested positive for HIV.
    Turns out a little research shows that the vanilla extract in this beverage is nothing than sweat from povertized spooks over in Africa.
    Thanks you piece of shit.

  31. I got it I love the first original dr pepper but my new brand is dr pepper vanilla float so good

    1. This soda is the best…. they need to make this a permanent flavor and make 20 oz bottles. This stuff is so good, it really tastes like you’re having an ice cream float with dr. Pepper, without the ice cream… way to go Dr. Pepper. #onlysodaidrink

    2. I can no longer find this and it is my absolute favorite please bring it back or keep it coming

  32. I’m from Dallas TX grow up near a Dr Pepper plant fell in LOVE with it.. Now my new LOVE Dr Pepper Vanilla Float!! I hope they keep this one!

  33. Dr pepper is the only thing I drink..and I just found the newest edition. Dr pepper vanilla float is amazing…hope they keep this flavor!

  34. I love the new Dr pepper vanilla float I came accross it by accident and really enjoy it, it’s just very hard to find I’ve been searching for it everywhere, please make this flavor more available and permanent

  35. Aaron R Dailey

    New Dr Pepper Vanilla Float is AWESOME!! Now if only it stays on shelves and easier to find along with DP Cherry, DP Cherry Vanilla, & DP Berries & Cream Would love to find all these great flavors of my favorite soda. Ive searched Walmart, meijers, dollar general but they cant seem to stay stocked up for purchase. As soon as i find them im buyibg as much as they have available 😉

  36. Just saw this today and tried it for the first time! I live it!! I really hope they keep making it!

  37. Dr. Pepper Vanilla Float is the only soda that I’ve found in the entire world that I like more than Dr. Pepper. It’s super rad!

    I found it for the first and only time recently at Sam’s Club in California in July 2014.

  38. I love Dr. Pepper vanilla float, they should be made permanently. I bought the last 12 pack at Lowes. Couldn’t find at HEB.

  39. Julie stricklin

    I love this please please make it permanent drink!
    It really kinda blows when u find a drink that u love
    And u can only buy it for a short time. Please keep this
    Drink I love it. I have already bought 20 cases and plan to
    Buy more!

  40. I am a dp addict. It’s almost the only thing I drink. I haven’t tried all the new flavors, I just haven’t been able to give up or even venture away from the origenal. I tried the vanilla float about a week ago and can’t get enough of it! I actually think I prefer it over regular dp. I really hope they keep this flavor!!

  41. Jennifer Scott

    I think this is the best Dr. Pepper so far keep up the good work. Please please keep this one it’s a KEEPER in my book!!!!!!! I already bout 7 twelve packs. Satisfied to the fullest. Jennifer from Phoenix,Az.

  42. Love this flavor, can’t find it anymore. What stores are they in? Live in NY. Thank you, please keep this flavor ?

  43. Dr pepper vanilla float is the best..I was a little hesitant at f First but now really hoping it stays for good

  44. Dr Pepper vanilla float is the BEST drink EVER!! I have literally become an addict! I don’t know what I’m going to do if they ever stop selling it!!!

  45. Really disappointed that I have not seen Dr. Pepper Vanilla Float for sale anywhere. My household really enjoyed a twist on the original favorite of Dr. Pepper.

  46. I am a true Dr. Pepper fan! That is all I drink from 4:30 am until I go to sleep. I drink Cherry Dr. Pepper but once I tried Vanilla Float…that is all I want. Now I can’t find it in the stores to buy & now I’m depressed. Please bring it back!!

    1. It’s Cindy again….I can’t wait to be able to buy Dr. Pepper Vanilla Float! I think it should always be on the store shelfs. It must be a big seller since I always had a hard time finding it. When I did find it I would buy as much as possible. I sure hope this item will be on the shelfs soon!!!

      1. I haven’t been able to find it anywhere this year? Have you??
        PS: I live in LA…

  47. PLEASE PLEASE bring it back!! The best of all time,, NUMMMmmmm NUMMmmmm Our family has been searching for it.. make it a main stay. 😀 Make us all happier please !

  48. Stephen C Campbell

    Been looking every where for it wanting to it. Could you bring it back. Thank you.

  49. I really have enjoyed Dr Pepper vanilla float. I crave it and now that I only have a couple of 2 liters left I’m really upset that I will not be able to get it any longer I hope to see you decide to put it out there so I can purchase it all the time. Please don’t take it off the shelves:( Thank You Laura

  50. I love the cherry vanilla Dr.Pepper! I put it in the freezer until it has a slushy consistency. I enjoy eating hard ginger candies along with the cherry vanilla. It gives the candy a marvelous and unique flavor.

  51. I have to correct my earlier post. I put cherry vanilla Dr Pepper, I meant to put Vanilla float Dr Pepper. I am stocking up on the vanilla float as I see it’s a limited edition. I hope Dr Pepper continues it year round. I’ve been drinking Dr Pepper since the 10-2-4 days. I wish Dr Pepper would bring back that logo. It was the best!

  52. My comment was not a duplicate. It was a correction as I had by mistake spoke of cherry vanilla Dr Pepper. My intent was to speak of vanilla float Dr Pepper. I have been drinking Dr Pepper for almost 50 years. I had just wanted to correct my error.

  53. PLEASE bring it back and NOT as a limited edition. It was only available in my area for a little less than a month before it disappeared. Too fast. We need it back! This was the best new soda to come along in years!

  54. Dr. Pepper is # 3, Cherry Dr. Pepper is #2 and Vanilla Float Dr. Pepper is #1 !!! PLEASE bring it back!!! I have been buying it for the past few weeks and really love the flavor!!! When I went shopping today, they said they no longer offer it…NO!!! I don’t drink alcohol and “I’m a Pepper”

      1. If you want it that bad, try buying your regular Dr. Pepper drinks and adding some vanilla flavoring to it to taste.
        My cousin and I were talking about it and I told her to try this. I had both ingredients and just poured some Dr. Peeper in a glass and mixed in a little vanilla flavoring until we liked it.
        Next best thing to the real thing and better than the withdrawals of none!
        Enjoy all Pepper lovers!

  55. Just trying adding a little vanilla flavoring to your regular or diet Dr. Pepper until it’s the entinsity of the flavor you like.
    That’s what I did for my friend tonight and she said 5* !

    It’s better than having the withdrawals waiting on it to come back to the shelve of your favorite store!

  56. I have never liked dr.pepper, but i had a roomate where thats all he would drink so i bought him this when i saw it last summer & decided to try it. I fell in love with it. It tastes amazing. I wish it was out year round.

  57. Bring back the dr pepper vanilla float it was awesome my family wants more bring it back permenantly please

  58. PLEASE!!!! Bring the Dr Pepper Vanilla Float! Our family fell in love with it! Our all time favorite, then it got snatched off the shelves. 🙁

  59. Michael Graves

    Always loved Dr. Pepper. But the Vanilla Float Dr. Pepper is in a class all by itself. I really do hope they consider putting this in regular rotation… Great Drink…

  60. My family and I love the Vanilla Float Dr Pepper. I cant find it anymore and it is the best of the vanilla colas anywhere! Everyone wanting it needs to write Dr Pepper on their website! Bring it back…

  61. Please bring the Dr. Pepper Vanilla Float back, my entire family fell in love with it, even my pregnant daughter who is now craving it and its no where to be found!!!

  62. This is by far the best flavor that Dr. Pepper has released please make this a regular production and please release Diet Dr. Pepper Vanilla Float for those that can’t drink regular soda.

  63. I love it so much. I’d buy it regularly if it was available. I hope it hasn’t been taken off the shelves in la. Although I couldn’t find it yesterday. PLEASE MAKE IT PERMANENT!!!!

  64. Phyllis Rabalais

    Hope you bring back the Dr. Pepper Vanilla Float. Love the milder flavor, mixed with ice cream it is delicious.

  65. Please bring back Dr. Pepper Vanilla Float permanently! I am a Cherry Dr. Pepper fan & drink 6 – 7 cans a day. The Vanilla float is GREAT. I can’t believe how fast the stores sell out of it. I was told by a few stores that it isn’t a big seller…that doesn’t make sense. I haven’t tried the Choc. Dr. Pepper due to I’ve never seen it. I live in Las Vegas. Thanks & I hope u will seriously consider my request along with everyone else that would love to be able to buy it whenever they want to.

  66. Dr Pepper vanilla float is by far the BEST soft drink I have had!!! PLEASE make this a permanent addition to your product line. Thank you!!!!!

  67. What stores carry Dr. Pepper Cherry Vanilla Float and/or Dr. Pepper Vanilla Float in Lafayette, Louisiana?

  68. I hate dr. pepper but when I tried vanilla float dr. Pepper I loved it and started drinking them but then they was gone…ughhh… I’m not even a big soda drinker …

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