REVIEW: Nabisco Limited Edition Toasted Coconut Oreo Cookies

Nabisco Limited Edition Toasted Coconut Oreo Cookies

I can picture it now. Nabisco marketers frantically running up and down supermarket aisles, whispering to themselves in a panic:

“Gotta find another cookie idea! What haven’t we tried yet? Coffee? Rutabaga? Could we cram some creme between two Doritos-flavored cookies for the Super Bowl?”

A worried mother protects her children from the sweating marketer. She tells him he’s gone “crazy in the coconut.” He cracks an inspired smile and steals away into the night.

And so, Toasted Coconut Oreo Cookies were born. Rejecting my own brilliant idea for “Back to School PB&J Oreo Cookies,” Nabisco avoided the low-hanging fruit and reached higher up the palm tree.

Nabisco Limited Edition Toasted Coconut Oreo Cookies 2

To mimic the taste of a coconut creme pie, these cookies use Oreo’s vanilla-flavored Golden cookies instead of the chocolate. I’m guessing this choice angered all the Mounds bar lovers of the world. All four of them.

Because single stuf Oreo cookies are now the MySpace of the cookie aisle, Toasted Coconut Oreo are stuffed with a double helping of white creme that is specked with darker gold shavings of “real toasted coconut.” This creates a complex filling that looks like a petri dish of e. coconut specimens.

The package lacks the traditional lift-n-peel opening, so like Tom Hanks and his coconut in Castaway, I first tried to open this by throwing it against a wall and smashing it with a rock. After finally struggling it open, my nose was assaulted by vanilla and sugar.

Uh-oh. Any fellow Oreo connoisseur knows this is a bad omen. My fears came true when I bit into a cookie. The powerful Nilla Wafer taste of the cookie stomps out the creme’s subtle coconut flavor like a Vanilla Godzilla.

Nabisco Limited Edition Toasted Coconut Oreo Cookies 3

The faint coconut taste that attempts a futile rebellion against its Orwellian cookie overlord doesn’t give the distinct, tropical, and nutty experience you’d get from a Mounds or coconut scented soap, either. It’s closer to the cloying, heavily sugared richness of sweetened, shredded baking coconut.

The “coconuttiest” part is the creme’s texture, as there is a noticeable gritty chewiness. But any intended “toasted” notes are completely obscured by the pure, unadulterated confectioner’s sugar sweetness of the creme.

But I thought maybe my personal coconut-o-meter was just broken. So I asked a few taste testers — and by “asked,” I mean, “aggressively shoved cookies into the face of” — and got these responses:

“I don’t get it…it’s just a cookie?”

“It’s only like coconut when you lick the creme.”

“It tastes like a really sweet piña colada Dum-Dum sucker.”

So perhaps these divisive Oreo cookies just require a more sophisticated palette to bring out the coconut. If I ever fulfill my dream of hosting a ritzy lecture series called “Oreos & Orators,” I’ll be sure to accompany the heated discourse on the social commentary of Robinson Crusoe with these thematically appropriate coconut confections.

Nabisco Limited Edition Toasted Coconut Oreo Cookies 4

Overall, they taste like a plain vanilla creme pie that a coconut just happened to sneeze on. I found it pleasant, but since it’s easier to sell a used Toyota to a manatee than to recommend coconut to coconut haters, regular Golden Oreos are probably a safer, crowd pleasing option.

Meanwhile, those who like coconut will be left wanting a more pronounced taste. This leaves Toasted Coconut Oreo Cookies suspended in limbo. And not the fun, luau kind of limbo, either. I think Hunter S. Thompson said it best when he called them “too weird to live, too rare to die.”

Wait, what do you mean he’s been dead for 10 years?

Guess I’m gonna need to book a new orator for next month.

(Nutrition Facts – 2 cookies – 150 calories, 60 calories from fat, 7 grams of fat, 2.5 grams of saturated fat, 0 grams of trans fat, 0 milligrams of cholesterol, 80 milligrams of sodium, 15 milligrams of potassium, 20 grams of carbohydrates, 0 grams of dietary fiber, 12 grams of sugar, and less than 1 gram of protein.).)

Item: Limited Edition Toasted Coconut Oreo Cookies
Purchased Price: $2.99
Size: 10.7 oz
Purchased at: Meijer
Rating: 6 out of 10
Pros: All the goodness of Golden Oreo Cookies. Fun creme texture. Cookie kaiju. The under-appreciated genius of PB&J Oreo Cookies.
Cons: Little reason to buy them over Golden Oreo. Only a ghost of coconut toast. Non-luau limbos. The inevitability of nacho cheese-flavored Oreo.


12 responses to “REVIEW: Nabisco Limited Edition Toasted Coconut Oreo Cookies”

  1. Dave

    Every time Nabisco introduces a new Oreo, they keep ignoring my suggestions for the “Big 4” that need to happen someday:

    – Cinnamon Roll Oreos
    – Hazelnut Oreos
    – Salted Caramel Oreos
    – Egg Nog Oreos

    PB&J Oreos are actually a great idea!

    1. Anonymous

      Yes I suggested a maple flavor to no avail.

    2. Anonymous

      I second your Egg Nog Oreo! I also want Yoplait Egg Nog Whips 100 calorie this year.

      1. Patricia Corbett-Doles

        Bring back the limited edition toasted coconut please

    3. JF

      your Cinnamon Roll flavor dream has been answered!

    4. dave– where nabisco is missing the boat is a “throwback filling” series line where their braintrusted leaders of years gone by have abandoned some past creme fillings to the “waste side” of discontinued. How about a Baronet filled oreo in both black and golden. An orbit creme filling…. or the once made social tea cremes filling. Also their “cookie break” line had outstanding filling especially vanilla and the flat box asst. mayfair also had some great fillings. The answers are right under their noses. If you are a coconut fan nothing beats the “Dare” coconut creme sandwich… addictive.

    5. Cocorrine

      I saw cinnamon roll oreos at my local Price Chopper. I got the toasted coconut ones instead. They are delicious.

  2. Valeree

    What a great blog! Enjoyed a lot!
    I can’t find those cookies here in Chandler,AZ but I’ll continue my quest!!

    To Dave: your 4 flavors sound perfect have you contacted Nabisco?

    Take and Happy Fall!

    1. Englan Sanchez

      I found them once here in San Antonio but I can’t find them anymore 🙁

  3. Josh

    Where are these located at besides Meijer? I live in Georgia.

  4. Karen Letterman

    Coconut is my favorite thing. I have been looking everywhere for the toasted oreo cookies and can’t find them anywhere, Where can I get them?????

  5. Tina Aldrich

    I was lucky enough to get only 2 cookies that a friend gave me to try. I thought it was great. So great that I ran to the store and get my own. Since My husband like coconut too. But when I got there I couldn’t find them.
    I have been waiting and waiting still not coconut Oreo. And not the thins. I watched as all the other flavors coming back but have to see then.
    Are you guys go to bring them back! ?