Malt M&M's Mini Eggs

Those mini eggs look like mini M&M’s. (Spotted by Carla at Walmart.)

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16 responses to “SPOTTED ON SHELVES: Malt M&M’s Mini Eggs”

  1. Amanda

    I bought some this weekend! They were interesting. The only thing “malted” I’ve ever had are Whoppers, so I can’t really say if they are really on point with flavor, but they tasted pretty good to me! 🙂

  2. Leela

    I’ll be on the look out for these. I love malt 🙂

  3. sylvia

    these are a total scam. they’re just crispy m&m’s with a taste that’s vaguely reminiscent of malt. i mean, if you’re gonna put a centre in, make it a malt ball (whoppers style) dealio.

    1. Anonymous

      I totally thought the same thing about these being like the crispy m&ms! Same texture and everything…

    2. R

      Yes I totally agree with this and will write to M+Ms complaining! Not what I was expecting.

  4. xdestitutex

    So this is finally Mars’ attempt to bringt Maltesers to the US?

    1. Sylvia

      Not even remotely reminiscent of maltesers texture or flavour.

      1. xdestitutex

        hm… so a real let down huh?
        I mean i love crispy m&ms and i like maltesers, so both combined could’ve been a nice combination… but obviously mars blew it again… like with so many of it’s m&ms flavors… -.-

        Thanks for your reply sylvia! 🙂

        1. Sylvia

          Well they’re not bad. I like crispy mms too, but these aren’t as good as the classic. More that they weren’t what I was hoping for and what they could have (or should have) been. Mars just phoned it in on this to get a quick buck.

          1. xdestitutex

            alright, now i got it ^^
            So, if you want crispy m&ms with a hint of artifical malt flavor (’cause you like crispy m&ms and don’t like “the strong” malt taste in whoppers or maltesers): go for it!
            Otherwise: Wait until Mars is getting their game straight and bring maltesers or at least their taste to the US. ^^
            (I mean i would’ve never be able to try them since i don’tlive in the US, but thank you so much for the amazing detailed information Sylvia! :))

        2. sylvia

          anytime, XDESTITUTEX. i can talk/type details for hours…. anyway, I can’t even say its artificial malt flavour. its a flavour. not bad, but not malt. closer to the US whoppers (if you’ve had those), maybe a bit of a chocolate Ovaltine flavour, but definitely not maltesers (which I just had for the first time last month and is my new gold standard of malt, literally ruining all other malt candy for me… hmmm, maybe that might have biased this review?) by any stretch. (you know, not that I’ve given it much though, that is).

  5. Mike S.

    Sad that the malt flavor, per the packaging, is artificial . . . .

  6. Sylvia

    Yeah I should have read the ingredients. No malt but rice puffs.

  7. J

    I knew they were just crispy m&ms HOW LAME

  8. Grace

    I had this same experience. As soon as I ate the first one I immediately knew I was eating a Crispy m&m. I even compared the ingredients between the “Malt Eggs” and the Crispy and they are EXACTLY THE SAME! So I don’t think it’s even a Crispy with more malt flavor, I think it’s a Crispy in sheep’s clothing. Or something.

    I already wrote to Mars and told them how disappointed I was in this product and eventually received a form letter that basically just said “Sorry you had a bad experience lol”.

  9. Kristen

    These are good, but not absolutely no may flavor. Good thing I like Crispy M&Ms, because that is what these are!