PRIZE DRAWING: Jack Ca$h Cards to Try Late Night Jack Hacks

Jack in the Box has come up with a few late night menu hacks for you to try after an evening of debauchery or an evening of doing absolutely nothing. Details are found in the images below.

Jack in the Box  Late Night Jack Hacks  Fry Dip

Jack in the Box  Late Night Jack Hacks  Caramel riffic

Jack in the Box  Late NIght Hacks  Put a Ring On It

Jack in the Box  Late Night Jack Hacks  Breakfast for Dinner

To help a few of you try these Late Night Jack Hacks, Jack in the Box sent us $10 Jack Ca$h Cards to give away to three Impulsive Buy readers.


To enter The Impulsive Buy’s Late Night Jack Hacks Prize Drawing, leave a comment with THIS post. Share your ideas for Jack in the Box menu hacks or write whatever you want, but please don’t forget to fill out the email field because we’ll be emailing the randomly selected winners for his or her mailing address.

We will stop accepting entries on Wednesday, May 25, 2016 11:59 p.m. Hawaii Standard Time. Only one comment allowed per person, and it’s only open to U.S. residents 18 years old or older.

Good luck!

FINE PRINT: The Impulsive Buy promises your email address will not be used to hack you. The Impulsive Buy also promises your mailing address will not be used to send you a Jack in the Box. The Impulsive Buy will not be responsible for lost mail, damaged mail or you topping a Jack in the Box Chicken Sandwich with a fried egg and calling it the What Came First, the Chicken or the Egg Sandwich.


73 responses to “PRIZE DRAWING: Jack Ca$h Cards to Try Late Night Jack Hacks”

  1. Theresa Bergeron

    Jack is my favorite fast food establishment. I’d love to win one of these cards!

  2. Robert

    classic hack: onion rings or fries in a burger or sandwich!

  3. karubah

    I would go with the caramel drinks. Seems like that flavor plus sea salt is the popular option in chocolate treats.

  4. Devin H.

    The best hack at Jack in the Box is the Jumbaco. It’s a shame Jack’s son never got that to catch on.

  5. Josh C

    I just don’t know why they don’t have a burgerito! Let’s get a burrito between two hamburgers or a hamburger wrapped in a burrito. Alright alright, that might be a bit much, but still…why not?

  6. Marisa Mezs

    I’m gonna eat all the mozzarella sticks

  7. I love me some Jack in the Box!

  8. kevin roseman

    onion rings with nacho cheese late night, why not breakfast. love it

  9. Eva

    The best hack they ever had was the taco nachos. Tacos cut into wedges with nacho cheese and jalapenos on top. Pair that with a strawberry shake OR an orange float and you’ve got a WINNER!!!

  10. Charlene

    Thank you for the opportunity!

  11. Mike S.

    Onion rings, Mmmm, Mmmm good!

  12. Nathan Biller

    I feel the Munchie Meals are the best hacks

  13. well versed

    Thank you!

  14. Eilish Brazell

    I love the curly fries dipped in a vanilla milkshake!

  15. michael

    To enter The Impulsive Buy’s Late Night Jack Hacks Prize Drawing, leave a comment with THIS post. Share your ideas for Jack in the Box menu hacks or write whatever you want, but please don’t forget to fill out the email field because we’ll be emailing the randomly selected winners for his or her mailing address.

  16. Stan

    something something win win. No good ideas

  17. Kate

    Can I just combine all the milkshake and coffee flavors? Does that count?

  18. Shahan

    Maple Bacon Burger: burger patty, bacon, and maple syrup on top….with pancakes replacing the buns

  19. r

    Yummy in my tummy with a Jack box fries, taco and burger deal.

  20. Ashley S

    I haven’t been to Jack in the Box in ages. I love their chicken pitas. Hopefully I win so it’ll get me there!

  21. holly

    none of these really seem like “hacks”…

  22. Jonah

    My GF introduced me to dipping their tacos in ranch!

  23. Thistle

    Mmmm Jack in the Box. My favorite fast food place! I like adding lunch items to my breakfast, though I’m not sure if that counts as a hack or not.

  24. Leela

    I’d love to see some poutine with their fries sprinkled with bacon.

  25. Rene B.

    My favorite hack to do at Jack is what I call the California taco. Take a set of tacos and stuff some french fries or curly fries into the taco and enjoy.

  26. Pablo

    Jack In the Box late night munchies are for sleepy people.

  27. HackThatJack

    You guys are better people than me Impulsive Buy…I would’ve kept all three gift cards. =)

  28. Kristin M.

    I really want to try these!

  29. Alex

    Jack, you’ve got some sweet sriracha items but I miss the mayo-onion sauce so much. Maybe I’m crazy.

  30. Abby

    Fries, pancakes, and onion rings. Late night college dinner ?

  31. David

    My hack is a cheesecake brokendown into a milkshake

  32. Ryandog

    Onion Rings and Curly fries yeaaauh! Havent had Jack in a while!

  33. Curtis P.

    Put Curly Fries and onion ring on top of your burger patty. Deluxe Fry Onion Burger. Thanks!

  34. Matt J

    Gonna be sharin’ some JITB with my dog. Awesome!

  35. velcro

    Pick me! Or don’t. Whatever.

  36. Robbie

    Who doesn’t love Jack?


  37. Melissa

    I’m guilty of dipping my fries in my shake…

  38. Lucy

    Curly fries and burger together, is amazing!

  39. Emily

    My kind of midnight snack!

  40. oneswellfoop

    Jack Snack Hack me, please…

  41. Martin

    Sourdough Jack inside an Ultimate Cheeseburger inside my mouth.

  42. Courtney

    Been craving a jumbo jack with cheese for months!!

  43. Alex

    Craving the breakfast for dinner.

  44. Jess

    I go at breakfast time and hack the late night menu. I add egg to the chicken and tater sand which soo good. I’d love to be able to try more only live in Cali a month

  45. Christian H

    Sirloin cheeseburger for breakfast!

  46. Benjamin Smith

    Their milkshakes have a special place in my heart

  47. Lane Okamoto

    The panko onion rings are ono.

  48. Heather Overstreet

    Onion rings in the tacos!! Pick me!! 🙂

  49. Shelly Buchanan

    Whoa, lots of competition. Well, there’s no Jack in the Box in my city, so, I’ll have to look up the closest one.

  50. Sylvia

    Never had jack in the box and rarely get fast food. This would be a most excellent way of trying it!

  51. Jason

    Add onion rings to everything! EVERYTHING!

  52. Felicia

    Late night stoner food, yes !!!!!

  53. scott SPIEK

    I love jack in the box food, especially halfzies fries

  54. Cierra

    I love jack in the box… the closest one to me is about 45 minutes away

  55. Andrea

    Add bacon to the trashy yet strangely delicious Jack in the Box taco.

  56. Patrick Bateman

    I hate Beyonce and Jay-Z. And Kanye. And Kim Kardashian.

  57. Cassidy

    I could go for some tacos right about now…

  58. JoAnn

    Onion rings and fries, pass on the apples.

  59. Jess

    Why haven’t they wrapped the onion rings in bacon with a shake sauce yet?

  60. Greentopiaries

    Put a few fries in your jack in the box tacos! Thank you for the chance!

  61. PJH

    Taco burger. I just want a cheeseburger with those wonderful tacos masquerading as buns.

  62. Courtney J

    It all sounds good!

  63. Thom

    Please pick me!

  64. Jen Boyd

    Curly fries alone are all I need.

  65. Chris

    fries dipped in a chocolate shake….oh yeah!

  66. Carla Lais

    Bring on the milkshakes.

  67. Michael

    Chance to try the new onion rings. They sound good.

  68. LP

    Jack in the box has the best deals and commercials

  69. Erin

    Too bad they don’t have mini waffles to pair with their chicken tenders, but mini pancakes and chicken tenders is a breakfast for dinner combo I’d rather have than pancakes and a milkshake.

  70. Ellen W

    These look like they would produce a morning full of regret. Bring ’em on!

  71. Hailey


  72. Richard

    Breakfast for dinner isn’t a thing, is it?

  73. Raven S.

    Onion Rings topped with nacho cheese sauce……..

    MIND BLOWN!!!!