REVIEW: Chips Ahoy Thins Original Cookies

Chips Ahoy Thins Original

Nutter Butter Thins.

Ginger Snap Thins.

Nilla Thins.

belVita Thins.

Teddy Graham Thins.

Famous Chocolate Wafer Thins.

Pinwheel Thins.

Oh, hello there!

I’m just going through a list of Nabisco cookies that have yet to be thin-ified by Mondelez International.

Chips Ahoy Thins Original 3

After the success of Oreo Thins, which I’ve said are better than regular Oreo cookies on numerous occasions to random people in the cookie aisle who didn’t ask for my opinion, Nabisco has given the thin treatment to the beloved(?) Chips Ahoy. They appear to be slightly more than half as thin as the original, but they aren’t as thin as those chip-like cookies out there.

Oh. Why is there’s a question mark in parentheses? Because I’ve been told by numerous people in person and on the internet that the mass produced snack is a sad excuse for a chocolate chip cookie. For the record, I do not feel this way.

But here’s a better use of a question mark: Are Chips Ahoy Thins better than regular Chips Ahoy cookies, much like I believe Oreo Thins are greater than regular Oreo cookies?


Why is there a question mark there? Well, why is there an exclamation point after Chips Ahoy? It’s unnecessary and it makes you think there’s more to it than there really is, but there isn’t.

Chips Ahoy Thins Original 2

The flavor of Chips Ahoy Thins isn’t exactly like the regular variety, but in no way will it make you think of anything other than Chips Ahoy. I think the chocolatey chips are a little more pronounced since there’s less of the cookie part and that’s about it. As someone who enjoys Chips Ahoy, I think they taste fine and if I was Santa Claus (Maybe I am. HO! HO! HO!) I’d enjoy these with a glass of milk.

But what makes these better in my mind is their molar-satisfying, head-rattling crunch. They have a more gratifying crunch than a regular Chips Ahoy, but they’re not as crispy as the previously mentioned cookie chips. Their combination of flavor and texture make them hard to stop eating. I want to eat these like I do potato chips, which is the same thing I experienced with Oreo Thins.

Basically, Chips Ahoy Thins are a different experience of something you know and love, if you love Chips Ahoy. I imagine it’s like discovered in unattempted part of the Kama Sutra or watching Game of Thrones in a different language.

(Nutrition Facts – 4 cookies – 150 calories, 60 calories from fat, 7 grams of fat, 2.5 grams of saturated fat, 0 grams of trans fat, 0 milligrams of cholesterol, 50 milligrams of sodium, 30 milligrams of potassium, 21 grams of carbohydrates, less than 1 gram of fiber, 12 grams of sugar, and 1 gram of protein.)

Purchased Price: $3.00
Size: 7 oz.
Purchased at: Safeway
Rating: 8 out of 10
Pros: Tastes like Chips Ahoy, but maybe a little more chocolatey. Gratifying crunch. Combination of flavor and texture makes it hard to stop eating. Game of Thrones. Kama Sutra.
Cons: Just a thinner version of Chips Ahoy. Using weird question mark references in a review. Too easy to eat a dozen in one sitting. Giving snack opinions to strangers in a store.


7 responses to “REVIEW: Chips Ahoy Thins Original Cookies”

  1. pat

    My local supermarket had them last week and when I went back to purchase more they claimed it was a limited run and did not expect to get them again. Where can I purchase them in my area code 11803?

  2. Laverne

    Great cookies ,but I brought 2 bags just in case they ran out the first bag was all broken ,,I ate them anyway they were great the second bag dang were all broken up too except the first roll,so the next week I brought a another bag just too see n they were all broken also don’t know why they r all ways broken but I luv them just not broken,,,

  3. Melissa

    The first couple of cookies were great, then I hit 3 in a row that were extremely salty. My guess is something didn’t get stirred up well enough. Will try again!

  4. cash

    Butt, I have only 1 ? – Why are they the same price as Regular Original Chips Ahoy when there is less cookie in the thin cookie package?

    1. shirley

      Way too sweet. I typically love chip shots but I wont be buying the things again.

  5. John

    This new thinner crisper cookies are addictive. I can’t stop eating them. I can eat a whole pack with milk. They are delicious.
    I recommend them making them in a family pack and make it cheaper.

  6. jason

    These things are the best. Even better keeping them frozen. Eat right out of freezer. So delicious!