REVIEW: Flavor of Texas BBQ PayDay Bar

Flavor of Texas BBQ PayDay Bar

This bar I bite fills me with fright!

*clap clap clap clap*

Deep in the heart of Texas!

I guess it’s more like right on the coast of Jersey, where I was finally able to track one of these Frankenstein monsters down.

What in the holy hell is this thing? BBQ peanuts and caramel? Not since Lay’s Cappuccino Potato Chips have I been so fearfully intrigued by a new snack concoction.

The Flavor of Texas BBQ PayDay is one of Hershey’s new Flavors of America candy bars. Calling this “candy” is definitely a bit of a stretch. Then again, PayDay was probably never at the top of your “candy” crave list anyway, now was it?

When was the last time you bought one? It’s been a while for me. I feel like I haven’t bought one since the limited honey roasted version was on shelves. Regular PayDays are fine, but what’s the point of getting one when you can just get a Snickers or something? Very rarely will I NOT want chocolate.

Honey roasted peanuts will get me to buy anything though. They are criminally underutilized. Will I feel the same about BBQ peanuts? That’s the question of the day.

Flavor of Texas BBQ PayDay Bar 3

Aesthetically, PayDay is one of the least appetizing candy bars to look at. I won’t go into detail why, but you can use your imagination. This one looks just like a normal one caked in Doritos dust.

The bar smelled like a sweet BBQ sauce, but that was expected. BBQ based products usually hit the mark in the olfactory department.

To start I plucked a few peanuts off and ate them solo. They ticked all the BBQ sauce boxes you’d want them to – nice smoky flavor, not too spicy, not too salty, and a bit tang. I’d eat a bag of these.

So, the BBQ element was on point, now was time to bite the proverbial bullet.

It was weird, but I already knew it would be. “Weird” is not always a bad thing.

Flavor of Texas BBQ PayDay Bar 4

The caramel bar isn’t overly sweet, so there wasn’t the Civil War battle of opposing flavors in my mouth that I anticipated. The BBQ flavor was more prominent on the peanuts alone. When mixed with the sweet caramel element this tasted a little like molasses I guess? I had trouble pinpointing it exactly. I guess this was like a sweet BBQ sauce with a molasses or maple syrup mixed in for sweetness. I think that was what they were going for, and they definitely succeeded.

While the overall flavor was solid, this was a textural treat more than anything. The peanuts were as fresh as I could’ve hoped for, and had a good overall bite to them. I’ve always appreciated the center of a PayDay being closer to nougat than regular caramel, so it’s never too sticky. They married perfectly.

Texas BBQ PayDay is a weird and ambitious effort from Hershey’s. I won’t pretend I’m aching to try it again, but I’d recommend giving it a shot. Maybe there’s a brave soul out there who might want to melt chocolate over this bad boy and really go for broke. I imagine that’d be a major test for the taste buds, but hey if this ain’t bad, that may be great.

So yeah, if you want to try a funky unorthodox snack, this is probably for you. If not, there are five other Flavors of America available from Hershey’s. Hit the road.

(Nutrition Facts – 230 calories, 100 calories from fat, 12 grams of fat, 2.5 grams of saturated fat, 0 grams of trans fat, 0 milligrams of cholesterol, 200 milligrams of sodium, 29 grams of carbohydrates, 2 grams of dietary fiber, 24 grams of sugar, and 6 grams of protein.)

Purchased Price: 83 cents
Size: 1.85 oz. bar
Purchased at: Walmart
Rating: 6 out of 10
Pros: Texture was perfection. Not too salty, spicy, or sweet. Ambitious. The price was right. I dig the Flavors of America line.
Cons: Maybe a little too ambitious? Chocolate or Honey Roasted PayDays not being a year round candy options. No famous BBQ sauce brand tie-in as far as I can tell.


8 responses to “REVIEW: Flavor of Texas BBQ PayDay Bar”

  1. Didn’t Planters have a Honey BBQ version of their peanuts once?

    I mean i know that BBQ or at least some paprika flavored peanuts will work and i know that sweet bbq works too. Meaning i never thought the idea to create this Payday bar was that weird. Though it’s definitively something different and not for everyone i can imagine it would actually be “my candy bar” 🙂
    But as always: never be able to try it 😉

    Thanks for the review Vin!

  2. John W

    Lance has a Sweet ‘N Spicy version of their peanut bar which I imagine is much like this new Payday bar. The first time I tried the Lance bar, I thought it was like brushing barbecue sauce on their regular peanut bar. I’m fine with sweet barbecue sauces, so no doubt I will pick up this BBQ Payday bar if I can find it.

  3. Wes

    The Chocolate Payday that they sold in the 70s was my all time favorite candy bar. I wish they would bring that back.

  4. Tim W.

    man I can’t find this anywhere around me. I want to try it so badly

    1. Karey-Anne Foster

      I found it at Walmart if this helps.

    2. Trina Pixley-Lewis

      I have two left , Where can I mail them ?? disgusting is being kind

  5. Lola

    I hated it took 2? Bites and didn’t like the taste. Now I don’t even want the taste for any payday after eating that. The peanuts kept falling off. The taste horrible. RIP all paydays that way ??

  6. drbananahammock

    This was pretty good. If you like Paydays and don’t like BBQ, then you won’t like this. But if you like BBQ, you should try this. The BBQ was just right and Payday caramel isn’t overly flavorful, so it worked. I’d give it a 7.