What Snickers Cool Coconut, Cool Lemon and Cool Peach?
Again, China is working overtime to woo me with novelty junk food flavors and I’m happy to let them.
These are basically the previously-reviewed Japanese Snickers White with fruit flavors added – coconut, lemon and peach – and a “cooling” effect. I was excited for peach Snickers anyway, but COOL Snickers? Let’s do it – I already lit this mouth up with Fiery Snickers.
How are they?
While not the best Snickers I’ve tried, these were really interesting. The caramel and peanuts were the same as a regular Snickers. The white chocolate was over-the-top sweet and the nougat bland, both like the Japanese White version. Yet each flavor was a slightly different experience.
The coconut bars had a subtle, surprisingly-authentic aroma. The flavor closely resembled sweetened coconut flakes you’d buy at the grocery store. The cooling effect was least prominent in this flavor – it’s like the sensation of menthol without the mint flavor.
The lemon had a less appealing smell – a little fishy. Thankfully, once out of the wrapper, it dissipated.
The flavor was a tasty sweet lemon-meringue-type lemon. There was more of the menthol cooling effect than the coconut. I was warming up to these “cool” bars.
The peach was also fishy, but again disappeared out of the package. I really liked the peach flavor – it was strong and not too synthetic. This was the “cool”-est of the bars – the menthol was kicking! It was a really fun sensation (a little cool AND warm), and not as medicinal as it might seem.
All three flavors could have benefitted from actual fruit mix-ins – coconut flakes, lemon zest, peach chunks. Often a visual or texture element goes a long way to convince us something could be real.
Is there anything else you need to know?
The pack I purchased consisted of four small bars (each made up of two 1.5-inch squares) in containers that looked like soda cans. Slaying me. “Things that look like other things” is the third-best way to get my money – right behind “miniature things” and “animals dressed like people.”
Between the unusual flavors and cooling effect, Cool Snickers were fun and were pretty tasty. If they come stateside (summer – perfect time – just sayin’), they’re worth a try. Probably only worth overpaying for them on eBay if you’re a hardcore novelty junkie.
Purchased Price: $28.99 (free shipping)
Size: 480g pack of (12) 40-oz bars
Purchased at: eBay
Rating: 7 out of 10 (Cool Coconut), 7 out of 10 (Cool Lemon), and 8 out of 10 (Cool Peach)
Nutrition Facts: (per 100 grams), 501 calories, 27.4 grams of fat, 11 grams of saturated fat, 0 grams of trans fat, 252 milligrams of sodium, 53.6 grams of carbohydrates, and 9.6 grams of protein.
5 responses to “REVIEW: Snickers Cool Coconut, Cool Lemon and Cool Peach (China)”
Really cool review! What a fascinating concept for Snickers. Also, I am comforted to know that we share the same top 3 things most likely to get us to spend money.
It kind of makes me think of Zero candy bars. I feel like I need to try them, to make sure though.
I wanna try these so badly! But $28 for $3 worth of candy just isn’t doable for this foodie :/
Brg to michiy love coconut
These are maybe the least appealing thing I’ve seen on here in a while. The idea of a menthol-like cooling thing in candy is repulsive to me. But, to reach their own; I’m glad they have an audience and that you enjoyed them.
The can packaging is very neat, though.