Sobe Adrenaline Rush

Sobe Adrenaline Rush

Must finish review. Must not have two straight days without a review. I’m sooo tired.

Need caffeine. Where’s Jolt Cola when you need it?

Must settle for the 79 milligrams of caffeine in the Sobe Adrenaline Rush.

What the hell is Taurine, D-Ribose, L-Carnitine, Inositol, Guarana, and Panax Ginseng?

Must Google funny names. Must not fall asleep.

Taurine is an amino acid. D-Ribose is a simple sugar that begins the metabolic process. L-Carnitine is another amino acid. Inositol helps emulsify fats. Guarana is nut-like seed. Panax Ginseng is a dietary supplement.

What good is all that stuff if it doesn’t keep me up to finish this damn review.

Come on caffeine, kick in.

Must finish review. Must not fall asleep.

At least the Sobe Adrenaline Rush tastes pretty good, but it ain’t keeping me up.

Not even the 37 grams of carbs and 35 grams of sugar have kicked in.

I blame the damn Mountain Dew chuging contest. Who would’ve thought drinking an entire 2-liter bottle of Mountain Dew in 1 minute and 56 seconds and staying up for 30 straight hours would affect me this much?

Damn, I sure could use another 2-liter bottle of Mountain Dew, because this Sobe stuff ain’t cutting it.

Maybe I’m immune to caffeine.

Eh, I’ll make this review short. Sobe Adrenaline Rush. Tastes good. Made out of a few things I don’t know how to pronounce. 100% RDA of Vitamin C. Lots of sugar. Lots of carbs. Lots of caffeine. Blah, blah, blah.


Now I can go to sleep.

Item: Sobe Adrenaline Rush
Purchase Price: $2.50 (on sale)
Rating: 3 out of 5
Pros: Tastes good. Lots of sugar, carbs, caffeine, and things I don’t know how to pronounce.
Cons: I am immune to caffeine. Can is small.


2 responses to “Sobe Adrenaline Rush”

  1. […] me reviews, like Peanut Butter M-Azing & Crunchy M-Azing (The worst blog post EVER!), Sobe Adrenaline Rush (A steaming pile of blogging doo-doo.), and Kellogg’s Eggo Mini […]

  2. […] ist. The Impulsive Buy has reviewed several energy drinks over the past seven months, like this one, this one, this one, and this one. All of them were greenish in color, almos […]