Pit Bull Energy Drink

Pit Bull Energy Drink

Why did YOU give me a two-star rating on Blog Explosion for?

Did I upset or offend YOU?

Are YOU upset that I gave a two rating for both Honey Bunches of Oats with Real Bananas and Mixed Berry 7-Up Plus? Are YOU offended by my one rating for the Hood Carb Countdown Strawberry-Banana Lowfat Yogurt Smoothie?

Or are YOU upset that the only “people” who leave comments on your blog are your imaginary friends, “Mr. Squeekers” and “Brad Pitt.”

What did I do?

Did I not make YOU laugh? Are my reviews not detailed enough for YOU? Do YOU hate the color orange? Do YOU work for Consumer Reports? Do YOU think I’m a comment whore? Are YOU offended by my use of the word “whore?”

Oh, sorry folks. I just drank a can of Pit Bull Energy Drink, which claims to be “attitude in a can.” I’ve only had it in my system for a few minutes, but so far I think that claim might be true. Or it could be the caffeine, sugar, taurine, and inositol combination in the Pit Bull Energy Drink that’s doing the talking.

Now back to the attitude.

I wouldn’t be like this if YOU gave me a five- or a six-star rating, but YOU gave me a two-star rating. The only blogs that deserve a two- star rating are those that promote hatred towards puppies, talk about how Microsoft Windows 98 is the greatest operating system ever, and those that only post their results for Quizilla quizzes every single day.

What did I do to deserve this?

It’s like YOU think my blog will cause the downfall of America’s youth or it promotes smoking.

I went to your blog, and just like this Pit Bull Energy Drink, I have to say there’s nothing special about it. At least the Pit Bull Energy Drink has a nice lemon-lime ginger ale taste to it. Your blog doesn’t have anything like that to give it a nice sweet and tart taste.


Now that I got most of the attitude from the Pit Bull Energy Drink out of me, I have to say that I really don’t care if YOU gave me a two-star rating. It’s your opinion and I’ll respect it.

I guess I can’t please everyone.

Item: Pit Bull Energy Drink
Purchase Price: $2.29
Rating: 3 out of 5
Pros: Nice lemon-lime ginger ale taste. Better than a certain blog. Caffeine.
Cons: Nothing separates it from other energy drinks. The name kind of rips off Red Bull. Perhaps too much attitude.


26 responses to “Pit Bull Energy Drink”

  1. I hope that the 9 or 10 I gave you cancelled out whoever gave you the 2. How lame! You have one of the most unique blogs I’ve seen yet, and I’ve been surfing BlogExplosion for two days. 🙂

  2. I am sure I rated you before but it’s been a while so I’m going back to do it again. I’ll rate you a 10. I reserve that for blogs I link to on my site, and not even all of them. But your blog rocks!
    We’ll show Mr. or Ms. 2. Probably voted for Bush as well.

  3. Sarcasmom

    It says I voted in the last 7 days. I don’t think so, but I’ll keep checking back.

  4. marvo

    Susan – Thanks

    Sarcasmom – Oh, just to let you know. That 7 day thing really isn’t true. There are blogs that I rated a couple of weeks ago that I still can’t re-rate.

    Everyone else – I am NOT a ratings whore!!!

  5. Hey, don’t look at me — I gave you a 10!

    Sarcasmom — I’m getting the “you’ve already submitted a rating” message after every rating I submit today. I reported it to BE and they’re on it…

  6. If you want to know my opinion on the comment meanies out there. Check out the blog.
    On the other hand, does this drink taste like Mountain Dew?

  7. marvo

    Aymie – I don’t really think it tastes like Mountain Dew, but then again I think my tastebuds are messed up, because so far I’m the only person who thinks Pepsi Holiday Spice tastes like Coke.

  8. Calm down, man!
    i’m giving you a ’10’ rating before you throw that can of Pit Bull Whatsis right through my computer screen!
    *reaches for mouse, shakily*

  9. marvo

    anan – I’m not usually like that. It was the Pit Bull that was doing the talking.

  10. Oh, I want some of that drink right now! I need to talk to my boss. I love your site and it does deserve more than 2, that’s why I give you a 9. I would have given it a 10 if it had an “About Me” page. Oh well, I’ll read between the lines. 🙂

  11. stfu i gave you a ten! ok maybe i didnt vote yet but I WILL JESUS!!!!!!!!

  12. Indeed. We encountered this too. That and we found some people thought we deserved a 1 when we hadn’t even rated their blog. We think its a conservative conspiracy.

    But it seems BE is addressing all this. We’ll see.

  13. marvo

    Riri – Note: The Impulsive Buy will not be responsible if you are fired from your job. As for the “About Me” page, do you really want to know about me?

    alli – No you stfu and VOTE!! 😉

    Ian – Maybe The Impulsive Buy really does suck (I know, it’s a lame blatant attempt at pity).

  14. taikog

    If you could get your hands on some Jones soda, do an Impulsive Buy review.


  15. i gave you an 8 because that’s my favorite number.

  16. hahah someone gave me a 2 and i was like WTF!??!?! seriously… only blogs about how microsoft 98 is KILLING puppies should be assigned a 2. ha!


  17. Nah, don’t respect their opinion. That guy must be a jackass! I like your blog a lot. Consider yourself BLOGMARKED!! And I’ll give you a ten to make up for dumbass. 😉

  18. hmmm. i’ve never had an energy drink. i keep hearing about red bull, red bull and vodka is something i hear a lot. maybe i should try one of these energy drinks.

  19. marvo

    taikog – Right now, those are on the top of my wishlist, knocking out Moxie soda.

    fat dude – Um…I forgot what I gave you.

    hooizz – Blogs about how Microsoft Windows 98 is killing puppies should really be kicked in the groin.

    webmiztris – I have to respect their opinion, but can you not respect their opinion for me. Thanks. 😉

    mainja – With energy drinks, if you’ve tried one, you’ve tried them all.

  20. That drink rocks my world! I need it to survive! haha.

  21. I just recently found out that you can actually see WHO rated you and WHAT they rated you, so when I went to go look at my ratings over at Blog Explosion, here’s what the window said that popped up:

    ” BlogExplosion has received feedback from many members that the feature of being able to see who rated your blog and what those ratings were can actually deter members from rating other sites in the fear of getting negative reciprocal votes. For this reason BlogExplosion has decided to disable this feature for the time being and will be polling members shortly to have members vote on whether or not this feature should be offered moving forward and/or what’s the best solution to address these concerns.

    The member poll to be held shortly will determine the collective vote of all members to either remove this feature entirely or at minimum the option for members to not have their votes revealed. Either way from this point forward BlogExplosion members will not be forced to reveal what they rated other member blogs.”

    I’m sure BlogExplosion read your blog and took action. Thanks a lot productboy!…heh heh. Just kidding….OR AM I?!….okay, I am.

  22. marvo

    kirkkitsch – Are you going to blame me for violence in Iraq too? 🙂

    ProductBoy…I like that.

  23. Does that stuff come by the drum I hope?

  24. marvo

    Gus – If it does, I wouldn’t want to be around you, because that might be waaay too much attitude.

  25. Of course I want to know about Marvo, the impulsive buyer! I thought only women were impulsive buyers, so hell, I don’t even know if you’re a woman or a man. Ooops, that just meant I haven’t read all your posts, don’t worry, I’ll be back. But honestly, this is the first thing I read on a blog. If I like what the person said about him/herself I read what they have to say. 🙂 It makes things a lot easier, even though here I know I wouldn’t mind if you voted red or blue. This blog rocks! Now why don’t you review yourself?

  26. […] ed several energy drinks over the past seven months, like this one, this one, this one, and this one. All of them were greenish in color, almost tasted the same, and had some ag […]