The Impulsive Buy

The 100 Simple Secrets of Successful People

100 Simple Secrets of Successful People

I’m slightly disappointed that I wasn’t a finalist in any of the categories I was nominated for at the Best of Blogs (BoB) Awards (Thanks to Yam, Suzanne, and Mellie for nominating me). Honestly, I thought there was a slim chance that it would happen.

Okay, I’m lying.

I’m NOT disappointed at all, but just in case my non-disappointment turns into slight disappointment, I decided to read “The 100 Simple Secrets of Successful People” by Dr. David Niven.

For those who have read the Impulsive Buy for a while, you may remember that I reviewed another book by Dr. Niven, “The 100 Simple Secrets of Happy People.” I read it to help me remain happy as I dealt with a comment spam problem, which I have under control.

After reading this book, I now have some simple secrets that will help me continue to be NOT disappointed by the fact I wasn’t a finalist at the BoB Awards.

Simple Secret Number 39: Learn from Losses

So what did I learn from not being a finalist?

I learned that it’s okay to be a loser. It’s okay that I can’t win class elections or a woman’s heart.

Good things happen to losers. For example, take a look at Clay Aiken. He went from being a loser to becoming…Um…A loser.

Okay, bad example.

Simple Secret Number 64: You Are Not in This Alone

Yes, the Impulsive Buy is not alone. There were several great blogs that didn’t end up as finalists that deserved to be, like Tiny Voices in My Head, I Think I Want to Be A Comedian, and My So-Called Strife.

I think we all should form the Special Olympics version of the BoB Awards, where EVERYONE is a winner and EVERYONE receives a medal.

Simple Secret Number 81: Be Realistic About Yourself

Okay, we’ve had some REALLY lame reviews, like Peanut Butter M-Azing & Crunchy M-Azing (The worst blog post EVER!), Sobe Adrenaline Rush (A steaming pile of blogging doo-doo.), and Kellogg’s Eggo Minis Chocolatey Chip Cookie Dough Waffles (So horrible that it made poet Sylvia Plath want to kill herself again.), just to name a few.

Simple Secret Number 83: Own What You Do

We weren’t a finalist, but I think the Impulsive Buy is bar none the number one quasi-product review blog in the entire blogosphere. Although with millions of blogs out there, I could be wrong.

If I am wrong, I must find the other quasi-product review blogs and DESTROY THEM!!! CRUSH THEM!!! BEAT THEM!!! BURY THEM!!! THEN PISS ON THEM!!!

Simple Secret Number 93: You’ll Get Knocked Down and Then Get Back Up

Okay I really didn’t get knocked down, but I will pretend like I did. Check this out.


Oh, no!

Help! I’ve fallen and can’t get up!

(End Scene)

Wow. Now I feel even more NOT disappointed.

I guess this book really does work.

Editor’s Note: Honestly, go check out the BoB Awards. There are some really good reads there.

Item: The 100 Simple Secrets of Successful People by David Niven Ph.D.
Purchase Price: $8.96 (
Rating: 4 out of 5
Pros: An easy and fast read. Inexpensive book. I wasn’t a finalist at the BoB Awards, but I’m NOT disappointed. I get knocked down, but I get up again. You’re never going to keep me down. I get knocked down, but I get up again. You’re never going to keep me down. (Yeah, Chumbawumba reference!)
Cons: Um…Wasn’t a finalist at the BoB Awards?

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