Happy Vacation Days!!!

Vacation Letter


16 responses to “Happy Vacation Days!!!”

  1. Try valentinesbymailorder.com… I hear they have an honest business 😉 (No, not an actual website, to my knowledge) – I hope Vday comes up with someone special for you! Enjoy the Vaca

  2. You sure do write straight, Marvo. 😉

  3. Aymie’s mom

    I sure hope you find what you’re looking for Marvo…but, why would anyone need to go on vacation in Hawaii to find ANYTHING? Sheesh…aren’t all the bikini-clad women just waitin for ya on da beach? Happy “V” Day!

  4. akiko

    i agree… bah humbug to valentines day…arrgg, scorn.

  5. are you SURE you wrote that, Marvo?

    I find it hard to believe you’d spell “Impulsive” incorrectly. 😉

  6. marvo

    Claire – Thanks and I made sure that website didn’t exist. 🙂

    priss – My secret is to draw faint straight lines on the paper with a pencil and then erase them when I’m done.

    Aymie’s Mom – Don’t really like the beach. Um, don’t like the feeling of having sand up my crack.

    akiko – Grrrr…

    Webmiztris – Oops, I guess my internal dictionary took a vacation earlier than the rest of me. It is now fixed.

  7. “Aymie’s Mom – Don’t really like the beach. Um, don’t like the feeling of having sand up my crack”

    Amen to that!

  8. Oh yeah…and to Aymie’s Mom…you ovbiously haven’t seen the natives of Hawaii, have you? 😉 Magnum? All LIES, I tell you!

  9. You know, a mail order bride would be something new to review. Should consider that!

  10. hey marvo,, if I wasn’t married I would be your valentine! hey wait,, he’s usually a flake on valentines anyway,, wanna be my valentine!?

  11. marvo

    priss – DAMN that sand!

    Lord Jezo – Why don’t you review it first and tell me how it goes? 🙂

    Tara – Sure! But I’d probably flake out on you too. Can’t take you out to dinner. Can’t deliver roses to you on horseback.

  12. Leah

    akiko, you stole my comment. lol

    Any way, Valentine’s day sucks.

  13. Your handwriting, huh? You sure about that? Did you write the alphabet and put the letters together on you computer afterwards? If not, you write like a computer. The little variation there is on the letters could actually be explained by the downscaling of an image.

  14. marvo

    Oc – Yes, it is my handwriting, which I turned into a font using http://www.fontifier.com

  15. Oh my goodness. When I was little, my sisters and I had an elf that would visit us each night Dec 15-through Christmas Eve. He would leave us a note and a candy cane each if we had been good that day. And Marvo….he wrote like you. Do you wear pointy shoes with jingle bells by any chance?

  16. marvo

    Grins – I wear Nikes and parts of my body jiggle when I walk. Is that close enough?