REVIEW: Mr. Clean Magic Eraser Duo

Mr. Clean Magic Eraser Duo

I think I might be the last person on the face of the Earth to try the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser. But I guess I should be used to jumping late on the bandwagon, like I did with Hypercolor clothes, Razor scooters, calculator wristwatches, acid washed jeans, and the second coming of the yo-yo.

I’m surprised that I’m not still living in the 1990s. Thank you VH1, for showing me what is no longer cool. Now where the hell were you in high school?

Anyway, I finally got onto the bandwagon again when I tried the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser Duo, which is slightly different than the original. It has a blue absorbent layer on one side, which is used to wipe up things like a normal sponge.

If you’ve never used a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser, it’s very simple to use. Just wet it like a sponge, squeeze out the excess water, and wipe away dirt and grime. Also, if you’ve never used a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser, you’re even more uncool than I am.

So for this review I’ve decided to also write a poem, which is very familiar to the Oscar Mayer wiener song, because I’ve had that song in my head all day for some strange reason. Enjoy.

Oh I wish the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser Duo was a source of fuel.
A source that could run my car for months, weeks, days, or hours.
Cause if the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser Duo was a source of fuel,
I wouldn’t need to spend $2.45 a gallon on my car’s power.
However, the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser Duo isn’t a source of fuel,
But it got rid of the stubborn Gatorade stains on my kitchen counter.

Oh I wish the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser Duo was a sledgehammer,
With huge iron spikes that were dipped in poison or hydrochloric acid.
Cause if the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser Duo was a sledgehammer,
I’d use it on those damn German spammers and turn their hands flaccid.
However, the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser Duo isn’t a sledgehammer,
But it easily erased an hour-old Sharpie pen mark that was quite massive.

Oh I wish the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser Duo was a TV studio executive,
With the power to cancel any show when ratings begin to drop.
Cause if the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser Duo was a TV studio executive,
Reality TV would be gone, giving people 15 minutes of fame has to stop.
However, the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser Duo isn’t a TV studio executive,
But it got rid of all the crap that was on my white electric stove top.

Oh I wish the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser Duo was a dominatrix,
With a whip, stiletto heels, and dressed in a leather and chain suit.
Cause if the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser Duo was a dominatrix,
I’d want her to tie me down and step on my face with her leather boot.
However, the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser Duo isn’t a dominatrix,
But it erased what’s in between my shower’s tiles without me being brute.

Item: Mr. Clean Magic Eraser Duo
Purchase Price: $4.99 (4-pack)
Rating: 8 out of 10
Pros: Many uses. Easy to use. Magically got rid of stuff without much effort.
Cons: Slightly pricey.


32 responses to “REVIEW: Mr. Clean Magic Eraser Duo”

  1. Chuck

    Sounds like a good product, Marvo, thanks for the review. I actually had never heard of this product before. For that matter, I’d never heard of Hypercolor clothes before either, so I guess I’m totally not “with it.” I did enjoy your review’s song, especially the dominatrix verse.

  2. CheapShopper

    I must say that Mr. Clean Magic Eraser is the absolute most awesome cleaning tool I have ever used! And I have tried just about everything. Being cheap, I don’t usually buy new products but I decided to try being more like my mother in law who always buys the latest gadget and I am ecstatic! It cleans anything! the hardest baked on grime on the stove, marks on painted walls, you name it. I left a colored piece of paper on my kitchen counter and all the dye from the paper leached onto the counter. I thought it would never come off. But the magic erasure picked it right up. I couldn’t even get that stain to come off with a brillo pad and scrubbing bubbles. Yes, I am truly a disciple of the magic eraser!

  3. I was babysitting once and they had a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser. I soon found out why. I turned my back for two seconds, and the kids had taken Crayola Washable Markers and arted the entire hallway.

    I attempted to use the eraser to remove the stains but the concept of “elbow grease” which the instructions said were sometimes needed, was more than my puny muscles could bear.

    Of course, it would figure that small children would be able to circumvent such a cool tool.

  4. Amy in GA

    I am ashamed to admit that I have never used the magic eraser. I have never even felt the urge to try one. However people keep telling me it works, so the next time I go to the grocery store, I might pick one up.

  5. alex

    I aboslutely love the Magic Eraser. However, after trying the Duo, I went back to the original. I want more of the magic eraser white stuff rather than a crappy blue sponge. I use a combination of the magic eraser and some paper towels to do most of my cleaning.

  6. i am the ultimate loser – i’ve never used a magic eraser, let alone a magic eraser duo. my friend with a kiddo says they are amazing at getting stuff off the walls though.

  7. Paul

    Alex is right–the duo is a gimmick–the blue side always goes unused while the white side gets all the attention. The regular is only $1.88/2 pack at the store.

  8. I like your poem, primarily because it reminds me of hot dogs. Which I only get to eat once a year. =)

    I’ve used the magic eraser before and it kicks butt on grime and stuff on walls, especially in the kitchen and bathroom. That is, whenever the kitchen and bathroom get cleaned. Which is usually once a year…

  9. So I’ve never even *heard of* the Magic Eraser, let alone tried it, but now it’s on the list for my next shopping trip. Thanks for the heads up, Mr. Poet Laureate!

  10. Panthosette

    As much as i love the magic eraser, my son is inadvertantly compiling a list of things it doesn’t erase.
    I find the eraser works differently on surfaces… my walls will not come clean because of the type of paint on them. The eraser seems to bleed white and accomplish not much else. I will forever have a smiley face on my son’s door.
    Never thought to use them on kitchen counters… thanx for the tip!!!
    Now if only i could find something to take the marker hopscotch he made from the carpet.

  11. Genny from the Burbs

    Seriously, will this come in a carpet form one day? I live in a house with 2 cats, 2 dogs, a high school aged boy and an elementary school aged girl, and the carpets need some TLC. Oh well, I suppose for now we’ll have to content ourselves with the hard surface form of the Magic Eraser.

  12. ~Moi~

    I knew it. I am so much uncooler than you are…. I didn’t know they existed! Bad me…

  13. I use these all the time, takes crayon off the walls great!
    That Poem Was Great!

  14. I have one of those…but mine is the older one without the absorbent layer. I didn’t find it very impressive. I didn’t like the little white chunks it left behind!! Maybe I rub too vigorously? Huh huh huh…that sounds naughty. 🙂

  15. lightpinksheep

    yah, the chunks are kind of gross but i think that’s just how it is. i still think it’s a good product though–especially for cleaning the goop off the stove. also for random smudges on walls and stuff.

  16. marvo

    Chuck – Be glad you didn’t wear Hypercolor clothing, which changed color with heat. It totally looked messed up when I sweated. That was a fad that died really quick.

    CheapShopper – Oh if only it could also erase the Tony Danza Show.

    TheInfamousJ – When I was little, I once used scented pens to make my bedroom walls smell like the pens. Man, my mom wasn’t very pleased about it. I bet she wished she had the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser.

    Amy in GA – Yes! Peer pressure does it again!

    alex – Did you notice Mr. Clean smirking on the blue sponge side? He’s smirking because we spent a little more money to get the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser Duo, instead of the original Magic Eraser.

  17. marvo

    Megan – You’re in another country so you have an excuse.

    Paul – 2 for $1.88! The regular Magic Erasers here cost like $2.50. Rollback prices…Yeah, right! Thanks Walmart!

    Bryan – You only eat hot dogs once a year? Do you have a Costco nearby? I get their hot dog and soda combo for $1.50 every other week. Those are great cheap eats.

    Mellie – If there was once person who I thought definitely tried the Magic Eraser it was you. Oh you are so breaking my stereotype of a SAHM. 🙂

    Panthosette – I think when I have kids, I’m going to give them pens without any ink and tell them to use their imaginations.

  18. marvo

    Genny from the Burbs – Sorry no carpet version, but with all the cleaning technology we have why don’t we have an all-purpose cleaner, which will clean anything: Windows, carpets, bathrooms, and kitchens. It could be called Miracle Worker. Oh if only I knew chemistry.

    ~Moi~ – I have holes in my underwear. Nothing is more uncool than that.

    Damon – Thanks for the compliment.

    Webmiztris – No, it didn’t sound naughty. Now say it again, except this time more seductively.

    lightpinksheep – It takes off the stove gunk better than a sponge and a cleaner. That really impressed me, but then again I’m easily impressed. Like I saw a monkey smoking a cigarette and I was impressed by that.

  19. Magic Eraser rocks. I would marry it and have its babies if I could.

  20. Becky

    The Magic Eraser was the best cleaning tool to ever come about!!!

  21. Amy in GA

    I love the empty pen comment. What;’s a SAHM?For carpet stuff, they make the little handheld steamcleaners that work pretty good. Granted I don’t have kids, but I do have three dogs and a cat, and no stains on my carpet. Beat that magic eraser! Mine is a dirt devil one.

  22. marvo

    Busy Mom – Then you could sell your babies and make a profit.

    Becky – I think Puff the Magic Dragon was the best dragon to ever come about.

    Amy in GA – A SAHM is short for Stay At Home Mom. As for having kids, I don’t have any either, but I know that you should be glad that your dogs and cat don’t have opposable thumbs, because if they did, they could do some real damage.

  23. Ya know, the thing didn’t work at all for me. I think I’ll take it personally now.

  24. marvo

    Grins – Yeah, go kick Mr. Clean’s ass. I hate that smug look on his face. He’s got his arms folded like he’s watching you clean to make sure you don’t miss a spot. He’s got that earring and bald head to make him look tough. If he’s Mr. Clean why don’t I ever see him doing any cleaning. Also, where’s Mrs. Clean? Is there a Mrs. Clean? Or is there another Mr. Clean, ifyouknowwhatImean.

  25. Not that there would be anything wrong with that of course.

  26. marvo

    Grins – Of course there’s nothing wrong with that, but if he is gay I wish he would just come out of the closet already. Maybe it would encourage other advertising characters to come out as well, like Snap, Crackle, and Pop. They are so in the closet.

  27. I am a loyal user of the magic erasers. They wwork beautifully, and like the people before me have said, if you buy the original, it comes out to about a dollar per eraser. For me, it’s a very worthwhile buy.

  28. Okay — bought it, used it, loved it! Got the original (I have plenty of plain sponges, thank you Magic Eraser Duo designers) and gave it the Big Challenge: the red crayon marks that I have not been able to remove from a wall. The marks have been there for *months*, despite numerous attempts with various cleaners. Verdict? Gone! Yes, so are my arm muscles, but at least my daughter now has a clean canvas. Think I’ll be stocking up on these.

  29. As long as we are talking about in the closet, what’s up w/Burt and Ernie? And do you notice that there is only one female smurf, yet lots of little ones suddenly? And while we are talking about smurfs, Gargamel made Smurfette as a trap for catching the smurfs, she was a brunette. When she decided she couldn’t hurt her “friends” she joined them and went blond. What the hell? And suddenly lots of small smurfs running around. They ganag banged the poor girl. And this is a children’s show? How sick is that.

  30. marvo

    A-Dub – I wish I had bought the original, but I’m a guy and I have to have the latest and the greatest.

    Mellie Helen – Just letting you know that inkless pens and imagination are cleaner.

    Amy in GA – Hmm. That would explain the Smurfs named Herpes and Syphilis.

  31. Soozeee_q

    I hate the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser. About 10 years ago, my younger daughter got her hands on a sharpie and tastefully decorated my kitchen cabinets with toddler art. I have been plotting to get new kitchen cabinets and this was to be the year, when lo and behold, my older daughter finds the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser, tries it on the 10 year old Sharpie art and the art disappears. Now my husband is gleefully running around the house with catalogues for new power tools because we no longer need new kitchen cabinets. Arrrrgghh!!

  32. marvo

    Soozeee_q – Might I suggest a compromise with your husband. He gets to have the power tools, but with them he has to build you new kitchen cabinets, unless he sucks at building things. If that’s the case, burn the power tools catalogs.