Waxing Teaser

Some of you might be wondering how my chest waxing went this weekend. Here’s 12 seconds of pain for you. The review will be coming in the near future.


35 responses to “Waxing Teaser”

  1. Hahahaha, how funny. I cant stop laughing at this. I will be rolling on the floor when the full vid comes out. Nice job, Marvo!

  2. Ah yes, no finer way to spend a Saturday morning, I’m sure. At least it wasn’t a Manzilian.

  3. *claps hands*

    More! More!

  4. MCW

    I hope some kind soul took you out for a good strong drink after that.

  5. OMG, Marvo, you’re my hero. 😉

  6. Look at the things Marvo does to satiate your appetites! A true man of the people.

  7. TJ McFisty

    Oh dear lord, no mercy on those nipples. Hey, I said “go for the legs!” but no, you didn’t, and now you’re suffering.

  8. What we will do for our art!

    And I thought eyebrow waxing hurt!

  9. Brie

    That was a tease, all right. (evil chuckle)
    At least we got a partial glimpse of your face.

  10. “We’re getting into very sensitive area…”

    Not for nothing but the woman saying that sounds a lot like actress Angela Kinsey

  11. Aline

    Oh man, I’ve been anxiously waiting to see if you survived, but from the video, looks like you were even having fun, no tears, just laughs. You should have gone all the way (maybe you did, uh?).

  12. luckinflux

    I seriously felt my manhood shrivel away after the third pass.

  13. Shannon – Surprisingly, the whole procedure was pretty quick…but the pain is forever tattooed on my soul.

    Chuck – That may come next year…without pictures or video though.

    Stacey – You sadistic bitch. 😉

    MCW – No, I got something better.

    Mir – But I would be a bad role model for your son.

    Ace – Only a Manzilian could make me a true man of the people.

    TJ McFisty – You know what, sometimes nipples need a little punishment.

    natsthename – Don’t forget that I am a pussy when it comes to pain.

    Brie – Facial expressions = funny

    Matches – Dang. She does sound like Angela, except a little less uptight.

    Aline – When I put more up, you’ll see that I use laughter to compensate for the pain.

    luckinflux – Oh, there are many, many more. By the time you see them all, you will probably have a vagina.

  14. Is it creepy that that laugh at the very end was kinda hot? And judging by chin and chest, you might possibly be hot yourself.

    This makes me sick doesn’t it?

  15. You are dedicated to your craft my man, I admire that.

  16. wow Charlize Theron got mad props for shaving her eyebrows off and you just got your chest hair ripped off and i doubt anyone will award ya…..man i gave you a standing ovation but no way for ya to see it now that moment is lost

  17. Alisha

    I have been anxiously waiting. More more!!!! Must have more de-hairing!

  18. I feel like I’m watching an horror movie trailer 😆

  19. bikerbabeee

    ah HA!! I now have a complete composite of your face for my stalk..er.. fan wall.
    And I must say that you are so The MAN for laughing your way through that.. I have to get very tipsy to make it through my waxings giggling. cant wait for the full vid. xoxo.. happy VD day this week luv.

  20. cian

    I love it. Can’t wait for the full post…and remember, they said they’d try to get you a discount as a frequent customer…

  21. Peachy

    I laughed so friggin’ hard!

  22. Marvo, I’m very impressed you followed through. How commited you are to the site – I think that’s what cracks me up more than anything.

  23. demondoll

    OMG Marvo- Your reaction is much better than my hubs. I tried to help his back, and thought he went mad from the pain. (I feared for my life for a sec)

    You’re my hero. I think.

  24. karen – Sadly, everything below my chest and above my chin will disappoint you.

    Jeremy Hobbs – Or maybe I REALLY like pain.

    KrissPin – Your laughter and pity are the only awards I need…and maybe some soothing lotion.

    Alisha – Oh, you’ll get more.

    Zhu – If I showed my entire hairy body you would think you’re watching a bad werwolf movie.

    bikerbabeee – Sadly I compensate for the pain by laughing. The full video will have a lot of laughing.

    cian – What? You want to relive it again. Shit, you were in the room.

    Peachy – My pain = Your pleasure

    Nevis – I’m all about the follow through…except at work…and tennis…and golf.

    demondoll – Honestly, there’s another point when I just laugh for about 30 seconds straight. I think when my mind snaps, I don’t get mad or crazy, I just laugh.

  25. is it wrong that that brought me joy to see you in pain

  26. Man, when the full video is finally posted… it’s going to be a very, very, /very/ good day. 😉

  27. Doodoolicious – If two wrongs make a right, then find someone else who found joy in my pain.

    The Lazy Canadian – That day should be a holiday.

  28. oh man, i tear up getting my eyebrows waxed. i can’t even imagine!

  29. miss petite america – Well, when I put up the whole video, you will be able to imagine it.

  30. Rose

    Marvo, in my minds eye, I did not picture you being an attractive man with nice teeth and nice chest hair. I pictured you more as one of the asians who somehow end up on my island, who all happen to be middle aged business men, and who want to make me their young bride. of course, they could get their own faux child bride in japan, since everyone who has a vagina and is between the ages of zero and fifty looks like a child there.

    that being said,
    you have -cough- had, nice chest hair. and good teeth. good for you.

  31. Rose – I think I’ll end up that way when I’m middle aged, so I’ll disappoint you then.

  32. that looks SOOOO painful!

  33. Webmiztris – It wasn’t so bad.

  34. Welcome to the female world!

  35. Kylie

    Hey, so when is this thing going up??? Is this just a scheme to keep me checking back every single day?