Brothers-All-Natural Potato Crisps

In honor of these Brothers-All-Natural Potato Crisps being all-natural, I am eating them au naturel, or naked for you non-French speaking folk, because if they’ve got nothing to hide, then I’ve got nothing to hide. We’ll just put both of our cards on the table. Of course, some cards are bigger than others, and unfortunately, theirs were bigger. However, just as unsightly as my naked body is, these potato chips…I mean, potato crisps were just as unflattering.

You know how, “once you pop, you can’t stop” with regular potato chips, I didn’t get that feeling with these. I guess it’s like when wild animals get the taste of human blood, it’s all they crave, and that’s the way I feel about potato chips. They taste much better than these Brothers-All-Natural Potato Crisps and it will be very hard to convince me otherwise.

It’s like when your doctor tells you have to stop drinking regular Pepsi, and then you start drinking Diet Pepsi to try and replace it, but it just isn’t the same. What I’m trying to say is, the Brothers-All-Natural Potato Crisps are like the diet cola of potato chips. You won’t like the taste at first, but you’ll eventually get used to it, because you have to.

The Brothers-All-Natural Potato Crisps comes in four flavors: Original with Sea Salt, Black Pepper and Sea Salt, Fresh Onion and Garlic, and Szechuan Pepper and Fresh Chives. I tried the last two flavors and I wasn’t impressed with either of them. The flavor was very light and was only there during the first couple of chews, but after that it disappears and they end up tasting sort of like Baked Lay’s potato chips.

According to the packaging, the potatoes go through a revolutionary freeze-drying process that gently removes the water to lock in nutrients naturally found in potatoes while preserving the flavor. The potato crisps seemed very fragile, like my ego and Precious Moments figurines, but were surprisingly durable. Freeze-drying, instead of frying or baking, dramatically increases the healthiness of these potato crisps. They have zero grams of fat and only 35 calories per bag, which is more than four times less calories than a 1-ounce serving size of regular Lay’s Potato Chips. But again, its flavor was probably four times less flavorful as regular Lay’s Potato Chips.

Brothers-All-Natural also has fruit slices that are freeze-dried, like these potato crisps, and I felt the apple and peach fruit slices were much more enjoyable than their starch counterparts. The idea behind Brothers-All-Natural Potato Crisps is a very noble one. Potato chips can be addictive, like cigarettes and internet porn, so having a healthier version of it would make popping and not stopping seem not so bad. Unfortunately, these potato crisps aren’t able to break my addiction.

(Nutrition Facts – 1 bag – 35 calories, 0 grams of fat, 0 grams of trans fat, 0 grams of cholesterol, 190-220 milligrams of sodium, 8 grams of carbs, 1 grams of dietary fiber, 1 grams of sugar, and 1 gram of protein.)

(Editor’s Note: I have a few extra samples of Brothers-All-Natural products that I would like to give away to readers (Ace is not eligible), so I’m going to have a drawing for them. If you’re interested in winning a free sample, just leave a comment for this review and let me know if you’d like to win either a potato crisps sample or a fruit slices sample. I’ll stop collecting entries on Sunday evening and announce the winners next week. Have fun!)

Item: Brothers-All-Natural Potato Crisps
Price: FREE
Purchased at: Given by PR people
Rating: 4 out of 10
Pros: Healthier than potato chips. All-natural. 100% fat free. Kind of tastes like Baked Lays. Brothers-All-Natural Fruit Slices.
Cons: It’s the diet cola of potato chips. Not as good as real potato chips. Serving size is small for my fat ass. Flavor was light. Crisps seem very fragile. My naked body.


47 responses to “Brothers-All-Natural Potato Crisps”

  1. Hmmm, these sound kind of intriguingly healthy, even if they aren’t very flavor-filled. Put me down for the drawing for a bag of the potato crisps. And get some clothes on.

  2. Bikerbabeee

    I figure that if you are going to eat potato chips you may as well eat the real thing. Put me in for a bag of the fruit crisps and I will eat them naked too!

  3. Amy

    Funny you should mention that they also make freeze-dried fruit. When you mentioned that the potato chips were freeze-dried I remembered the freeze dried mango I had at Trader Joe’s.

    Count me in for the freeze-dried fruit.

  4. Captain Needa

    I like the bag coloring but those are some unsightly potato chips. I want to see if the real thing looks any better, so sign me up for the crisps. And can you fold the corners of my entry so you have a better chance of choosing it?

  5. Alastor

    What’s with this all-natural, hippy shit, Marvo?

  6. Tony

    The potato chips do look unappetizing, I’m afraid to try those. The fruit slices, however, do appeal to me. Put me down for the fruit in your drawing. Thanks, man.

  7. jtmoney

    the freeze dried fruit snack sounds much more appetizing than dried potato. blech. put me down for fruit!

  8. Karen B.

    I’ll try some potato crisps.

  9. These sounds…interesting. Not good, really, but interesting. Put me down for a bag of the potato crisps.

  10. kristen

    i love freeze dried fruit but its so darn expensive! put me down for a bag of the fruit!

  11. It sounds interesting… personally I prefer rippled chips with lots of dip.. 🙂 Definitley can’t eat just one.

    I like free stuff too!

  12. Jessica

    I’m curios about the potato crisps. I’ve never heard of that process before. Put me down for a bag of those.

  13. Ashley S.

    I’d like to try the potato crisps! Free? Pick me!!!!

  14. Echo810

    Put my name down for the drawing as well, please… I am curious about these now as well (would enjoy trying either the potato crisps or the fruit)!

  15. Liz

    I would like to win the potato crisps. I think they sound interesting!

  16. luckinflux

    I’m in for the chips. I’m shocked you didn’t have pictures of you nekkid with chips placed stratigicaly over your body. .

  17. Kylie

    I have yet to meet a potato chip I did not like. I have, however, met a few naked men that I didn’t like (a couple ex boyfriends and a random crazy guy downtown at 2am)

    Sign me up for the potato chip drawing. I have to say I’m curious about the chips.

  18. tamatha

    Hmm. I’m going though a potato chip addiction cycle right now and wouldn’t mind finding something that would make me feel less guilty. So, count me in the drawing for the potato chip sample, please. Also, I saw these at the store and wasn’t sure if they were worth trying.

  19. Amy-zie

    I’d try the crips; I tend to be masochistic with food. I’d try anything.

  20. amanda

    I will try anything since I try to eat healthy. I would like to try the fruit.

  21. amy

    i love your reviews. i’d be really interested in trying the fruit product they make. sounds interesting.

  22. Mixedvalleygirl

    All of these I’ve read but never commented on…but now that you’re offering the chance to receive a glorified rice cake by mail, why the heck not!

    Great review. So far, the Honey Bunches has been my fave. Keep up the good work.


  23. Ooo Ooo Ooo…is this contest open to Canadian residents? 🙂 If so, I’ll try the fruit eh.

  24. rossitron

    i want to win the potato *crisps* more than anything!!!11!!!!

  25. Gabs

    None of those potato CHIP flavors sound at all appealing. But then, I only really like BBQ flavored CHIPS anyway. I would love to try the fruit things, however. Big win, baby!

  26. eskaton

    I’d like to have a chance to try the potato chips/crisps please.

  27. Alastor

    I’d like to be part of the contest.. for the fruit ones!


    I’ll take either–potatoes or fruit. I wouldn’t be picky if I were picked!

  29. Alex Lifeson

    Geddy told me to put us down for the potatoe krisp give-a-way

  30. Janette

    Um. I read your blog a lot but don’t comment because I thought that you had to have an account. Now that you’re giving away more free stuff I was actually motivated to double check that. SO in conclusion, I like free things, such as potato crisps and if you were to (randomly) pick me, than I’ll probably comment again in the near future.

  31. Rose

    free chips..err. crisps. count me in =]

    fruit slices, those sound a bit more intemidating.

  32. Being on weight loss pound 14 of my weight watchers diet, I demand that you send these to me for testing in my lab. My lab = my tummy.

    Please 🙂

    If you must, please put me in for the drawing, if my demand was not convincing enough *tee hee* But seriously, I do love low calorie foods. Because diets really suck. Really, really, suck.

  33. Molly

    Ha, ha! Marvo’s got potato chip crumbs in his pubes.

  34. ruby

    Please enter me for free internet porn.

    Wait, that didn’t sound right.

  35. FatYoli

    My lab freeze-dries rats, freezed dried foods sound less yummy now.

  36. Joanna

    I’m eating white cheddar Cheetos and remembering I once ate potato chips made from lard, I know I never want to eat these things. But you have to get a hold of the lard chips. It’s a whole new experience.

  37. I’d love to try the fruit and eat them au natural!

  38. Sue

    I just tried the potato crisps with just sea salt and they tasted like..well…potatoes! raw! definitely won’t be substituting them for my pringles anytime soon. I think the fruit might be fun though..could you please sign me up for the drawing as well? thanks!

  39. Sign me up for the potato chip draw….. IM HUNGRY AND LONELY

  40. Stephen

    I’m interested in these chips – THe Pepper ones sound good.

  41. Val

    I would love to try these chips! I haven’t had freeze dried anything in years (: Sign me up for the draw!

  42. nicole

    i want potato chips so while eating them and i can imagine you eating them naked..hottttneessss haha

  43. Jessica

    I’m all about healthy crap at this moment. It’s helped me drop 18 lbs recently. Sign me up for the heathy chips!!

  44. Chris

    mmmm … eating healthy potato ‘crisps’ in the nude … count me in.

  45. Broken.Ugly

    Oh my. Healthy potato chips? This I gotta try – especially if it won’t end in a leakage tragedy like some OTHER so-called healtier alternatives did some years ago.

    Man, 1999 was a bad year for my pants.

  46. Broken.Ugly

    Oh my. Healthy potato chips? This I gotta try – especially if it won’t end in a leakage tragedy like some OTHER so-called healtier alternatives did some years ago.

    Man, 1999 was a bad year for my pants.

    (Er- I don’t think it went through… Did it?)

  47. Entries are no longer accepted.

    Thanks to everyone who participated