If you’re under the age of five, you probably won’t remember a time when Wheat Thins came in only two versions: original and low sodium. Since then, Nabisco has been pumping out new Wheat Thins flavors at a pace equal to the rate Michelle Duggar pumps out new babies from her bountiful womb. One of the latest additions to the Nabisco snack family is the Lightly Cinnamon Wheat Thins.
Cinnamon seems like a logical sweet flavor for Wheat Thins to dip their whole grain toes in because, honestly, I don’t think the world is ready for the greatness that could be found in Frosted Wheat Thins, Chocolate Wheat Thins or Frosted Chocolate Wheat Thins. Personally, I know I wouldn’t be able to handle that greatness, and if they ever did make any of those I would eat so much of it that they could no longer call it “Wheat Thins,” since it would cause me to become the opposite of thin.
Lightly Cinnamon Wheat Thins come close to that greatness because they are quite delicious, but I don’t have the urge to buy out the supply in every single store within a 20 mile radius, like I probably would with Frosted Chocolate Wheat Thins. At first, I thought the cinnamon flavor was a little too light, but then remembered the name of the product and kept chomping along. Complaining about the light cinnamon flavor is hard when on the front of the box it says in nice big letters, “Lightly Cinnamon.” It’s like getting angry at Fatburger for making me fat through the consumption of burgers.
The more I ate the Lightly Cinnamon Wheat Thins, the more I thought it had the right amount of cinnamon flavor. There was just enough cinnamon to make you forget you’re eating Wheat Thins and getting five grams of whole grains, but not so much that you might think you’re snorting lines of cinnamon off of a hooker’s ass.
I have to say that this is one of my favorite Wheat Thins flavors, and much like I look forward to finding out how many more children Michelle Duggar can squirt out before menopause hits, I look forward to finding out how many more sweet Wheat Thins flavors Nabisco will pump out.
(Nutrition Facts – 15 crackers – 140 calories, 5 grams of fat, 1 grams of saturated fat, 0 grams of trans fat, 3 grams of polyunsaturated fat, 1 gram of monounsaturated fat, 0 milligrams of cholesterol, 125 milligrams of sodium, 50 milligrams of potassium, 21 grams of carbs, 1 gram of dietary fiber, 5 grams of sugar, 2 grams of protein, 0% Vitamin A, 2% Calcium, 0% Vitamin C, and 6% Iron.)
Item: Nabisco Lightly Cinnamon Wheat Thins
Price: $2.50 (on sale)
Size: 9.5 ounces
Purchased at: Safeway
Rating: 9 out of 10
Pros: Delicious. Right amount of cinnamon. First sweet Wheat Thins. One of my favorite Wheat Thins flavors. 5 grams of whole grain per serving. Frosted Wheat Thins, Chocolate Wheat Thins or Frosted Chocolate Wheat Thins.
Cons: Contains HFCS. Getting fat by eating Fatburgers. Watching the TV Show 17 Kids and Counting (It’s not as entertaining as Jon & Kate Plus 8). Getting fat whenever Nabisco makes Frosted Wheat Thins, Chocolate Wheat Thins or Frosted Chocolate Wheat Thins.
16 responses to “REVIEW: Nabisco Lightly Cinnamon Wheat Thins”
cinnamon man I love that flavor….did you know that cinnamon lowers blood sugar. I sprinkle cinnamon in my applesauce. Also cinnamon is a bark, Vietman has the best cinnamon.. Speaking of Vietman……..incoming incoming
Charlie coming east from the rice patty….john give me the 50 cal machine gun……..BAM BAM BAM BAM….IM HIT IM HIT
how bad is it Doc fade to black…………………………..
I never have snorted lines of cinnamon off of anything. It sounds kind of painful. I think I might make some cinnamon rolls this morning though…I still have some leftover dough from making rolls for Thanksgiving.
They should call them Sweet Thins.
And now I’m going back under my rock.
These sound scrumptious! I hope I can find some. I’d much rather eat these than anymore turkey dinner leftovers.
anyone else notice that wheat thins lost their texture when they took out the trans fat??
cinnamon still sounds good. mybe with some cream cheese icing.
hmm that sounds pretty yummy.
and its scary.. michelle duggar is on what child 18, 19? gah
@Neil – Cinnamon does have health benefits, but causes coughing when trying to consume a spoonful of it.
@Chuck – Mmm…Cinnabon. Feel the fat.
@NotBlonde – Wait. Wait. I have to tell you all the things you’ve missed while under a rock.
@Erin – I think turkey should be banned from Christmas. It should be chicken or ostrich. Or turducken.
@Kaco – Oooh, cream cheese on top. Or Cinnabon frosting.
@Lex – She just gave birth to her 18th this month. I predict she’ll pop out 20.
cinnamon is not all that good for you…. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coumarin
Marvo, now i remember why i miss coming here. Well done.
Happy and healthy 2009 and beyond to you!
ALOHA from San Diego.
(i dig regular WHEAT THINS.)
They sound utterly yummy.
<3 Be well, Marvo.
i have a lot to get caught up on your blog here…
@FatYoli – In moderation should be fine, but snorting it off of a hooker’s back is probably not good for me.
@Karen – Hi there, Karen! Long time no see!
I have heard that you are going to discontinue the Lightly Cinnamon Wheat Thins. I do hope that is not true! I eat them every day at lunch and would really miss them.
[…] 2009, I have lamented the discontinuation of my beloved Lightly Cinnamon Wheat Thins, which were introduced in 2008. I gave them a 9 out of 10, but Nabisco gave me heartache when they […]
I love these things, but you cant find them anymore. I was so upset that they didnt have them at walmart and i looked and looked. They said they only come out at holiday time.. Well thats dumb.. they are so good. Plus they are good for you to verses other things. The cinnamon is good for the diabetic to. I wish they would bring these back permenatly!!!!!
Please keep the cinnamon wheat thins Forever on the shelf.