NEWS: Sprite Green Makes Regular Sprite Feel Like A Fatty

The Coca-Cola Company recently made their lemon-lime soda, Sprite, a little self-conscious this month by introducing the slimmer and sexier Sprite Green.

The big deal about Sprite Green is that it is one of the first beverages in the U.S. made with TRUVIA, a zero-calorie natural sweetener, which was develop by Cargill and the Coca-Cola Company. I could explain in detail what TRUVIA is and how it’s made, but instead I will refer you to this Wikipedia page because if I did try I would probably make stuff up, like TRUVIA got its name because the creators of the natural sweetener are big fans of the cancelled FOX show Tru Calling.

Although, TRUVIA is a zero-calorie sweetener, Sprite Green will have 50 calories per 8.5-ounce serving and contain 5% lemon juice. It’s being marketed to active teens and young adults, but will probably be consumed more by inactive adults looking to cut a few extra calories. It was launched in only two U.S. cities earlier this month in pretty 8.5-ounce aluminum bottles, but will be available to more inactive adults in January 2009.


9 responses to “NEWS: Sprite Green Makes Regular Sprite Feel Like A Fatty”

  1. Ah, you mean Stevia? I’ve tried drinks sweetened with Stevia, namely, organic Stevia-sweetened cola. Good stuff, it is. Tastes like a better version of Aspartame.

  2. Natalie

    What cities will it be available in? LA and NYC?

  3. Although I love stevia, I love purple sprite even more.

  4. bikerbabeee

    Hmm.. anything is better than High-fructose corn syrup. I will have to look for this as is is not available where I am yet. I have been following the controversy about Stevia and I hope it is resolved soon. I t sounds very promising.

  5. @Canned Reviews – I haven’t tried any drinks with it, but I hear it’s the next big thing. Pepsi is coming out with their own version.

    @Natalie – I don’t know which cities. It didn’t mention it in the press release, but I’m guessing it will probably be those cities.

    @Red Icculus – I love Sprite Remix.

    @bikerbabeee – I’m disappointed I can make fun of Stevia, like with Splenblah.

  6. Neil

    This new sprite looks like green grass clippings
    I have had this stevia before and its good like like making love in vermont in a nice tent on a cool summer night

  7. jodie

    I’ve tried it. It tastes OK. For some reason it has a slightly bad aftertaste if you drink it with ice. Not as good at room temperature as it is cold. Of course it is also much more expensive than regular Sprite/Diet Sprite (due to the glass bottles).

  8. brian

    Jodie, can you tell me where you got to try the Sprite Green at? Thanks.

  9. jodie


    I was part of a product tasting panel and they sent me some Sprite Green in the mail to try out and test.