PRIZE DRAWING: Because I Don’t Need It

I have a coupon from the PR firm that represents Carl’s Jr. for a free Carl’s Jr. Charbroiled Steak Sandwich that I would like to give away to a TIB reader (see picture of coupon above). It’s not redeemable at Hardee’s, so this drawing is only open to those who live near a Carl’s Jr.

I’m sorry to those who don’t live near a Carl’s Jr., but TIB will be holding another prize drawing in a few weeks that will be open to more readers.

To enter this prize drawing, leave a comment for THIS post with whatever you want to say. Please fill out the email field. TIB will stop accepting entries on Wednesday, December 31, 2008 11:59 p.m. Hawaii Standard Time. One one entry is allowed per person and it is only open to those 18 years old or older.

Good luck!

Fine Print: The Impulsive Buy promises your email address will not be used to send you emails from the future to warn you about that man/woman/co-worker/anal probe. The Impulsive Buy also promises your mailing address will not be used to send you information about anything with a 0% APR. Bribes will not be accepted. The Impulsive Buy will not be responsible for lost mail, damaged mail, or power outages.


59 responses to “PRIZE DRAWING: Because I Don’t Need It”

  1. Alex

    I enjoy sandwiches.

  2. Steve

    A complete sandwich?

  3. MCW

    Carl’s Jr. commercials tend to either annoy me or piss me off but I guess I’d give them a try if the sandwich was free. Thanks for the offer.

  4. David

    This is quite a thing, you know.

  5. Hooray for free food!

  6. sfmitch

    Winner, Winner, Steak Sandwich for Dinner!

  7. Yum, yum, yummy!!!

  8. Michelle Haley

    I thought we were going out for a steak dinner…

  9. Nickie

    Oh I want to try one!
    There’s a Carl’s Jr. about 500m away from where I live.

  10. Bunny

    The Charbroiled Steak Sandwich looks like it might be good. My broke ass doesn’t have enough pennies to go and buy one.

  11. luckinflux

    Looking at that make my mouth water…

  12. Ryandog

    nice!!!!! Good Luck to all!

  13. ultradave

    Happy holidays, TIB staff 🙂

  14. Charlie

    Hey guys, this seems like a good time to drop a comment. I’ve really enjoyed your site over the past few weeks (a friend sent me a link in an email). It’s one of the few fun blogs I’m subscribed to, next to the 40+ business blogs I read. It is a haven among the monotonous business drudgery I go through each week. Thanks for keeping it light and enjoyable!

  15. Kari

    We live near a Carl’s Jr. and would be happy to eat a sandwich on your behalf. 🙂

  16. donnabgood

    Please it’s my birthday and it would make a lovely gift.. not really but hey why not..give it to me now and I’ll save it for my birthday in March..

  17. Kevin

    Free is very generous.

  18. Mike

    Loves me some Impulsive Buy and Carl’s Jr.

  19. Damon

    Looks good!

  20. Diann

    Go Chargers! (you said anything…)

  21. Olivia

    That thing looks amazing.

  22. Cat

    I’ve actually never tried Carl’s Jr. in my life!

  23. I want to dress up and have my imaginary boyfriend take me for a steak dinner! I’ve been without for so long!

  24. kristen

    OOOO i def. want to give that a try!

  25. Badtz-Marie

    Onaka suita!
    Me so hun-gry!!!

  26. Cheri

    I am soooooooooooo hungry for this!

  27. Heidi

    I am at a walking distance to Carl’s Jr.

    Not that this has anything to do with … anything, but I thought I should mention that.

  28. Jason

    I swore I would never pay to eat at Carl’s again. This is the only way I will be able to eat there again.

  29. Larry S. Singleton

    I Luv me Some Steak Sammiches !!!! An appropriate “off the cuff “Haiku:

    This Sandwich I want
    I will eat it all up fast
    And Be Full At Last

  30. Opal

    Oh, wow. That thing looks delicious!

  31. Cathy

    Does Carl Jr take dinner reservations?

  32. Ken H

    Steak in any form is STEAK!!!!!! Steak is Good.

  33. Maple

    Carl’s Jr time!

  34. The Central Scrutinizer

    Free = Good

  35. JJ

    Woohoo! I could have used that coupon as a great source of fiber in the great Oahu blackout the other day

  36. Phoenix has Carl Jr’s Please tell me they use A1 suce on this sandwhich……….eyhaw

  37. Dan D

    Good thing I love Carl’s Jr!

  38. Barbara

    I certainly don’t need it either, but that won’t stop me! 😉 Thanks!

  39. nancy

    My daughter just moved back in with me, and is raiding my fridge nonstop. Coupons for free food would be good for her.

  40. I love freebies! Thanks a lot for the giveaway. Feed a college student, haha.

  41. julianna

    yay free food!

  42. thnx for having these giveaways every so often it makes me always check ur site out which is great by the by

  43. Adam

    Sad…. It’s so far away. So I expect to win — and then cry.

  44. Nhiro

    Get in my belly.

  45. Ofer

    a steak is so right
    my belly’s so tight
    i just need to eat
    o’plenty of meat
    give me the prize
    my appetite shall rise
    look at those onion rings
    these are just my kind of things.

    i will now go and wait for my coupon by staring blankly at my mail box. thank you.

  46. Shannon

    We don’t have a carl’s jr, so this is hopeless.

  47. andy

    mmmmm…hamburger…or steakburger…

  48. Maudelle

    Oh yeah, Steak Dinner!

  49. Brad

    Woot Woot

  50. Chris

    Mmmmmm…..Carl’s Jr.!!

  51. MrBirchum

    Me wants free heart attack on bun

  52. Mike

    mmm, steak dinner with fixins

  53. Dana

    I am poor and need food.

  54. Aaron

    I totally won’t try this sandwich unless I win it, so I hope I do.

  55. Tom

    Looks tasty.

  56. Jas D.

    I won’t eat it, but my husband would love to. Especially for free!

  57. April

    looks like something hubby would eat