NEWS: Enjoy A 99% Cleaner Way To Eat Cinnabon With Kellogg’s Cinnabon Snack Bars

Cinnabon is a staple of malls across America. Each store’s sweet, cinnamon scent is the bait that lures hungry shoppers to the cashier, who is waiting for those poor souls to cough up the cash for the gooey, sugary taste of a Cinnabon cinnamon roll topped with frosting. Armed with a fork and knife, those poor souls will cut one of those huge cinnamon rolls in half so that they can enjoy the other half later. But once the warm delectable baked good hits their tongue, they’ll decide to finish it all in one sitting because it won’t taste as good later on.

Even with a fork and knife, their hands still end up stickier than the floor at a 25 cent peep show and napkins don’t help at all. After the gluttony has ended, they’ll look down upon their sticky hands and curse Cinnabon for being so delicious, but within the following weeks they’ll repeat the journey all over again.

Or if their will is strong, they can eat the new Kellogg’s Cinnabon Snack Bars as a replacement, which are probably significantly better for them and cleaner than regular Cinnabon cinnamon rolls. But they probably aren’t as tasty, even if they warm up the snack bars like the packaging suggests.

The Cinnabon Snack Bars come in two flavors: original and caramel. One bar of the original flavor contains 150 calories, 4.5 grams of fat, 2 grams of saturated fat, 130 milligrams of sodium, 26 grams of carbohydrates and 13 grams of sugar. A bar of the caramel version has 150 calories, 4 grams of fat, 2 grams of saturated fat, 85 milligrams of sodium, 27 grams of carbohydrates and 14 grams of sugar.


11 responses to “NEWS: Enjoy A 99% Cleaner Way To Eat Cinnabon With Kellogg’s Cinnabon Snack Bars”

  1. I bet these are SUPER tasty….especially warmed up! I hate Cinnabons, they’re enormous.

  2. grinder

    These do look good. But it’s not quite the same as bingeing on Cinnabon and having to purge in a filthy mall bathroom.

  3. Yikes! I don’t expect much from this incarnation of Cinnabon but I will surely try it when I see it… Cinnabon is soooo evil…..

  4. Neil the hammer

    looks good did you know cinnimon lowers blood sugar


  5. Woodenhand

    Somtimes a well placed Cinnbon is one of the greatest of the many simple pleasures in life, although these bars are probably tasty nothing can replace the calorie laden, waist/butt expanding goodness of a real cinnabon. Would love to give these a try though

  6. amanda

    I would love to try these…wonder if they taste healthy though

  7. Heather

    why oh why did they make these and why did you post this? now I’m gonna have to go check them out :/ I’m such a sucker. Though the carmel ones should have pecans like the real ones 🙂

  8. That is just downright ridiculous. The best and most IMPORTANT part of eating a Cinnabon cinnamon roll is the aftermath of such absurd gluttony: the gooey mess of lardy icing covering your chubby wubby fingers and the doughy guilt bloat you get afterwards.

    No snack bar can satisfy the way empty calories in the form of an atomic weigh gain ball of cinnamon butter heaven can.

    End of story!

    Love, Gimmeyummy

  9. Autumn Rybolt

    I would like to buy cinnabonn bars 4 boxes how much and how do I pay?
    I tryed 5 times Lansing and Charlotte Meijers and wal-mart and they are no longer carring them I also called and talked to the mangers at both and they said no longer carring them why? I love them and have trouble eating and can get them I hope I can buy some let me know how? I like them for Breakfest. Please let me know soon I only have 1 left. thanks:):)

    1. We have no affiliation with Kellogg’s. We also do not sell any products.