REVIEW: Rita’s Swedish Fish Italian Ice

The country of Sweden is known for many things, like disco songs about dancing queens who are jailbait, safe cars, oddly shaped furniture and, according to every single porno and Spike TV’s MANswers, easy, big-boobed blonde chicks.

However, to American children Sweden is known for its candied fish (and maybe the easy, big-boobed blonde chicks, thanks to issues of Penthouse). Unlike the country of Sweden, Swedish Fish are diverse and come in several flavors like lime, lemon, Salmiak purple and the iconic red. Apparently, nobody can identify what flavors red and purple are since they are unique to the candy. Swedish Fish are pretty much wine gums.

I fell in love with this type of candy over ten years ago during a vacation to Europe. Being eleven, I thought there was actual wine in these chewy candies. So, of course, when I brought them back and gave some to my friends, we acted “buzzed.” When I later found out there wasn’t any booze in them, I of course didn’t tell my friends, who continued to act like miniature Courtney Loves.

I can now relive those days thanks to Rita’s new Swedish Fish Italian Ice.

When I go to Rita’s, I usually get my standard mint chocolate chip, cherry, chocolate or mango treat, but the other day while walking in a rainstorm to get some (I will brave the elements for Rita) I saw a sign for the new flavor and I just wanted to get on my knees and thank whoever came up with this heavenly concoction. Of course, I didn’t actually do that, but even if I did, it wouldn’t be the craziest thing to see in Center City, Philadelphia. It’s nothing compared to seeing the 250 pound cross-dresser with a blonde wig and a R.I.P Dale Earnhardt tattoo.

As you can tell, if you’re not colored blind, the Rita’s Swedish Fish Italian Ice is the red flavor. If you’re wondering what the hell Italian Ice is, it’s slush or whatever you may call it in your respected region of the globe. I apologize in advance if you have never tasted what I call, “The Nectar of the Gods.” After trying it, I swear to you, life became a little bit brighter, I could hear angels singing sweet songs and my tongue was pretty much saying, “MORE! MORE! MORE!”

It’s THAT good.

The Swedish Fish Italian Ice tastes exactly like the candy. There is no denying that it’s Swedish Fish flavored. In fact, it’s better than the candy because the texture and coldness really brings out the flavor. I’m a fan of the Slurpee, but their flavors (with the exception of Pepsi and Coca-Cola) tend to only resemble the actual flavor.

Like all Rita’s Italian Ices, the Swedish Fish flavor comes in three sizes — kids, regular and large — and I’m sad that I only got a regular, because it’s THAT good. I also suggest if you’re near a Rita’s location, try this flavor ASAP, because unlike the songs of ABBA, it will be around for only a limited time.

(Nutrition Facts – 1 regular cup – 320 calories, 0 grams of fat, 0 milligrams of cholesterol, 35 milligrams of sodium, 80 grams of carbohydrates, 0 grams of fiber, 77 grams of sugar, 0 grams of protein, 2% calcium and 2% vitamin C.)

Item: Rita’s Swedish Fish Italian Ice
Price: $2.60 (varies by location)
Size: Regular Size
Purchased at: Rita’s
Rating: 10 out of 10
Pros: Tastes exactly like red Swedish Fish. Fat free. Texture and temperature makes it taste better than the actual candy. Sweden’s many great contributions to the world of low priced furniture, safe automobiles, disco anthems and easy women. Having a Rita’s location within walking distance to get my fix.
Cons: Only available for a limited time. Swedish stereotypes. Disco songs that get stuck in my head. Rita’s isn’t available everywhere. Salmiak-flavored Swedish Fish is not available in America.


37 responses to “REVIEW: Rita’s Swedish Fish Italian Ice”

  1. I absolutely love Swedish Fish. This looks like the best thing evar.

  2. This review reminds me that I have to buy the Movits album on iTunes.

  3. Anonymous

    I thought it was good, but it was not a 10 for me. It definitely had a Swedish fish aftertaste, but the front end was too heavy on the cherry. I was looking forward to trying this flavor since they announced it back in the spring. Next time I’m switching back to mango.

  4. I’ve never heard of Rita’s before. Probably another chain that would never come to Texas.

  5. Neil the Hammer

    No war storys today. i love those red fish and I love icees of all sorts. lugies ice in cherry or lemon oh man do i love them soooooo much I remember freezing pepsi when i was a child
    i would drink it the next day in the 90 degree sun in our hay field oh man what simple clean memorys with no ghosts
    to haunt me. thats what i did this year when pepsi throwback came out But with throwback the ghost were attached to my soul and no amount of pepsi can wash that away


  6. Yes! Two of them in my state!! I want a swedish fish italian ice!

  7. wait, swedish fish come in colors/flavors other than red? huh. out here in AZ i can only ever find the red kind and they’re blandy mcblah. and there are sadly no rita’s round this corner of the desert that i know of. ah well. back to gummy bears and eegee’s ices i go.

  8. Rita’s is so common ’round these parts. So lemme get this straight. Cherry flavor, which is red, is different from Swedish Fish flavor, which is red.

    1. Chewy Chewy

      Aw, you poor thing. No one’s told you that red is a color, not a flavor?

  9. MMmmmm Swedish Fish! I would love to try that ice.

    But Per Gessle is Sweeden’s best gift to the world (possibly second to big-boobed blonds)

  10. OMG! A perfect 10….a perfect 10?!? Is that possible? I’ve only been to Rita’s twice and that was a long long time ago….but I must say, it was a 10 then too. Man, I’ve got to find a Rita’s….I think the closest it at least 1000 miles.

    …they have even subdued Neil the Hammer! This is magical Swedish/Italian elixir.

  11. Swedish Fish Italian Ice? Haven’t had it yet but I guarentee you I’d like it. Rita’s has some good stuff. I have a few Rita’s near me so I’ll have to check this out before it goes away.

    Best Swedish Band: Refused

  12. amanda

    I love Rita’s!! They are down here in southern VA. However I will be moving up to the DC metro area now. I am not sure if they are up there. Anyway, I love the Slendarita from them. Also blendinis.

    @Chuck- you got the better BBQ down in texas so there is no worries. I use to live hour north of Austin. My favorite was Rudy’s and Pokey Joe’s

  13. Is it hard to believe that I have never been to a Rita’s even though they are all around me?

    Man my mom and I use to rock Sweetish Fish when I was a kid!

  14. Dana

    Hey, you’re from Philly…it’s WATER ICE! Rita’s WATER ICE.

  15. @Dana Marvo made me change Water Ice to Italian Ice…yes, I know. 😛

  16. Barry

    Why the hell were you asked to change it? A cheesesteak isn’t a “steak sandwhich with cheese” just as Rita’s water ice is water ice. Screw what says.

  17. JenVegas

    can someone please tell this poor chicagoite what the hell a Rita’s is?????

  18. That looks so yummy! I love those candies.

  19. Rob

    damn you for this review, its been years sine I had Ritas or even Italian Ice for that matter, the closest thing we have to it in tucson that I know of is eegees

  20. And down here, it’s pronounced wooder, not wah-ter.

    I’m a sucker for the gelatis. My favorite flavor would have to be Georgia Peach, but I’ll have to give the Swedish Fish a try – I’ve been curious ever since I’ve seen it advertised at practically every location around here.

  21. laurafizzpop

    Someone told me once that the red Swedish Fish were lingonberry flavored. I tend to agree as the lingonberry juice at IKEA taste pretty darn similar. Maybe I’m just weird…

    I had one of the Swedish Fish ices at the Rita’s here in Texas (yes there is one…and they’re opening three more according to the website) and it was good, but not as delightful as my usual mango ice. Most people who’ve had it tend to agree with Kayla that it’s a 10/10, though.

  22. Rita

    I always thought Swedish Fish had a definite “artificial pear” type flavor. I liked the Swedish Fish ice, but Watermelon is still my favorite!

  23. Rachel

    I am so jealous! The only Rita’s in my area went out of business shortly after closing for the season last year. All of their flavors taste exactly like their names, which is something you don’t get very often from food items. The pumpkin pie was awesome. I want my Rita’s back. How do I start my own franchise?

  24. Martin from Sweden

    Hi everyone,
    Sorry to disappoint you all but Swedish Fish are NOT from Sweden at all.
    I’m from Sweden and during my 54 years I’ve never seen them in Sweden…..and both myself and my kids like candy so we are well aware of the available kinds.
    I’m also disappointed about the commercial run on the radio show 102.9 classic rock WMGK, were they say “Swedish phrases”, which are not funny at all and one is definitely stupid and make no sense at all. I’d like to get a comment, or rather an explanation of what they really wanted to say, (I could help them make a good translation so it actually make some sense) from the maker of that commercial and also the company sponsoring it.

  25. Went out a bit earlier and tried this today. It was absolutely incredible. I could not put this frozen delight down even though it was so cold.

  26. I gave it a try today, as a gelati. The taste was right on. And as a bonus treat, I got a little packet of Swedish Fish candy, and a coupon off the candy for use in grocery stores.

  27. Devika

    OMG I love Rita’s! Now I have to visit my parents in NJ so I can try this!

  28. You can also buy Rita’s in quart sizes! I have a friend that usually eats it in one sitting, but he also says it lasts a day or so in the freezer.

  29. Katie

    Oh man, I tried this last week. I love Rita’s and this is probably their best flavor. 😀

  30. I’m on the 44 bus to Center City RIGHT THIS MINUTE, going to get me a swedish fish Rita’s.

  31. Laura

    I tried it, and I liked it, but I was disappointed that there were no little bits of Swedish Fish candy in it.
    I was expecting candy bits. ):
    But maybe they would end up all frozen and hard, anyway…

  32. GH

    “Sorry to disappoint you all but Swedish Fish are NOT from Sweden at all.
    I’m from Sweden and during my 54 years I’ve never seen them in Sweden…..and both myself and my kids like candy so we are well aware of the available kinds.”

    You are wrong. They were originally made by Malaco and I’ve eaten the Swedish made ones (I’m Finnish). The American versions are slightly different, but they are based on Malaco’s original version.

  33. […] summer, I reviewed Rita’s Swedish Fish Italian Ice (or Water Ice where I’m from) and it certainly deserved a perfect ten rating. I mean, […]