REVIEW: Limited Edition Chips Ahoy! Fudge Bites

Limited Edition Chips Ahoy! Fudge Bites

Seriously, the Limited Edition Chips Ahoy! Fudge Bites was the best idea that came out of some brainstorming meeting at Nabisco to come up with new cookies. That must have been one short meeting because it looks like a product that took five seconds to come up with.

For a limited edition cookie, it’s really unimaginative, because it just looks like a Hershey’s Kiss fell on top of a small Chips Ahoy! cookie and melted. It also sort of looks like two frogs mating, but that might just be me. Heck, I thought the easy opening resealable packaging was more exciting than the cookie itself. I think a roomful of college-aged stoners with a bunch of cookies, candies and other snacks could’ve come up with at least ten good cookie ideas by the time the weed was gone, unless they got distracted by episodes of Wow! Wow! Wubbzy!

The cookie used for these Fudge Bites are significantly smaller than regular Chips Ahoy! and measure about 1.5 inches in diameter, but I guess if they were bigger, they couldn’t be called “bites.” The fudge is place smack dab in the middle of the cookie in an indentation. If you want to make a monster out of cookies, you would probably use these as its eyes. Or you can use them as its nipples.

I feel sorry for the chocolate chips in the cookie because they seem unnecessary thanks to the fudge, which overwhelms them. The fudge isn’t of a high quality, but it does give the crunchy cookie a really strong chocolate taste. With the fudge being as big as it is, it ensures there will be fudge in every bite. But then again they’re small enough that most of you could easily fit an entire cookie in your mouth without the need for opening your jaw like you’re deep throating a banana.

The Chips Ahoy! Fudge Bites are good, but they should be for an easily conceived concept that combines two things people love and doesn’t take much risk. They’re limited edition and I’m fine with that, because I don’t think I’ll miss them when they’re gone. Although it will be hard to find a replacement for my cookie monster’s eyes and nipples.

(Nutrition Facts – 4 cookies – 170 calories, 8 grams of fat, 4 grams of saturated fat, 0 grams of trans fat, 2 grams of polyunsaturated fat, 1 gram of monounsaturated fat, 0 milligrams of cholesterol, 110 milligrams of sodium, 45 milligrams of potassium, 22 grams of carbohydrates, less than 1 gram of fiber, 11 grams of sugar, 2 grams of protein and 6% iron.)

Item: Limited Edition Chips Ahoy! Fudge Bites
Price: $3.50 (on sale)
Size: 10.2 ounces
Purchased at: Safeway
Rating: 7 out of 10
Pros: Good, but they should be! Fudge in every bite! Resealable packaging! Small enough to stick a whole cookie in my mouth! Making a monster out of cookies!
Cons: Not an imaginative idea! Chocolate chips were meaningless thanks to the fudge! Smaller than regular Chips Ahoy! Having to put an exclamation point after Chips Ahoy!


22 responses to “REVIEW: Limited Edition Chips Ahoy! Fudge Bites”

  1. Looks like they basically took the formula of the (amazing) nipple cookies someone almost always ends up bringing to cookie swaps during the holidays. Except they realized they couldnt drop a Hershey Kiss on there so they plopped a un-nippleized piece of chocolate.

    Still looks good though.

    Nipple Cookies ====>

  2. @Greg “Nipple Cookie”? Lol that’s funny. The proper name is thumb print cookie cause you use your thumb to make the dent in the cookie dough for the kiss.

    @Marvo I agree with you, they could have been much more imaginative with this. But do you remember a long time ago when we were kids and the chocolate chip cookies with the chocolate fudge? I don’t remember if they were Chips Ahoy or Keebler.

  3. saw these at work the other day and started drooling

  4. Are these at all like keebler magic middles, Marvo!?

  5. The Keebler Fudge elves are pissed.

  6. J.J.

    I’m still trying to find some magical way to see this whole “two frogs mating” ordeal

  7. Those look good.

  8. amanda

    They do look good…think I would rather have a homemade “nipple” cookie. ha ha

  9. Raymond

    Damn, these cookies look mad good. I will totally buy these at my local Target and Stop and Shop. And since they’re limited edition, i better get the lead out haha.

  10. These things are awesome. Especially if you let them sit in a hot car, and the fudge melts.

    They’re $2.50 at Wallyworld.

  11. Neil THE HAMMER

    wow these sound better then a one legged man at an ass kicking contest. when i spotted these cookies at walmat I folded up faster then supeman doing laundry


  12. These cookies kind of look like one of the Keebler elves dropped a dooce on a regular Chips Ahoy, then decided to package a bunch of those cookies together as a brilliant marketing scheme.

  13. Kiki

    I can’t buy things like this. I have perfect self-control while shopping, but none at home. When the BF brings home potato chips, I curse him angrily, then grab the bag and disappear with it until all the chips are gone. Then I reappear and tell him what a d-bag he was to buy chips.

    And yeah, I’ve given up on the White Sox this year. What a memory you have, Marvo.

  14. Natalie

    I read this review earlier and was going to comment that I haven’t had chips ahoy! cookies in a long time…but then I had to run to go to dinner with friends. Oddly enough, I split a chips ahoy! sundae with a friend for dessert.

  15. @The Frozen Food Master: They called those nipple cookies. Sweet!

    @Erin Brooks: I vaguely remember them, but I’m sure Keebler came up with something like this.

    @brad: Buy them. Employee discount!

    @JamieSusan: They sound like they could be.

    @Yum Yucky: But harmless.

    @J.J.: Although I didn’t use them, try illegal drugs.

    @Lex: They do.

    @amanda: Oooh yeah. I’d like to bake that ass.

    @Raymond: Actually, act faster. I bought these a couple of weeks ago. So I hope they’re still around.

    @slurm: Agreed, melted fudge make is better and messier.

    @Neil the hammer: Yeah!

    @Chuck: Heh. Keebler Elf dookie.

    @Kiki: I have the same problem with potato chips. Once I pop, I can’t stop.

    @Natalie: I bet this review influenced your dessert decision. Yes! TIB is influential!

  16. Raymond

    Hey Marvo, just brought these cookies at Foodtown for $3.29. There were only two left, Target and Stop & Shop didn’t had ’em.

  17. david

    WOW I am so pissed. last week i saw these in the store and was so close to buying them because they looked good. but i figured they just tasted like regular chiops ahoy cookies and got oreos instead. well after reading yours and anothers review on these i just drove to my local shoprite to get 2 bags before it was too late,and guess what….they were gone!!!!!!!

    i don’t see the point in limited edition items. BRING THEM BACK NABISCO BRING THEM BACK!!!!!!!! i really wanted to try them ugh im an idiots

  18. Cheryl

    I can’t keep these fudge bite cookies on the shelf. I buy a couple packages at a time, but they are gone before I know it. Don’t let these be a limited edition cookie. They are sooo good!

  19. Jessica




  20. david

    well i find a store that got them and they are very good awesome hope the continue to make them./ i just wish they were completely doused in fudge theres not enough. the cookie is curved up so you have to bite int othe middle of the cookie to get the fudge and the fudge isnt soft so it cracks and gets sloppy.

  21. Michelle

    They are SOOOO good I hope they never go away. the chocolate chips are not covered by the fudge they are better then any other fudge cookie I have tryed everything these are better then my own homemade cookies. If these went away i would be finding out how to make them. Simply the BEST

  22. Anonymous

    they are tasty