Next month, Pepsi Japan will release the limited edition Pepsi Mont Blanc, which, sadly, will not taste like Montblanc pen ink.
The soda’s sweet chestnut flavor is inspired by the Mont Blanc dessert, which is made with pureed chestnuts and whipped cream.
At the rate Pepsi Japan pumps out limited edition sodas, if the Japanese get a limited edition version of Crystal Pepsi or Holiday Spice Pepsi before the United States does, I’m going to punch a Japanese man in the face.
And since I’m the closest Japanese man near me, I’ll be punching myself like the bullies made me do in elementary school.
Pepsi Mont Blanc will be made in limited numbers and available in Japan in 490 ml bottles for 140 yen starting on October 26th.
Or if you live in the United States, they will be available in 490 ml bottles for five to seven US dollars plus shipping on October 25th on eBay.
10 responses to “NEWS: Pepsi Japan To Release Another Limited Edition Flavor, Pepsi America Still Won’t Re-Release Crystal Pepsi”
I want to try this!! Japan seems to always market flavored Pepsi and wonder if any are worthwhile.
I was stationed in Japan for 12 years and I love their drinks machines that provide a plethora of drink options. Their drink machines sell hot and cold items. Their drink machines also sell soups, soup drinks and ready to eat items like noodles or some sort of rice dish. I miss all the canned coffee that is availalbe in Japan. Just like Pepsi’s limited edition flavored soft drinks; there is numerous can coffee (Cohi) to choose from and you can buy them hot or cold; depending on the season.
I cruise eBay onnce a month, looking for Crystal Pepsi (blasting “Right Now” from my commputer speakers)then wuss out at the last second. One of these days I’m going to pull the trigger. Not as good as SNL’s Crystal Gravy though!
mmmm and no lumps!
This is the first weird Pepsi flavor that I’m actually happy to try. I love mont blanc! I can’t wait for this!
I’d like to try that flavor! I wish pepsi america was creative, instead they are just plain boring! Oh,and Marvo try not to hurt yourself! lol
just another reason to love japan. bah @ america.
Or, if you live in the United States, they will be available in 490 ml bottles for five to seven US dollars plus shipping on October 25th on eBay.
In other news, funny as usual.
I love mont blanc! This sounds more appealing than Pepsi Shiso.
“At the rate Pepsi Japan pumps out limited edition sodas, if the Japanese get a limited edition version of Crystal Pepsi or Holiday Spice Pepsi before the United States does, I’m going to punch a Japanese man in the face.
And since I’m the closest Japanese man near me, I’ll be punching myself like the bullies made me do in elementary school!!!!!”