The problem with regular flat Wheat Thins are that they aren’t very friendly when it comes to being able to play with them.
All I can do with a square Wheat Thin is use it as a paper football replacement or break one in half and use the two pieces to create buckteeth whenever I want to offend rednecks or upset the entire Japanese population by recreating the offensive stereotype of Japanese people found on U.S. World War II propaganda.
But with the new Fire Roasted Tomato Wheat Thins Crunch Stix, I can think of multiple playful possibilities.
Some of the things I can do with the round, three inch long Wheat Thins Crunch Stix include:
1. Playing pick-up sticks.
2. Recreating the Star Wars lightsaber scenes using my now worthless Beanie Babies.
3. Producing an ineffective shiv.
4. Pretending to have walrus tusks.
5. Making any Ken doll anatomically correct.

While the Wheat Thins Crunch Stix are much more fun than their flat, square cousins, I can’t say they’re as addictive. Their fire roasted tomato flavor was nice for the first few stix, but, strangely, the flavor disappeared after chain eating about five of them. It was like my tongue got used to its flavor, much like how my nose has gotten used to my own flatulence.
Once the fire roasted tomato flavor disappeared, they tasted like low sodium Wheat Thins, which are decent when I’m trying to prevent hypertension, but aren’t as addictive as regular Wheat Thins. Speaking of wholesome products, these Wheat Thins Crunch Stix brag about having 11 grams of whole grain per serving. But that isn’t really impressive since a bowl of Cookie Crisp has 8 grams.
Overall, the Fire Roasted Tomato Wheat Thins Crunch Stix are a mediocre snack. Sure, its shape allows me to stick them in every orifice on my body, but I don’t think they have enough flavor on them to disguise the fact I stuck them in every orifice on my body and placed them back on the party tray I got them from.
(Nutrition Facts – 14 pieces/29 grams – 130 calories, 35 grams of fat, 4 grams of fat, 0.5 grams of saturated fat, 0 grams of trans fat, 2 grams of polyunsaturated fat, 1 gram of monounsaturated fat, 0 milligrams of cholesterol, 190 milligrams of sodium, 70 milligrams of potassium, 22 grams of carbohydrates, 2 grams of fiber, 4 grams of sugar, 2 grams of protein, 2% calcium and 4% iron.)
Item: Fire Roasted Tomato Wheat Thins Crunch Stix
Price: $3.00 (on sale)
Size: 8 ounces
Purchased at: Safeway
Rating: 5 out of 10
Pros: Round, thin shape makes them great for sticking in every orifice on my body. More fun then regular Wheat Thins. 11 grams of whole grain per serving. Satisfying crunch. Walruses.
Cons: Fire roasted tomato flavor disappears quickly. Not as addictive as regular Wheat Thins. Using regular Wheat Thins to pretend to have buckteeth. Makes a horrible shiv. The value of my Beanie Babies. Hypertension.
9 responses to “REVIEW: Fire Roasted Tomato Wheat Thins Crunch Stix”
I feel so dirty after reading this one, and I can’t stop laughing.
Also: wow, I’ve had that “tongue getting used to the flavor” problem with snacks before! I thought I was just weird. Glad to hear that happens to someone else too.
I also turn red and take my top off when I drink alcohol.
Haha, I’m very happy to say I do NOT identify with that one…although I wouldn’t mind being around when that happens to you.
So I assume these are just like their fire roasted tomatoes flavored squared friend? I haved used them in the past for dipping into hummus and or salsa. They also use to load some of the crackers with spice when they were squared.
I think these would also be good for dipping into hummus. Mmm…hummus. Mmm…mashed chickpeas.
So, you could turn Ken into Porn Star Ken rather quickly with one of these, I guess.
I could turn Ken into a horse.
At my house? Surely these would be found all over the dann floor. In stepped on, crumb form. I just know it.
I hope you don’t leave them on the floor. Unless you dump stuff on top of it and end up on the show Hoarders.