PRIZE DRAWING: Because I Ain’t Drinking It

Despite my review of how vomitous the Jones Bacon Soda smells and tastes, for some of you, the idea of drinking a bacon soda still tickles your curiosity. Well I’m here to satisfy that curiosity, clear some desk space and, maybe, get some pleasure from knowing that I’ll be responsible for making someone gag in a way that doesn’t involve me being topless.

I’m giving away, via a prize drawing, the other bottle of Jones Bacon Flavored Soda I received when I purchased the Jones Bacon Soda Holiday Pack. Since consuming the bacon soda has caused me to lose my appetite for bacon, I’ll also include the other bacon-flavored items that came with the soda: one bag of bacon popcorn, one pouch of bacon gravy and one stick of bacon lip balm.

To enter The Impulsive Buy’s Bacon Soda prize drawing, leave a comment with THIS post. You may say whatever you like, but your comment MUST include the word “bacon.”

Please don’t forget to fill out the email field because I’ll be emailing the winner for their mailing address. The Impulsive Buy will stop accepting entries on Tuesday, November 23, 2010 11:59 p.m. Hawaii Standard Time. Only one entry allowed per person and it’s open to everyone who’s 18 years old or older.

Good luck!

Fine Print: The Impulsive Buy promises your email address will not be used to send you links for recipes that involve bacon. The Impulsive Buy also promises your mailing address will not be used to send you jars of bacon grease. Bribes will not be accepted. Offering crispy bacon will not influence the results. The Impulsive Buy will not be responsible for lost mail, damaged mail, or the gagging you’ll experience from drinking bacon soda.


152 responses to “PRIZE DRAWING: Because I Ain’t Drinking It”

  1. Miley baby

    Bacon bacon… Bacon!! Like the dog treats right lol

    1. dave

      Bacon….. is…. GODDDD!!!!!!

  2. Brody

    What a fancy, bacon-tinged moniker for what I have always known as ipecac.

  3. Chelsea F

    *sigh* It seems to be turning into a BACON-Nation with all that bacon swag you’ve got there! I have to say, I’m sick of my man using my lip-balm. It would be hilarious to peel off that label and give it to him to put on. 😉

  4. nicolerecine

    Im pretty sure wearing bacon flavored lip gloss would make me irresistible to every man alive. It could be dangerous.

  5. I love Bacon!!!!

  6. Sir Francis Bacon, 1st Viscount of Saint Alban.

  7. Makin’ bacon! I totally wanna try out the bacon lip balm!

  8. Whitney

    I can’t believe no one has said “you’re bacon me crazy” with this sweet giveaway.

    But there, it’s been said!

  9. Greg

    I wondered as I read your review on bacon soda if you should have heated it up as bacon tastes better when hot.

  10. Chuck Booby

    Since every food can be improved by wrapping it in Bacon I wonder what would happen if you wrapped Bacon in Bacon? I’m thinking a temporal rift in the time space continuum and the end of the universe itself.

  11. WhoHasThisName

    If I win I’ll drink the bacon soda while eating a lettuce and tomato sandwich.

  12. Betsie Beadling

    Yummeh Bacon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. My bacon brings all the boys to the yard.

  14. gina

    did you know i use the term makin bacon as a euphamism for sex doesnt actually work when i tell my husband that i would like to be makin bacon he just gets hungry then i have to cook

  15. nick

    I would love to chug down some bacon soda!

  16. Justin

    When I heard of bacon soda I instantly thought of consuming other salted meat drinks such as pepperoni or salami. The best part of these is that drinking them creates more thirst! Brilliant!

  17. Bacon is pretty much the only thing keeping me from going vegan. True story

  18. Heesa Phadie

    Bacon, bacon, bacon everyewhere…bacon bacon bacon

  19. Bacon. Is there anything it can’t do?

    1. nicolerecine

      @carol apparently it cant taste good in soda form.

  20. So I’ll admit that I’d hesitate to drink Bacon, but I have a friend with a sick sense of curiosity about it. Can anyone say Bacon Guinea Pig?

  21. imgovtdrone

    “Some people” say you can rub bacon on your skin and it will make it soft and supple–plus dogs will love you.

  22. Norm

    Bacon, the food that makes other food taste better!

  23. Bacon

    Dear Sir,

    I just read your review of how my flavoring makes the new Jones soda
    “vomitous” and it once again shows how the conservative press will stop at nothing to stoop to a new low. have you no shame? Have you run out of muslims and homosexuals to attack that you must now run my good flavoring into the mud with your attacks?

    Maybe if you weren’t so busy voting for Bristol Palin on Dancing with the Stars or burning Korans you could do a little research and see
    that I have donated 100’s of hours to the Uncured meat special olympics
    and have saved millions of baked potatoes from being aborted into garbage bins from lack of flavor before savagly attacking me.

    Good day Sir


  24. Kris

    What the fuck is Bacon doing here? Didn’t we say that we weren’t going to invite him anymore after last years…ahem…incident?

  25. Tony

    Bacon! I love bacon anything…although I’m sure after trying the soda, Cel-Ray would taste like 7-Up in contrast.

  26. john

    kevin bacon-pretty good actor

  27. Lindsey B

    I just used bacon last night – not to make soda but cheddar cheese soup – and I want to make bacon cookies too. My brother is obsessed with bacon and this would be the perfect Christmas present for him!

  28. Jonathan R

    One time, I went to the Dutch Country Farmer’s Market in Laurel with my girlfriend and we tried chocolate covered bacon.

  29. Fuck yeah, bacon.

  30. Bakasai

    ~A Bacon Soda Haiku~
    Cured, Smoked, Fried Pork Meat
    Soda flavor to die for
    Yes, literally

    Thank you.

  31. Ashley S

    Now come over here an gimmie some bacon!

  32. zwidget

    How about egg and bacon? Egg, sausage, and bacon? Egg, bacon, sausage, and bacon? Bacon, bacon, sausage and bacon? Or maybe just bacon.

  33. jperonto

    I love bacon! Bacon and Eggs, BLT, etc. Bacon Lip Balm? Oh boy… 🙂

  34. Keith

    I know it’s going to be terrible because this blog has never steered me wrong, but anything Bacon must be tried. I still want to try the Bacon-Pecan cookies my manager was telling me about last week. And who doesn’t like baconaise on their cold-cut sandwiches or hamburgers?
    An excellent breakfast treat is to put bacon in your waffles while you cook them. And my friends are trying to convince me to make breakfast lasagna with a bacon-weave instead of lasagna noodles. It just might work.

  35. Sarah Carlin

    my dreams have come true. bacon i can drink

  36. Adam

    Bacon: Bringing vegetarians back into the fold since 1200AD.

  37. Jenny

    I would love to try all the new bacon products!

  38. Tim


    Sir Francis Bacon reference: taken.
    Kevin Bacon reference : taken.
    Bad bacon pun; gone too.
    Allusion to Beggin’ Strips? : That one was first!
    Casual mention of bacon: someone beat me to it.
    Bacon poetry: not fast enough.
    Bacon Monty Python reference: subtle but there
    Simpsons bacon reference: found that one, too

    With nothing left to write about, I guess I will just have to sit around and watch the mailbox, hoping for the soda that has universally been panned everywhere it was reviewes. Not that I read any other food reviews. I’ve never cheated on you, baby! Really I swear! Did I just blow my chances?


  39. Matt

    Ive tried just about every one of the nasty food flavored Jones sodas they’ve made. Brussels sprouts soda is indescribably horrifying. But bacon? Bacons soda is something I MUST try so please send it my way.

  40. Brooke

    Being a poor college student means that i rarely get to eat anything remotely close to bacon. Recently, the closest I’ve came to bacon was the pack of pork flavored ramen noodles i devoured at 2 am while attempting to study. I’m pretty sure none of these would satisfy my bacon cravings either… but hell, they’ll keep me from starving.

  41. Shannon

    I guess drinking bacon is not so hot. Sorry 🙁

  42. Once my friend Josh almost threw up in my sink after sampling the brussels sprout soda from Jones… It was forever after known as “The Brussel Sprouts Soda Incident”. Looking forward to “The Bacon Soda Incident.”

  43. imma beast

    I will chug this drink(w/ video) if you send it to me.

  44. You were making cookies?

    Yeah I was Bacon all night!

  45. Tracy

    I’m “bacon” you, pick me! lol.

  46. Holly

    I’ll be makin’ bacon flavored barf after all this.

  47. I love-love-love bacon — I’m dying to find out what bacon soda tastes like!

  48. Rachel

    I would love to try this disgusting-sounding bacon soda.

  49. tjoyu

    Bacon is good.

  50. DZ

    Hard to say whether I will love this bacon soda, as myself, like many others, love bacon. I think I can agree with you Marvo, and take your word for it. Something about a bacon-flavored soft drink isn’t sitting well right now.

    But that doesn’t mean I don’t want to try it. I do love Jones. And bacon. But we’ll see what happens.

  51. jk19

    I’d certainly like to try bacon soda. It’s different at least. Next up, wasabi soda. 🙂

  52. TheWarden

    Yeah, all the good BACON jokes are gone, but I’ll play this lottery anyway.
    I bet the popcorn is good though. Probably just has the bacon flavored salt on it.
    Keep on reviewin’ Marvo

  53. Marit

    I’ve read the word “bacon” so many times over in these comments that it has ceased to convey any meaning.


    bake on.

  54. Dustin

    Bacon makes everything better, and I mean everything!!!

  55. Would probably be better if there were actual pieces of bacon fat floating in the soda?

    1. Kat

      This comment made my stomach turn.

  56. Marc

    The best part of Hollow Man is Kevin’s bacon.

  57. Mark

    Eat, Pray, Bacon

  58. Natalie

    I’m not going to lie, the bacon popcorn and bacon gravy are things I would try. I’m scared of the bacon soda now though.

  59. Is all this bacon stuff better than that bukkake talk? 😉

  60. Kat

    Ooo, bacon goodness!!! nom nom nom

  61. Steve

    I want to hurt myself with bacon.

  62. Zachary Jacob Zblewski

    If I win, I will film myself attempting to drink the BACON soda, and upload it for all to see.

    That is, if I don’t decide to make “BACON soda, BACON pop, BACON gravy, BACON lip balm” stew out of it first.

  63. They need to make a bacon scented hair remover.

  64. Sethonious

    I would love that bacon-tastic grab bag of crap to share with an office white elephant gift exchange. Usually I bring a toilet seat or a urinal but this bacon junk would be great!

  65. Anonymous

    Bacon bacon bacon! Ohhh, bacon! I love you so! Come to me, bacon soda!

  66. JerseyWendy

    Leave the gun; take the bacon.

  67. echobase77

    Bacon: the food so perfect, I had to write it into my novel for National Novel Writing Month. My friends on Twitter send me links to anything with bacon–one guy even rewrote a few songs from the Sound of Music for me to include bacon.

  68. Erin K

    Bacon bacon bacon! YUMMM =)

  69. Bacon in the worst form possible.
    Hell yeah I want to win that!

  70. Pretty sure this was the first article I ever read, but then I went and read your pumpkin pop tart one, and I’m very happy I did. Big fan of Bacon.

  71. KWar

    God, I LOVE bacon!

  72. Crystalis!

    What is with men an Bacon? My little bro would wet himself if I presented him with a Bacon prize pack. Then I would win double because seeing a 6’2 300 pound man wet himself would be a satisfying thank you.

  73. Anne Fearman

    I simply must have that bacon-flavored lip balm for my lip balm collection. I actually went to the Jones site and looked into purchasing this bacon-flavored set but, even though the set retails for only $9.99, the shipping and handling is almost $20, and I couldn’t justify spending $30 on a lip balm. So please, gimme the bacon!

  74. Claire

    Time for some bacon pick-up lines.

    “You make me sizzle like a bacon strip!”
    “Damn, you could cook a pound of bacon on that hot body!”

    Or… the real champion:
    “Do you like Bacon? Wanna strip?”

  75. ajresch

    If that didn’t work: Bacon.

  76. Kyle

    This is a sad tale about a Canadian who wanted some Jones Bacon Soda, but he had not the bacon to purchase said bacon flavoured beverage….. For the cost of shipping & handling to his frozen wasteland of a home was far beyond what one would consider reasonable. As such, he is here to beg you for some bacon and to use your bacon to ship said bacon.

    Thank you,
    Baconless in Canada

  77. Jonathan

    I love BACON, yes I do, I love BACON how bout’ YOU!?
    In BACON we trust.

  78. LE

    Tempeh bacon is actually really good.

  79. Lauren

    Bacon! iz gud

  80. Kristen

    Bacon makes the world go round

  81. Cupcake

    Hooray inedible bacon drinks. Just like beggin strips…. except even dogs don’t want it.

  82. Mandy

    Yum…..bacon. Even though bacon soda gives me nightmares.

  83. Dan

    Saying “Bacon” in a Jamaican accent sounds exactly like “beer can” in a british accent. Try it!

  84. Eric

    bacon EXPLOSION!

  85. dion

    im broke and cant afford real bacon so bacon substitutes will have to tide me over!
    bacon,bacon,bacon and more bacon!
    did i mention bacon?

  86. stephanie

    I could stand something that’ll help me quit bacon; it’s kind of the bane of this diet thing I’m trying to do…

  87. Rachel

    Top reasons why I wanna win:

    1) A month ago I allowed my husband to make BACON jerky in our new convection oven. Our 700 square foot condo still smells like smoky, maple syrup, brown sugar BACON goodness. Although for the record it doesn’t smell that good anymore.

    2) My husband doesn’t want anything when it’s time for gift giving occasions so last year for his bday he got a box of BACON. It was actually from the BACON of the month club. Two pounds of BACON each month. Seriously, that’s love.

    3) We share one car and I drive 99% of the time (he walks to work). I have a BACON air freshener hanging from my rear view mirror. Thankfully unlike my house, the car doesn’t smell like BACON.

    4) I was seriously disappointed by BACON salt and BACON mayo but that won’t stop me from trying BACON soda!

    5) If root beer floats rock, then BACON soda floats are probably the best thing since sliced bread.

    6) I really just want the BACON chap stick for myself and to surprise my husband with the BACON soda because the look of horror/disbelief/pure joy on his face would be priceless.


  88. Dogs don’t know it’s not bacon!

  89. fredmunster

    mmm now all i can think about is some bacon

  90. Tom

    What are the Six Degrees of Separation from bacon soda?

  91. Louisa

    Bacon is weird. But my dad would love all this bacon stuff 🙂

  92. Jamie

    bacon (least original comment award??)

  93. Tasha

    bacon is meat candy. I love bacon!!!

  94. Anonymous

    i want that bacon lip balm.

  95. Emily

    I would love some delicious, bacon-flavored treats.

  96. Heather

    What… no bacon vodka?

  97. Josh

    Winning this basket of bacon products would be the greatest birthday present ever!

  98. Jacob Majeski

    I think bacon is the best form of pork. It can be added to any dish even added to itself. In conclusion, I love bacon and would enjoy this bacon contest.

  99. Adam@GrubGrade

    I have had nothing but chick-fil-a for the past 30 hours. bacon would be a fine way to spice things up.

  100. Jessica

    BACON makes everything right in the world.

  101. Ashley C

    I don’t visit for 6 months, and you shove a bacon drawing in my face??

    Marvo, this is why I love you.

  102. Olga

    Juicy Bacon is my greasy love!

  103. Clevegal42

    Bacon! At work, we have discussions about bacon flavored everything – vodka, salt, mayo, muffins etc. We even send each other pictures of bacon – ever seen the bacon bowl with beer cheese soup picture? Bacon pop would be a HUGE hit…finally I’ll be popular.

  104. ratbuddy

    Pick me! I want to use it to make BACON club soda biscuits.

  105. Ben

    I want to wash down by Baconnaise dinner with Bacon soda…mmmmmsht!

  106. hal9000

    Bacon flavored soda? That ain’t right.

    Sign me up.

  107. dawn p

    oh my. i am not a bacon lover. but my husband is. He’s actually the new recipient of a bacon of the month club. He’d love this!

  108. mute

    When I was little, I used to eat bacon bits from a bowl and pretend it was dog food.

    Now I just pretend it’s real food.

  109. Bacon when I say, bacon is somewhat grey. All say hooray for bacon. Drinking it no way.

  110. Monica


  111. Chelsey

    I want that BACON soda!!!

  112. Alex

    They should have a bacon convention in the San Francisco Bay area and call it the Bacon Bay Con

  113. Tara

    This contest is bacon me crazy! *badumching*

  114. All I want for Christmas is …. BACON!

  115. Kellye

    My friends and I have a Jones Soda Tasting fest during Thanksgiving every year. Much dry heaving and many grimaces are to be had by all. It would be awesome to add a Bacon Jones Soda into the mix.

  116. Jason K

    My grandma always told me, “When life gives you bacon, make baconade”

    Grandma was never quite right after that terrible Hoveround accident.

  117. There once was a man who liked BACON,
    Till he tried it in soda they’re makin’,
    It tasted so bad,
    He gifted all that he had,
    To some poor schmuck whose belly’s now achin’.

  118. Bacon or sex: which is better? Use bacon grease as a lubricant and have the best of both worlds.

  119. Allye

    Mmmm… bacon… *drool*

  120. Rob

    I like makin bacon with Macon

  121. Philip

    Bacon errthang! I want this!

  122. kp

    if you say beer can with a british accent, do you know that you’re saying bacon like they do in jamaica

  123. Valerie

    the bacon popcorn might not be bad?
    Sounds like a good christmas gag gift

  124. jessica wagg

    ohhhh my BACONNNNN!!!! how could you NOT WANT THISSS!
    PLease please pick me
    im a bacon loving girl 🙂

  125. wnpiers

    Bacon. Truly God’s greatest gift.

  126. Hmm, I want me some bacon soda.

  127. Jess

    hahaha! Bacon soda? Yeah ew, but now that I know it exists I must try it. And bacon lip gloss must be awesome.

  128. Jessica E.

    Bacon makes my life complete!

  129. Ant29

    mmmmmmm bacon!

  130. Howard


    Ok, that one was obvious. But did you know bacon spelled backwards is nocab? What do cabbies have against bacon anyway? Or is it the bacon that is prejudiced?

  131. bacon monster

    Vitamin b is for: BACON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OM NOM NOMNOM NOM NOM

  132. Mtam

    Today I had turkey bacon. It was unspeakable but I did full enjoy thinking about how many turkeys were slaughtered to make the toughest piece of mystery meat I’ve ever eaten.

  133. Helen

    I’m pretty curious how that bacon soda tastes!

  134. salymsmommy

    I love Bacon!

  135. Charity

    Shakin’ my Bacon in Macon….!

  136. jennifer

    One of my best friends is obsessed with bacon. And well, she is about to donate one of her kidneys in a few weeks. This would be a great gift for her.

  137. my cousins are a bunch of lousy mouth-breathers who, as a result of their inability to pronounce ‘megan’, nicknamed me ‘bacon’. this prize pack would be for the holiday season…i will lord the eponymous soda over them at uncomfortable dinner parties and they will feel oh so inadequate.

  138. Eve

    I swear I saw a bacon doctor who reference too…

  139. Kelsi

    I want to bring home the bacon baby!

  140. liz

    BACON BACON BACON!! i cant get enough

  141. Tyler

    God created bacon to show how much he loves us

  142. Jorge

    Who likes bacon? I do, I do!! Who likes bacon? That would be me!!

  143. LK

    Ho’shiz. If I won this, who would I give it to? I am a vegetarian in the midst of bacon fiends.


  144. Bacon is the spice of life. Or possibly this holiday season’s gift giving.

  145. Kelly

    I love bacon more than life itself. Plus – just for fun – my friends and I play russian roulette with the Harry Potter disgusting jelly beans. We’d like to offer this bacon soda prize to the person who doesn’t spit out the vomit jelly bean. Love your site…..just thought I’d slip that in there ; )

  146. Justin

    I wonder if I put the bacon soda in my Thanksgiving mashed potatoes, would I get the same sensation as bacon bits? Or would I get the frustration of having ruined my potatoes?

  147. richard

    Bacon bacon fo-facon, banana fanna fo-makin’… Bacon!

  148. Andrew

    I love bacon