NEWS: Trident Vitality Gum Has Added Benefits and Flavor Names My Computer’s Spell Check Doesn’t Think Are Words

Chewing gum bin in Anfield dugout

Vitamin C, ginseng and white tea are usually found in beverages, but Trident is stuffing each of them into a chewing gum to create their Vitality Gum line. The three varieties of the sugar-free gum include:

Awaken – a peppermint flavored gum with a bit of ginseng.
Rejuve – a combination of mint and white tea without the need for -nate.
Vigorate – a mix of citrus and strawberry with vitamin C and without an in-.

It’s unclear how much ginseng is in a piece of Awaken and the amount of white tea in a piece of Rejuve, but Vigorate is said to contain 10 percent of our daily recommended intake of vitamin C.

Oooh, 10 percent! Now I can stop sucking on limes to prevent scurvy.

The Trident Vitality line will be available early next year, come in nine-piece packs and retail for $1.29.

Image via flickr user Ben Sutherland / CC BY 2.0


2 responses to “NEWS: Trident Vitality Gum Has Added Benefits and Flavor Names My Computer’s Spell Check Doesn’t Think Are Words”

  1. Angie

    LOVE Trident Vitality rejuve, it’s my new “favorite” gum!! Can’t wait to try Vigorate.

  2. Dash

    If you like Trident Vitality rejuve then you should try Think Gum. Although their marketing isn’t as good as Trident, Think Gum has caffeine in it and ingredients that actually wake you up plus the flavor lasts longer.