Update: Click here to read our Dulce de Leche Cheerios and Peanut Butter Multi Grain Cheerios review
There are two new Cheerios varieties, which brings the total number of Cheerios flavors to a baker’s dozen. The new Cheerios varieties are Dulce de Leche Cheerios and Multi Grain Cheerios Peanut Butter.
These new Cheerios flavors follow Cinnamon Burst Cheerios, which was released at the beginning of this year. Grub Grade’s Adam Nettina reviewed the two flavors over at his new blog.
Of course, these new flavors are going to make choosing a Cheerios variety to purchase much harder. Usually, I just open the biggest regular Cheerios box, pull out the bag of cereal in it, put the huge Cheerios box over my head, ask a fellow shopper to hand me a box of each variety, throw them all in the air, and whichever one I catch is the flavor I buy. But I don’t know if I could hold all 13 flavors.
11 responses to “NEWS: General Mills Releases Dulce de Leche Cheerios and Peanut Butter Multi Grain Cheerios For Those of You Who Are Sick of the Other 11 Cheerios Varieties”
I have to say I am a little excited for the peanut butter cheerios, it was bound to happen sooner or later.
what’s up with that disfigured cheerio-log in the middle of the picture?
LMAO! I had not noticed that but that is just freaky.
This is my picture. I took it a few years ago because of that freaky long Cheerio.
For the record, the picture is of Honey Nut Cheerios.
Cool to see my pic used on The Impulsive Buy.
– laffy4k
The only thing that could be better than Multi Grain Cheerios are Peanut Butter Multi Grain Cheerios. Be still, my heart.
Trust me. The peanut butter ones are awsome plain. In peanut butter ice cream, they are ethereal.
That peanut butter cheerios looks ok, but, I really want to try that Frosted Toast Crunch. General Mills needs to come out with a new Cookie Crisp cereal too.
Not to spoil a forthcoming review, but no, you don’t.
I thought the picture was Dulce De Leche (wish they would just say caramel, but I guess it might not be straight caramel).
I am excited to try these. I am sure I won’t enjoy them both, but I like cheerios so we’ll see. I probably havea coupon for $1 off if I get two boxes too. I assume they are out now/soon?
Neither cereal matches the picture above. They both seem to have a mix of light and dark pieces.
I have only triedthe Caramel, but for some reason it reminded me ofthe 80 calorie fiber one honey squares or whatever. It didn’t dry my mouth out though.
I got the .75 cent coupons for both these cereals..just tried the peanut butter one-YUCK, will never buy again.