NEWS: Put On Your Leg Warmers to Celebrate the Return of Sour Cream and Onion Doritos and Salsa Rio Doritos

Limited Edition Doritos on shelf

Update: Click here to read our Limited Edition Doritos (Sour Cream and Onion & Salsa Rio) review

Do you remember the 1980s?

Don’t remember the 1980s because your parents hadn’t met until the 1990s? Well, back then we had Sour Cream and Onion Doritos and Salsa Rio Doritos. I didn’t get to try those flavors because my parents bought generic chips in black and white packages, which is also something you young whippersnappers don’t remember.

Thankfully, Frito-Lay has brought back Sour Cream and Onion Doritos and Salsa Rio Doritos for a limited time. Option Pitch and Waffle Crisp has a review of both flavors, while Junk Food Guy reviewed Salsa Rio Doritos.

I look forward to eating these chips while wearing a Members Only jacket and listening to Duran Duran on a record player.

If you’ve tried them, let us know what you think and where you found them in the comments.


20 responses to “NEWS: Put On Your Leg Warmers to Celebrate the Return of Sour Cream and Onion Doritos and Salsa Rio Doritos”

  1. John

    First of all, where are these being sold? I have not seen them as yet. I have waited about 30 YEARS for the return of the “Sour Cream & Onion” flavor, and completely disagree with the review of the chips via the link you provide. These were THE BEST DORITOS BRAND, HANDS DOWN!!! There have been websites and Facebook pages devoted to it’s memory. Hopefully, Frito Lay did not alter the original recipe.

    1. Jamie

      John, I had a sighting in a Meijer in Michigan just yesterday. So that’s one place. (And after reading the linked reviews, I may have to pick up a bag of the Salsa Rio flavor…)

    2. Anonymous

      im in fort worth texas and i cant find them any where i love sour cream and onion doritos, give me a website or something

        1. Jim

          Thats funny because the Frito Lay Plant is in Dallas, right next to Fort Worth., Maybe you should get out more.

    3. Irene

      For people who can’t find them, head to Walmart. I found them there 2 weeks ago and I was shocked to see them after all these years.

    4. Anonymous

      Where do you live? That would help us help YOU, lol. Anyways…i bought some tonight in Tampa, FL at a circle k convenient store

    5. Anonymous

      Where do you live? That would help us help YOU, lol. Anyways…i bought some tonight in Tampa, FL at a circle k convenient store

  2. In Philadelphia you can buy them at the Acme. They are not placed with the other chips and such. They are set off on the side in their own specialized display.

    1. Oh and they taste the same. Mmmmm….!!!!

  3. The ones I reviewed I bought at Weis, a grocery chain in Maryland and PA. Have not seen them anywhere else.

  4. Suds

    I’m one of the oldies who remembers the generic snacks in the black and white bag. My favorite were the cheeto puffs that just said “corn curls” on the bag. Good stuff.

  5. gEiStToG

    Found them at a sun valley gas station in daleville al and they are gooood

  6. Anonymous

    Saw dem at my local food 4 less in cali

  7. Mandy

    I tried the sour cream and onion today and, to me, they tasted like cool ranch doritos. Bought them at a Walgreens in Michigan.

  8. I found them in temecula, CA. At a discount store. Pretty good.

  9. Hakim

    I remember being quite fond of the sour cream & onion flavored Doritos back in the late 70’s/early 80’s and enjoyed them until they were discontinued.

    I always wondered why as they were very popular among my schoolmates and neighborhood friends. For years I looked & hoped for their return and in the late 80’s/early 90’s, They released a similar flavor in a yellow bag called “Sonic Sour Cream & Onion” or something of that nature containing the word “Sonic”… Memory fails me of what the exact name was.

    They were not as good to me as the original SC & Onion nor did they last long until they too were discontinued. A few yrs later, Cool Ranch was introduced to the line and has remained a favorite alongside the classic Nacho Cheese. This was close enough to the originals and proved to be a good substitute.

    Now I hear that they have reintroduced the original SC & Onion in a limited edition retro styled throwback bag exactly as I remember but every review I have seen so far says it’s nothing special and falls short of Cool Ranch.

    I haven’t seen them in my local stores yet, But considering how crazy I was about them when they were originally popular, I’m pretty sure I’ll spring for a couple bags to supplement my late Fri/Sat night TV watching and video gaming. Thanks for the review*

  10. John

    Hakim – You will likely need to go to the Frito Lay website, and use their “Where to buy” tool, to find out which stores they are at in your town. They are very “hit and miss” store-wise, and tend to be at smaller “mom & pop” type stores. Even then, there’s a chance they will be sold out. The only time I was able to get any was 3 weeks ago. I think long-time fans have been hoarding them, making them hard to find.

    I don’t know what’s up with all the crappy reviews, myself. I think they were a bit harsh. Many people love them, myself included, and I get sick and tired of all of the spicy-this and spicy-that flavors. They are NOT the same as “Cool Ranch”, no matter what the reviews say. They may be lacking a little of the flavor they used to have (kind of hard to tell), but I enjoyed them.

  11. Autoi Driveaway

    I will eventually search these out but I am on a temporary boycott of Doritos for trying to pass off the 80’s Taco Doritos flavor as the best ever Doritos 70’s flavor by putting them in the 70’s bag 🙂

  12. anna

    First place a saw these was at a convenience store somewhere in mid NC about a month ago.

    I’m a Gen Xer, so I remember these specific flavors all too well sold in Ohio when I was a kid. Thought I’d never taste them again…and had to do a triple take when they reappeared!

    They are sold at hit or miss truck stops and various gas stations. I did a search via the Doritos web site which showed a map and location. Looks like I’m gonna need a full tank of gas and my piggy bank and a full afternoon’s worth of road tripping to gather enough bags to last at least a month. Nobody is selling the big bags anywhere!

    Now if only the good people out there would bring back Dynamints, my world would be complete!