NEWS: New Savannah Smiles Girl Scout Cookie Celebrates the Organization’s 100th Anniversary, So Make a Girl Scout Smile By Buying A Box From Them

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The new Savannah Smiles Girl Scout Cookie might just convince me to buy Girl Scout Cookies instead of having to awkwardly explain to a 10-year-old girl why I’m not buying them, which usually involves me saying too much, like telling the little girl that my rejection will prepare her for her future boyfriend breakups and explaining that I don’t have a checkbook on me because this is the 21st century and the only person who writes checks is my grandma when she sends me money on my birthday.

The newest Girl Scout treat is a lemon-flavored cookie that’s dusted with powdered sugar. The cookie’s shape makes it look like a smile, hence the name, Savannah Smiles. Of course, if you flip the cookie upside down, it turns into a frown, which I guess if you wanted to give it a name, you could call it Fayetteville Frowns.

Savannah Smiles were added to the Girl Scout cookie line up to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Girl Scouts, which began in Savannah, Georgia by Juliette Gordon Low.

Booyah! History lesson! You’ll thank me when it comes up in Jeopardy.

A serving of five Savannah Smiles cookies has 140 calories, 45 calories from fat, 5 grams of fat, 1.5 grams of saturated fat, 0 grams of trans fat, 0 milligrams of cholesterol, 125 milligrams of sodium, 23 grams of carbohydrates, 0 grams of fiber, 10 grams of sugar, and 1 gram of protein.

Source: Foodbeast

Image via flickr user Jamiesrabbits / CC BY 2.0


4 responses to “NEWS: New Savannah Smiles Girl Scout Cookie Celebrates the Organization’s 100th Anniversary, So Make a Girl Scout Smile By Buying A Box From Them”

  1. Rotten Arsenal

    Nobody seems to remember the idiotic movie from 1982:

    1. Mike N.

      Not to mention the fact that that’s the movie from which late porn-star Savannah took her name… at least according to Wikipedia.

  2. sabrina

    These are very similar to Lemon Coolers that were out several years ago, so glad they have brought them back!!!!
    Cookie truck arrives in my neck of the woods Feb 11.

  3. Daisy Leader

    Colorado’s cookies will be ready to purchase Jan 22. No pre-orders this year. We will have cookies in hand on day 1.