NEWS: After Years of Making Other Coffees Taste Better, International Delight Finally Offers Their Own Coffee

International Delight Iced Coffee on shelf/center>

Update: Click here to read our International Delight Iced Coffee review

Since I’m not a regular coffee drinker, I don’t follow what International Delight Coffee Creamer puts out. Actually, to be honest, before I did research for this post, I was confused between International Delight and General Foods International. But I learned one produces creamer, while the other produces coffee.

Oh wait, that’s no longer the case because International Delight is now offering ready-to-drink iced coffee, which is made using 100 percent premium Arabica coffee and comes in three flavors – Mocha, Vanilla, and Original.

So no longer do you have to walk into a Starbucks, Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf, Dunkin’ Donuts, or independent coffeehouse to pick up an iced coffee. Instead, you can walk up to your fridge, take out the half-gallon carton of International Delight’s Iced Coffee, and pour yourself a glass…or drink it straight out of the carton.

A cup serving of International Delight’s Iced Coffee has 150 calories, 2.5 grams of fat, 1.5 grams of saturated fat, 0 grams of trans fat, 10 milligrams of cholesterol, 105 milligrams of sodium, 29 grams of carbohydrates, 23 grams of sugar, and 4 grams of protein. A half-gallon of International Delights Iced Coffee has a suggested retail price of $3.99.


6 responses to “NEWS: After Years of Making Other Coffees Taste Better, International Delight Finally Offers Their Own Coffee”

  1. Nipple

    Tried this a month ago and bought some more last week, it’s not bad. Same stuff they use at Burger King for their iced coffee.

  2. Tyler M

    Drank some vanilla flavored this morning, I love this stuff! Cheaper than buying the bottles of Starbucks frappuccino, while not the same, it is a cheaper substitute.

  3. I’ve only had the vanilla flavor and I think it’s great, so much cheaper than buying iced coffee every morning.

  4. Kelly

    Delicious substitute for an expensive Starbucks habit. I’m saving a lot since 4.00 bucks lasts me a week as opposed to 4.00 a day. Now the taste…it’s just as good or better. Very creamy, natural tasting, just sweet enough. I love it. Now, if only they had a sugar free like McDonald’s. Sugar free vanilla iced coffe will make my world nearly perfect. Lol.

  5. Pennysue

    I have been buying your Original Coffee Flavor in the half gallon carton and just love it! Would like to know WHY Safeway and Fred Meyers had such a big hype and gave out coupons for a dollar off to get people to start buying it but now that people ARE buying it they have discontinued it????
    They still have Vanilla and Mocha flavors but NO ORIGINAL COFFEE flavor and that is the only one I like!

  6. I also have been searching for the Original…can’t find it anywhere and it is the best. I don’t really care for the other flavors.