Here are some new products found on store shelves by us and your fellow readers. We may or may not review them, but we’d like to let you know what new items are popping up. We’ll also occasionally throw in an unusual product.

DiGiorno Pizza & Cinnamon Sticks

DiGiorno has combined their pizza with breadsticks, chicken wyngz, and cookies, so, mathematically, cinnamon sticks had to happen. This product got me thinking about how DiGiorno should make a cinnamon roll pizza. Instead of tomato sauce, it would have a layer of cinnamon, and the cheese would be replaced with white icing. Mmm…diabedelicious.

Cape Cod Chef's Recipe

Cape Cod Waffle Cut

Cape Cod Whole Grain

Kettle cooked potato chip maker and diet breaker Cape Cod has a bunch of new chips. First, there’s the Chef’s Recipes potato chip line, which was inspired by a real chef named Weldon Fizell who runs the Regatta Restaurant in Cotuit, MA. It comes in two flavors: Feta & Rosemary and Roasted Garlic & Red Pepper. Next, there’s the Kettle Cooked Waffle Cut Chips, which is available in Sea Salt and Seasoned Pepper. Finally, Cape Cod has a non potato chip line, their Kettle Style Whole Grain Chips. They’re made with whole wheat, whole yellow corn, and whole oats. The line of healthier chips has three flavors: Toasted Grains, Three Cheese, and Italian Herb & Cheese. Dave’s Cupboard reviewed the Chef’s Recipe and Waffle Cut varieties. Photos via Impulsive Buy reviewer Adam.

Utz Sweet Potato Rice Crisps

Utz now offers Sweet Potato Rice Crisps. I know what you’re thinking. Too bad these weren’t wrapped in dried ramen noodles because Noodle Sweet Potato Rice Crisps would’ve contained the names of three types of starches. Sweet Potato follows the original Rice Crisps flavors — Sea Salt, Sweet Chili, and Salsa Fresca. Photo via Adam.


Why isn’t it Jingoes!? Ugh. See what you made me do Pepperidge Farm. You made me put a question mark after an exclamation point. According to the Pepperidge Farm website, these crunchy crackers are baked and seasoned twice for “an explosive taste every time.” Jingos are available in three “explosive” flavors: Lime & Sweet Chili, Parmesan Garlic, and Fiesta Cheddar. Now that I know about Jingos!, I want to play Jenga with Jango Fett while eating Jingos! in a Jonga.

Klondike Peanut Butter Choco Taco

We end this Spotted on Shelves post with the new Peanut Butter Choco Taco, which is made up of peanut butter light ice cream and peanut buttery swirls wrapped in a sugar taco cone that’s line with a chocolatey coating, all of which is topped with a milk chocolatey shell and peanuts. If it weren’t for Choco Tacos, Taco Bell’s tacos would be the least Mexican tacos.

If you’re out shopping and see a new product on the shelf (or really unusual), snap a picture of it, email it to us at with “Spotted” in the subject line, and you might see it in our next Spotted on Shelves post.


4 responses to “SPOTTED ON SHELVES – 5/22/2012”

  1. Alex K.

    I’m not sure it was the best idea to name a savoury snack after an extremely hostile foriegn policy…

  2. cindy

    I miss the Cape Cod White Cheddar popcorn…

  3. pat

    speaking of white cheddar, you may want to try Marie Callendar’s white cheddar mac and cheese. yummy. also the lemon glazed pound cake at Publix.

    1. cindy

      I very much enjoy the lemon pound cake at Publix. Sinful and yellow.