Hey! We’re giving away a $25 Wendy’s gift card. Want to enter? Then read on.
Damn. That was such a lazy intro. Usually, they’re a bit more elaborate. Maybe it’s because I’m not excited about giving away a $25 Wendy’s gift card. I should be because they have those new Signature Sides, but I’m not. Maybe I’m not excited because I have to drive in our country’s worst traffic to get to the nearest Wendy’s in order to purchase the gift card we’re giving away.
Ugh. Even though it was all in caps and used exclamation points, I’m afraid the previous sentence had no emotion.
Anyhoo, to enter The Impulsive Buy’s Wendy’s gift card prize drawing, leave a comment with THIS post. I don’t care what you say in your comment, but it would be awesome if it included things you’ve dipped into a Wendy’s Frosty.
Please don’t forget to fill out the email field because I’ll be emailing the winner for his or her mailing address. The Impulsive Buy will stop accepting entries on Thursday, May 31, 2012 11:59 p.m. Hawaii Standard Time. Only one comment allowed per person, and it’s only open to U.S. residents who are at least 18 years old.
For those of you who have a Twitter account, you can get an additional entry by tweeting the following by Thursday, May 31, 2012 11:59 p.m. Hawaii Standard Time:
@theimpulsivebuy I want to grab a @Wendys Frosty and dip a [insert here the thing you’d like to dip into a Frosty] into it.
So just copy, paste, insert, and tweet. Only one tweet per Twitter account.
Good luck!
Fine Print: Wendy’s is not affiliated with this prize drawing. The Impulsive Buy promises your email address will not be used to send you emails about how to improve your SEO. The Impulsive Buy also promises your mailing address will not be used to send you glossy flyers from used car dealerships. Bribes will not be accepted. The Impulsive Buy will not be responsible for lost mail, damaged mail, you getting stuck in the worst traffic in the U.S.
178 responses to “PRIZE DRAWING: Because You Want To Make Me Drive In The Nation’s Worst Traffic”
Some french fries dipped in a frosty please
i dont dip but pour on my bacon burger!
This might sound gross but dipping spicy chicken nuggets in a frosty is amazing!!!
I went beyong dipping fries once and dunked my burger… it all goes down the same pipe.
I’ll tell ya one thing I never dipped in a frosty. A straw. Spoons are for frostys, you can keep your damn straws.
“beyong” is a word. google it
Hey, this is a family website… LOL, just kidding that would ruin the Frosty. Happy Memorial Day Weekend!
I have never dipped anything into a Frosty except a spoon. I’m willing to try a fry if I win!
So, there are some amazing things that should be dipped into Wendy’s Frostys. Personally, I have dipped the ever popular french fries, but I’ve also tried the Baconator (nom nom nom) and a grilled cheese sandwich. Maybe it’s because cheese and ice cream, or ice cream like substances are all dairy products, but both were really delicious.
Chili + Frosty = Crazy
I once dipped my… um… well, my ding-a-ling into a Frosty.
Hey, it was my own! Sheesh.
I dip Frosty into my Frosty.
I’ve never had a Frosty!
I was thinking of getting the original Frosty, until I see that they have a Caramel Frosty Shake! Caramel (spoken as care-a-mell as to not offend the second “a”) in a Frosty – hells yeah!
I kind of don’t like frosties. Blasphemy, I know. I am now intrigued to stick a nugget in one, though.
Things I’ve dipped in a Frosty: Absolutely nothing ’cause that’s nasty.
Baconator was awesome
I would like to win the gift card because then I could go to my friendly neighborhood Wendy’s, order a Frosty and fries to dip into it, and have a tete a tete with my friendly neighborhood Wendy’s elderly mentally challenged lady. She is nice. She gives me ice when I ask, and is very glad that I asked, I think.
nWo 4 Life!
Two years ago, I ate fifty of Wendy’s spicy chicken nuggets in one sitting. I haven’t eaten one since.
My spoon is the only thing I dip into my Frosty.
Bacon is the “weirdest” thing, but I usually dip the old classic– fries
I don’t care for ice cream, but I would use that $25 to buy 25 Jr Cheeseburger Deluxes because they are the best fast food product on the planet. That’s lunch for a couple of months for me since I don’t have time to eat lunch every day.
My finger. It burned
I don’t eat frosty’s but would totally try their new mac and cheese.
Please enter me, although there is less point in eating at Wendy’s now that they have *canceled* there spice chick guacamole burger.
I don’t like Frostys (or ice cream in general), but I would use part of the $25 card to try the new “signature sides”. The baked sweet potato looks especially good.
I love Wendy’s!
The baconator is the best thing ever invented! Twitter is: tunaynamahal82
A slice of cold pizza into my wife’s frosty one inebriated night. Not bad! Also, not good.
I dip my fries into my frosty (chocolate only) and my husband gives me strange looks.
Haven’t been to Wendy’s for so long! Probably dip… another frosty. Yeah.
straw. dumb decision. (spoon would have been the way to go)
I want to dip my face into the strawberry shortcake parfait !
I could really go for some Wendy’s right now.
I usually dip a straw in mine, but to each their own.
i always dip my french fries in my frosty; classic.
And there’s even a Wendy’s near me–thanks!
Please please! Gimmeee gimmeee!
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, Frosty……
i wanna try the new sides!
cape cod potato chips in the frosty!
I loooove fries dipped in my frosty. Classic chocolate. Nuthin’ like it!
I really want to try the new sweet potato and need an excuse to drive through the nation’s worst traffic to Wendy’s. Pick me!
chips ahoy cookies
i tweeted: https://twitter.com/onitnaram/status/206074692476485634
I want to grab a Wendys Frosty and dip a french fry into it.
Gotta be the Fries.
I’ve never dipped anything into a Frosty. Would like to try the sweet potato with this gift card if I won. (Not dipped in a Frosty though. That would be gross!)
I in fact dipped my girlfriends nipple in my frosty at home
after I had made a frosty run. The nipple turned into what felt like a hard
raisin. She told me I had a sick little mind and I never did it again.
I love to mix the hot and the cold, so my Frostys welcome French fries, or as I now call them, European beachgoers. I also dip in a spoon, because you can’t always trust the Frosty not to surprise you in a bad way by flowing down to your waiting mouth in one big clump.
I totally tea bagged a frosty just before this post. It was chilling and delicious
Not too into dipping food into a frosty, I just dip with a spoon or straw.
I’ve definitely dipped a burger in the frosty. Only as a kid though!
French frys dipped into a chocolate frosty is the best!
I have dipped my fingers into a Frosty and licked it off.
I had my first Frosty a few weeks ago and I don’t know how I went so long without one. Since I’m so new to the Frosty world, the only thing I’ve dipped in it is my spoon. Forgive my boringness. But if I were to win this gift card, I can assure you that I’d dip all sorts of crazy things in it.
Thanks for the giveaway!
I’ve dipped some nuggets and fries in a frosty. I got really awkward looks and one envious look from a child with his mother.
Sad to say, I’ve never dipped anything in a Frosty..
I like it just the way it is.
I like fries and chicken nuggets dipped into a frosty.
When I was a child, I dipped fries in frosties. But that was ages ago, so I need this gift card to help me experience my childhood again.
I haven’t tried wendy’s yet so I hope to win a gift card so I can finally know what their food taste like!
Not dipped, but I’ve impulsively put a dollop of Vanilla Frosty on a Wendy’s Spicy Chicken sandwich (plain – no fixings, simply bun and meat) before. Mind blowing.
When I was living in Los Angeles, I’d drive home for Xmas, which was in Northern California. I’d always stop off at a Wendy’s along I-5 for lunch!
Does anyone else remember/still miss the stuffed pitas? Now I have to resort to Jack’s Fajita Pita, and it’s okay, but just not the same.
I like free stuff. I don’t like dipping things in Frostys. Deal with it.
Potato Skins!
I’ve only dipped a spoon in a frosty!
After having 4 wisdom teeth removed in January, a Wendy’s Frosty was the first thing that I ate…well I guess kind of gummed and slurped.
I’ve dipped only a spoon into a Wendy’s Frosty.
Sadly, the only thing I’ve dipped in a Wendy’s frosty is the spoon that comes with it. But I solemnly promise to dip more interesting things in it if I win this gift card!
I often dip fries into my ice cream, and have done so with a Wendy’s frosty/
I’d take McD’s fries over Wendys to dip any day
I’ve dipped fries in them before, but it’s not a regular thing. However, I’d use the gift card to expand my horizons. Something about a spicy chicken nugget covered in vanilla frosty goodness sounds so f’ing good.
I always dipped fries in them, but that seems to be the boring choice… these days, I’m sure that there are far more decadent offerings to dip in one, or at least more salacious ones.
I really miss their boneless wings. They might still be on the menu but I’m pretty certain they are not. I’d usually get a number three no onions with an order of the Asian wings. I would dip the fries in the excess Asian sauce because I never remember to actually ask for ketchup and I don’t like using the ketchup I have in my fridge because it’s cold and by the time you eat the fries they are usually just luke warm and that’s just a bad combination.
Ive dipped a fork into a Frosty because the rude girl there didn’t give me a spoon. I don’t often let obstacles ruin my eating experience.
I’ve dipped the new fries into a chocolate Frosty. Never, never again. I’d probably end up spending it all on Spicy Chicken Sandwiches and Junior Bacon Cheeseburgers.
Haven’t had Wendy’s in so long. Used to get their spicy chicken sandwiches all the time.
I like to dip potato chips in my Frosty if I bring Wendy home to eat.
Never had a Wendy’s frosty, but I will if I win this!
Overly salted fries dipped in a Frosty is really the best combination.
First I come home and immediately walk into my Dave Thomas room turn on my strobe light, my two lava lamps, and my ceiling fan (I get warm). I then put on the classic 90s hit “Da Dip” by Freak Nasty and dance seductively around the Frosty Cup while mimicking the instructions of the semi-popular dance song. I grab a single fry that is housed in it’s temporary greasy cardboard home then dunk it slowly into the cold, rich, creamy Frosty and then to my mouth. I get a little Frosty dripping down my lip. Oopps! Towards the end of the song I hear a creaking. I turn around and there is the door opening slowly. I freeze. The bass of the song still permeating through my body. My Dave Thomas shirt soaks through with sweat. I see a hand. I see an arm, then a body. I know that apron from anywhere, it is Dave Thomas! But how could it be. Dave Thomas has passed on. I try to speak but the words won’t come out. I am tongue tied. I have cotton mouth. Producing words has never been this difficult before. I finally have a chance to thank this man for his contribution and I simply can’t express myself. He begins to scowl but not a word comes from his lips. He quickly removes his glasses from his face, throws them on the ground and almost instantaneously, he turns into a wolf. Suddenly I am cornered by a snarling, angry wolf. He backs me into a corner. I trip over my bean bag that was made to resemble a Jr. Bacon Cheeseburger and the wolf jumps. I shield my face, I know it is the end.
I sit up in bed, the sheets are soaked with sweat and I can feel my heart beating faster than ever before. I get up to check on my Dave Thomas room. All is fine. Out of the corner of my eye, I see a pair of glasses. Could it be? Was my nightmare really just a nightmare?
I also like to dip the nuggets.
Yesterday was my birthday and my co-workers bought me a Vanilla Frostee from Wendy’s… Nothing dipped in it though…
$25??!!! Why, I think I *will* try all three new signature sides, thanks! (I’ve never had a Frostee. Winning this might fix that problem.)
I am ashamed to admit that I have never dipped.
Dipping some peanutbutter in my frosty is always good!
Frosty + Fries = Oxymoron that is so good yet so wrong…
I’m pretty boring, just fries in my frosty. My roommate and I get a small frosty and split it because we only use it for dipping.
I dip Mcdonalds fries in my frosty because their fries are soo much better.
I always ALWAYS dip my fries in my frosty! I wish they would bring back the vanilla flavor though….
I have dipped fries into a frosty before
If I could dip anything into a wendys frosty, I’d dip all of the sadness in the world into it. That way I would eat sadness, and there would be no more sadness…I’d just be fat.
They should make a frosty and fries Wendy’s brand ice cream you could buy at the store! I would love to win this GC!
I’m dipping a baked potato in my frosty.
Not much of a dipper of the frosty, But I could sure go for a spicy chicken with BBQ sauce on it. Maybe some cheese and bacon also.
I dunno about the Wendy’s Frosty but I love that chili and I was putting that leftover-mystery-meat based chili mess on fries way before Wendy’s decided it was cool enough to market. AND it’s way better without their cheese topping messing it up!lol
Oh and I feel that Noodlez guy, I think bacon could improve the chili and fry thing.
I’ve dipped some very….NSFW….things in my Frosty…
I’ve never dipped anything into a frosty, I do need to try that. However I’ve been eyeballing their Strawberry Shortcake dessert for some time now, need to get one!
Just a spoon for me, please.
Fries, obviously, but if I had $25 I might be able to create some sort of Frosty face mask day spa situation. I could get into that.
Here’s yer comment.
I dip nothing in my Frosty – I want to savor it all by itself!
I would definitely be dipping my fries in that frosty!
On several occasions, I’ve lifted off the tops of Wendys burgers and put some of the frosting on the burger as a condiment.
Comment. I’ve never won anything and I love this website.
I’ve never had a frosty, but I dip a spoon in the chilli.
Just fries, but this gift card would open up possibilities for further experimentation.
I’d use the gift certificate to buy the crazy expensive fancy sandwiches that I refuse to pay real money for.
I will not dip anything into my frosty….
Chicken nuggets actually do well in Frostys….just saying
Usually I just dip fries in Frostys, but both kinds of nuggets (spicy and regular) go really well, too.
Fingers are good, so long as you don’t bite them. The same goes for spoons.
I’d be willing to try dipping spicy chicken nuggets in a Wendy’s Frosty. I will always dip my fries in my frosty though, yum!
An Emma Frost cardboard cutout. Don’t judge me.
I love to my spoon in those frostys!!!! lol and fries to XD
I believe I’ve outgrown the days of dipping a fry in my Frosty. Now I just dip a spoon. Boring, I know.
I usually dip tortoise eggs in my Frosties.
Eh I’ve tried dipping fries into the Frosty but it didn’t blow my mind.
I’ve dipped both fries and nuggets into a Frosty. And of course my fingers. I was a creative kid…
Well a spoon and some french fries are amazing in a Frosty
We don’t have a Wendy’s here. So I’ve actually never dipped anything into a Wendy’s frosty. D: Needless to say, I’d be sending this to my sister who actually lives near a Wendy’s.
Just a spoon, prefer Frostys simple.
After a long day of sunning at the beach, I visit Wendy’s for a Large Fries and a Large Frosty. The salty-n-sweet combination simply hits the spot.
Okay, normally when there is a prize drawing I don’t get excited because the places the gift cards are meant for a never anywhere close. However, there are actually several local Wendy’s! And I LOVE Wendy’s.
I don’t always dip stuff in my frost, but when I do I apply a generous portion of fries to a spicy chicken sandwich, cut it in half, and dip it in a frosty. Fries alone are also good.
Hoping to win. Once with a Frostie left over I dipped Dill Pickle into it, it was rather strangely delicious.
I love Wendys! I usually just dip fries in my Frosty… So good.
Why dip anything in a Frosty? Don’t even bother with the spoon. Just stick your entire face in there.
Although I usually enjoy them plain, I’ve found that graham crackers and pretzels are pretty good dipped in them.
I would love to have a frosty!!
French fries or a spoon
A spoon. And other things that should not be mentioned.
Wendy’s is definitely my favorite late-night fast food choice. I mean, is there anything more satisfying than fries & a frosty at midnight?
Don’t really mess with the frosties I get. Just eat them with a spoon or straw…. But if I win this, I’ll dip some nuggets and/or my spicy chicken sandwich into my frosty.
That’s the Wendy’s on Clifton Hill on the Canadian side of Niagara Falls, sorta freaking me out seeing something I know on this site.
I’ve just tried fries but I’d try the spicy chicken or even a burger in it.
I prefer my frosties with a side of unidentifiable meat.
I love french fries in my Frosty.
I once dipped a McDonald’s chocolate shake in a Frosty and WENT BACK IN TIME!!! Okay, I never did that but fries in a Frosty sure is tasty.
back when wendys had a buffet bar, i was a kid and liked chocolate pudding in my frosty.
I love to dip my french fries in my Frosty!
I love dipping fries in the frosty
Best thing to “dip” into a Frosty? Coffee. We used to make them all of the time when I worked there. half and half. Delicious.
Fries, spoon, my fingers! Don’t judge me!
I think I’ve only dripped fries, but I should try something more elaborate.
Look forward to trying their new-ish breakfast items at some point.
Hey! You guys inspired me to start my own blog! Thanks and I have dipped a Klondike Bar in a Frosty.
Like so many others, I dip fries in my Frosty as a guilty pleasure.
A spoon. Or fries.
I used to live on Oahu, and the Wendy’s in Wahiawa got me through many a bout of homesickness. I would love to try dipping fries into a Frosty, but I keep forgetting to do it.
I want to try my first Wendy’s burger with this card. Also, would love to relive memories by buying a kid’s frosty, some sweet n spur nuggets, and then try their Mac n cheese
I dipped my entire pinky in a Frosty before. I’ve also dipped fries into it. Delicious.
I’ve never dipped another food item into a Frosty but I’m thinking oatmeal cookies would be a good combo for some reason.
A Reese’s peanut butter cup.
I’ve paired Frosties with fries and chicken nuggets. The former was, of course, delicious, but the latter was like a dishwater smoothie. Learn well from the mistakes of my younger, dumber self!
Spoon, fingers, fries, Baconator? Sounds yummy!
Even having been to Wendy’s a zillion times, I’ve never had a Frosty!
Mmm Wendy’s. I don’t eat it nearly enough, and usually when I do stop in, I only get a Frosty. I’m a traditionalist, I think I’ve only ever dipped fries in my Frosties.
Spoon only please.
i dipped shrimp in my frosty for a sealicious treat!
french fries as best dunked into a frosty – that sweet and savory taste also a BIG spoonful of chocolate frosty into a cup of black coffee – oh so yummy………..
I love dipping lettuce in the frosty…….
I love dipping fries into my vanilla frosty!
I love dipping chicken nuggets in Wendy’s chocolate frosty….wait that sounds so damn perverted
I thought everyone dips their fries in their Frosties. Nuggets aren’t too bad, either.
Fries in a chocolate frosty are the only thing I have tried. However I knew someone who mashed a spoon of vanilla frosty into their side potato.
Large frosty, make it bacon
I’d pair it with a warm cookie so that the Frosty melts and penetrates its crevices and creates a lovely goop.
But before that, I’d gingerly dip my index finger into the chilled hunk of delight that is the Frosty. Then lick it.
Fries of course! Potato chips are good too!
Mmm, Wendy’s… the fast food place I only go with a coupon!
Which means I will get the most bang for my $25 gift card buck if I win!
I’ve truly never dipped anything more daring than a straw into a Frosty. I enjoy a good Frosty every once in a while, they reminds me of high school because that’s where we’d always eat after Scholastic Bowl events.
My finger.
I love dipping spicy chicken nuggets into my frosty!
Always gotta dip my fries.
I love dipping fries and my burger into a frosty.
remember that one time someone dipped their finger in a frosty and it fell off…
mmmm love wendys
I tried a french fry once in a frosty….gross, now only the spoon gets put into a frosty
i like dipping my fries in my frosty
While I absolutely love Wendy’s, I’ve never had a Frosty.