Pepsi Japan is releasing a salty watermelon flavor this summer. To some of you this might seem odd, but this upcoming soda is probably the tamest thing the Japanese people have ever done to a watermelon.
For decades, Japanese farmers have made square watermelons and today they sell for around $150-$200 US. They also produce black watermelons, which are pricier than the square ones.
The Salty Watermelon Pepsi will be available in Japan on July 24 and will come in a 490 ml bottle. If you don’t live in Japan, which I believe is the case for 99.8 percent of all TIB readers, you can probably get your hands on some online via J-List, NapaJapan, or eBay.
Image via flickr user Manish Prabhune(マニッシュ) / CC BY 2.0