REVIEW: Yasso Frozen Greek Yogurt Bars (Blueberry and Strawberry)

Yasso Greek Frozen Yogurt Bars

The chronology of yogurt in this country reads like a veritable timeline of fads and one-hit wonders. From BMX riding kids glurping Go-Gurt to Jamie Lee Curtis giving us advice on tooting, we’ve by now been there and tried that. Somewhere along the way we jumped on board the Greek yogurt express, shelling out double for what we’d pay for regular yogurt and stumbling over the name of everyone’s favorite Greek yogurt company like a county music singer trying to learn French.

With the latest yogurt trends leaning toward lactose-free yogurt and foreign fermented dairy products with names I can’t pronounce, Greek yogurt has had to up its game to garner attention. Fortunately, thanks to two hippie dudes in Vermont and a host of other companies, we’ve recently seen an explosion in “Frozen” Greek Yogurt, which is not to be confused with the kind of frozen Greek yogurt that happens as a result of me sticking my container of Fage into the freezer by mistake.

Yasso might sound like it’s a character of ambiguous gender out of the smash N-64 hit Yoshi’s Story*, but in reality it’s the name of a frozen Greek yogurt company dreamed up by a sporty husband and wife team. How sporty? Let’s just say their website boasts of a 4:15 mile accomplishment, which, after reading, I was hoping would also be in my future if I ate their frozen Greek yogurt bars. Suddenly, the whole Achilles story is coming into focus.

Yasso Greek Frozen Yogurt Bars Blueberry

With “all of the goodness, none of the guilt,” Yasso’s 75-gram bars pack only 70 calories, and proudly boasts of containing no corn syrup and no fat. I won’t lie to you; with those kind of stats I was expecting the Blueberry and Strawberry bars I sampled to also contain no taste. Surprisingly they did contain some taste, although unsurprisingly it was not the kind of taste which really gets me excited for a frozen yogurt bar. Perhaps, if you play ice cream truck music in the background and rapidly slurp down a Great White Shark Pop or Flintstone’s Push-Pop after eating these greek yogurt bars, then you’ll get excited, but otherwise, you know you’re basically eating something healthy with the sole intention of being healthy.

Yasso Greek Frozen Yogurt Bars Strawberry

Both bars have a dull sweetness that I’m willing to bet most people would find completely underwhelming. Using no other sweetener aside from sugar (not even fructose) the bars almost seem to restrain the actual pureed fruit base, which is overshadowed by a clean, albeit slightly boring, milky flavor. Had I not known the blueberry flavor was blueberry, I would have been hard pressed to identify it as anything but “berry,” and unfortunately found no tart or puckering quality about it. The strawberry flavor had a better showing — what, with some actual texture of those little seed things on the outside of the berries — but again, the fruit flavor was less fruit and more mild and milky yogurt. Decent, but not great, and while healthy, not healthy enough to shave roughly three and a half minutes off my mile time.

I love fruit as much as the next snack food junkie looking to remove the compunction of downing a bag of Fritos, but I also know where to pick my battles. If you’re looking for the most insanely healthy conception of something frozen on a stick this side of attempting to grow asparagus in Antarctica, then these bars are right up your alley. If, however, you’re just a guy looking to try to get a little balance in your dessert life, then might I suggest the tried and true method of sticking a banana in the freezer and calling it an afternoon.

*If anyone has a copy of this game they are willing to part with, I would very much appreciate it if you’d drop me a line. More to the point, buying it from you would make my life.

(Editor’s Note/Disclosure: We received free coupons for free samples for free from the folk at Yasso for free. Free. Free. Free.)

(Nutrition Facts – 1 bar - 70 calories, 0 calories from fat, 0 grams of fat, 0 grams of saturated fat, 0 grams trans fat, 5 milligrams of cholesterol, 35-40 milligrams of sodium, 12 grams of carbohydrates, 0 grams of fiber, 11 grams of sugar, 6 grams of protein, and 15% calcium.)

Other Yasso Frozen Greek Yogurt Bar reviews:
Fro-Yo Girl

Item: Yasso Frozen Greek Yogurt Bars (Blueberry and Strawberry)
Price: $4.99 (Coupons provided by Yasso super-athletic marketing team)
Size: 4 pack
Purchased at: Safeway
Rating: 4 out of 10 (Blueberry)
Rating: 5 out of 10 (Strawberry)
Pros: Super healthy. No fat and six grams of protein. Milky fresh taste. No ice crystals. Getting on board the the Greek yogurt bandwagon again. Excuse to YouTube Go-Gurt commercials.
Cons: Vapid level of sweetness. Not guaranteed to make a kid run faster or jump higher. Expensive and somewhat difficult to find in stores. Jamie Lee Curtis commercials. Feelings of athletic impotency.


25 responses to “REVIEW: Yasso Frozen Greek Yogurt Bars (Blueberry and Strawberry)”

  1. The ironic thing about lactose-free yogurt taking over from greek yogurt is that greek yogurt IS functionally lactose-free.

  2. Heishiran

    Well since the game is out of print, do what I do…

    Get the best N64 emulator here

    Get the ROM here

    Plus you get the benefit of playing it in glorious HD now instead of the horrible messy original N64 GFX.

  3. MandyMcAwesome

    I actually put my yogurt (greek and non) in the freezer so that when I go to work I dont have to put it in the nasty company fridge and it’s still cold by the time lunch rolls around.

  4. vicky

    I sampled one at costco too. I think they taste awesome (…if you consider and compare the protein)

  5. kd

    Found these at Sam’s Club this week and just tried blueberry. A little bland, but very creamy and enjoyable. For 70 calories, 6g of protein at a weight watchers 2PP per bar its enough flavor for me to continue buying these. If you’re looking for a super sweet treat though, it may not be for you. Luckily for me I enjoy mild sweetness!!

  6. Anonymous

    The nice thing about these bars are that they are GLUTEN-FREE , which is nice for me because I have Celiac Disease and can only eat Gluten free items. Thank you Yasso for such a great product . Please continue to make more Gluten Free items .

  7. Edwin Bard Collins IV

    Yes I did indulge in the aforementioned product happened upon being vended in my local market grocery. I did quite enjoy lapping the savory morsel from which viscous yogurt did delightfully dissolve from its amalgamation around fruit dollops. However I was quite perturbed when the last bit did brashly split in to halves and slop messily on the lapel of my finest smoking kimono!! I take pride in the presentation of my livery and revealing unsightly soils due to imprudent yogurt dining can be of no good. If something could be done to ameliorate this regrettable consequence I would duly emphasize it. Otherwise a brilliant treat and finely done!
    EBC IV

  8. yogurtgirl

    I like blueberry but it could have been sweeter. I mainly tried it to see if it would help me poopi and it did the job 🙂 this yogurt served its purpose!!!

  9. Christina

    I tried a sample of three flavors yesterday at the Expo for the Falmouth Road Race, Raspberry, Blueberry and Strawberry. The Raspberry was the most flavorful, very good in fact. Blueberry and strawberry were a bit bland but I had those after the raspberry. I’m planning on buying the Raspberry to share with some friends this weekend.

  10. Megan

    I enjoy greek yogurt, but these bars tasted nothing like it. More like a milkshake that I threw in the freezer to save for later.

  11. Eva

    I recently bought these Greek yogurt bars at Albertsons, and I freakin’ loveee them. They are so rich and creamy, the flavor is unique and not sugary at all. If you were expecting a sugary substance that is jam packed with calories, you should have bought from the ice-cream man. Visit for all the details! (you can even eat these for breakfast!) <3

  12. Libs

    The yogurt is really good! Very flavorful and healthy. Why the hell are you complaining about the sweetness? Unhealthy bastard

  13. kristi

    Taste so good, was walking in the store saw them on tge ice cream alie, i was watch my inrake of cals, in workout iften. These are perfect in every way.. I love tgem abd i wil buy again

  14. Kate

    Actually eating a blueberry one for the first time right now and came online to see if anyone thought they were as bad as I do. Bland is a good description. I’m disappointed.

  15. SafewayDenverTim

    Would not recommend.

    The bars do have ice crystals on them which is an instant turnoff considering these are supposed to be creamy yogurt bars and not crunchy ice layers before getting to the overall bland flavorless yogurt part. The flavor is really lacking entirely and what little flavor there is leaves a bitter aftertaste on your mouth.

    I won’t buy these again and would recommend others don’t waste their money on them either.

  16. Flo

    I bought the blueberry because I was attracted with the packaging, and besides, it was on sale at Kroger at $3.50. I like it, even if it was not sweet and even if I didn’t taste a blueberry flavor. I came back to get another one but they were tagged already at the regular of $5.00. So, I’ll just wait then when Kroger will offer it on sale. But definitely, I’m a fan now. Yasso!

  17. Judy

    I am a huge fan. I tried the strawberry and raspberry frozen yogurt bars and will be buying more. To me and my family, they are certainly tasty with great fruit and creamy flavors. We can’t believe they are only 80 calories. We can’t keep them long in the house. I’m recommending these to everyone I know. I only wish the stores in my area would stock all the flavors. Keep up the good work!!! 🙂

  18. Mary

    I am addicted to Yasso Yogurt Frozen Bars. I have tried all the flavors and especially enjoy the Blueberry and Raspberry flavors I have not seen
    the Vanilla Bean where I shop and would like to try it out. I hope that this product remains in the freezer sections of my Walmart Superstore as
    they are just the low calorie treat I need at night.

  19. Connie

    I bought the coconut and the chocolate ones and they were wonderful, loved them….

  20. rozy

    Myself,& 2 family members tried the blueberry, & none of us liked it.
    Even though there is no artificial flavor, it left that bitter after taste in our mouths.

  21. John

    I just tried the yasso frozen greek yogurt Strawberry and it was a box of 4 and I ate the whole box in one day its great!

  22. Phyl

    The blueberry yogurt bars are addictive…but I can never find any in the capital district area. Are they available by mail??

  23. Barbara

    I really like the vanilla bean bars. All the other favors taste a bit chalky.

  24. Demaris

    Love these bars….great healthy alternative to dessert. Don’t feel guilty eating it. The coconut was wonderful,,goanna try more favors.

  25. RC

    Unfortunately, in our local Kroger We only have three flavors. Mint Chocolate Chip, Sea Salt Caramel, and Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough. I am waiting for the fruit flavors to be brought in. Out of the variety, I only liked Sea Salt Caramel. The other bars had ice crystals on them and some were like a soft serve texture. Its not cheap so its a treat in our house.