Here are some new products found on store shelves by us and your fellow readers. We may or may not review them, but we’d like to let you know what new items are popping up. We’ll also occasionally throw in an unusual product.


Kozy Shack has lactose-free dairy pudding that’s also gluten free. That’s a lot of free, but Kozy Shack shouldn’t have stopped there. They should’ve also made it calorie-free, sugar-free, and fat-free. Sure, it probably would’ve tasted horrible, and it would’ve lost them money, but we won’t know for sure unless they tried. The lactose- and gluten-free pudding comes in three flavors: rice, tapioca, and chocolate.

Random Food 007

I believe every time Kashi releases a new product, a nutritionist gets his or her degree. So congratulations to all you new nutritionists who got their degrees thanks to Kashi’s new soft-baked squares. Some of you might be thinking the chocolate one looks like a brownie, but the seven whole grains, sweet potato, and black beans it contains doesn’t make it sound like a brownie. The almond version is also made with Kashi’s seven whole grains, sweet potatoes, and beans. Both are sweetened with agave and each soft-baked square provides 4 grams of fiber and 300 milligrams of ALA omega-3. Thanks for the photo, Adam.



New dips from Frito-Lay. After doing some Googling, I discovered the Tostitos Zesty Taco dip has been out for several weeks. I don’t really pay attention to cheesy dips because any orange gloop gives me nightmares. Ruffles Ultimate Smokehouse Bacon dip hasn’t been out as long as the Tostitos dip and I have a jar of it sitting in my fridge. There really are real bits of bacon in the dips, along with the following ingredients: smoky bacon type flavor and butter type flavor. Thank you for the pics, Travis.


A few weeks ago in New England, Nabisco started replacing their square Premium crackers with round ones. There were some issues with the new round crackers. My issue with these round Premium crackers is that they now look like Ritz crackers. The line between upper class and lower class crackers is now blurred. Thanks for the photo, Nicole.

If you’re out shopping and see a new product on the shelf (or really unusual), snap a picture of it, email it to us at with “Spotted” in the subject line, and you might see it in our next Spotted on Shelves post.


5 responses to “SPOTTED ON SHELVES – 6/1/2012”

  1. Rob

    The grocery shrink ray strikes again. Why the heck would I pay $2.50 for 10.5 ounces of round Saltines, when I can just buy the store brand and still get 16 ounces of square crackers. Sneaky Nabisco is sneaky.

  2. Canton

    Ohh, Nabisco, what are you doing? There is nothing like finding a square saltine cracker that has been a bit overcooked just so, with one or more deep brown edges to eat off. For brown edges one needs square crackers, darn it!

    (At least there is still Sunshine…)

  3. KStreet

    i bought the lactoce-free kozy shack (chocolate) by accident and it’s good! i eat gluten and lactose and i think it tastes just like regular chocolate pudding

  4. AkaDragonfly

    Tried the Kashi Squares, chocolate. Yeah, not a brownie. More like a dense, hard, memory foam tile. It has a somewhat burnt taste and dry as sawdust. Eat with lots of fluids. I tried to heat it up after the first bite and only found that just amplified the memory foam feel. Pass on this, unless you just need to take a good poo…which it was successful with. But alas, Kashi loves to move you that way. See the GoLean nightmares out there. I can attest it is real, all too real.

  5. monica

    Those kashi bars are so nasty. I really never understood how kashi got so popular. All the products i’ve tried turn out to be unedible.