PRIZE DRAWING: Because You Should Celebrate A Belated National Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Month

Wendy’s Berry Almond Chicken Salad

Did you know June is National Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Month?

I didn’t know until the good folks at Wendy’s told me it was when they offered The Impulsive Buy three $10 gift cards to give away to three lucky TIB readers. Now that I know it’s National Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Month, I regret all the McDonald’s and Burger King food I ate this month.

Oh, but the month isn’t over. I can still binge on fruits and vegetables. Farmer’s market, here I come!

Wendy’s is offering the gift cards so that the winners can celebrate a belated National Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Month by trying their Berry Almond Chicken Salad. I say belated because it’s almost the end of the month and the winners won’t be getting their gift cards until July. Jasper reviewed the salad last year and enjoyed it.

However, if you don’t want to celebrate National Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Month, you can hold on to the card until September and can celebrate National Chicken Month, if the Berry Almond Chicken Salad is still available. Or, if you can’t wait that long, you could use the gift card on July 13 to celebrate National French Fry day.

To enter the Happy Belated National Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Month prize drawing, leave a comment with THIS post. Your comment MUST INCLUDE one of the following:

1. Your favorite fruit of all time.

2. Your favorite vegetable of all time.

3. A 5,000-word essay about why a potato is or is not a vegetable.

4. The words, “Redheads and left-handed people will rule the world someday.”

Please don’t forget to fill out the email field because I’ll be emailing the randomly selected winners for their mailing address. The Impulsive Buy will stop accepting entries on Saturday, June 30, 2012 11:59 p.m. Hawaii Standard Time. Only one comment allowed per person, and it’s only open to U.S. residents who are at least 18 years old.

Good luck!

Fine Print: The Impulsive Buy promises your email address will not be used to send you anything about generic Canadian prescription drugs. The Impulsive Buy also promises your mailing address will not be used to send you AARP notices, even though you’re under 40 years old. Bribes will not be accepted. The Impulsive Buy will not be responsible for lost mail, damaged mail, or your decision to purchase burgers with the gift card.


109 responses to “PRIZE DRAWING: Because You Should Celebrate A Belated National Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Month”

  1. Redheads and left-handed people will rule the world someday. I’m a lefty, so I know.

  2. John

    I love all fruit and veggies but id hafta say watermelon! Damn expensive thougj!

  3. Koni

    The potato IS SO a vegetable, and it’s my favorite.

  4. stephanie


    2.broccoli or onions
    3.Not an essay, but I’m of German/Irish/Native American descent so I believe I’ve lived a 5,000 word essay on potatoes. They are good for you actually… a great antioxidant.
    4. “Redheads and left-handed people will rule the world someday.”

  5. Beth Acosta

    My favorite fruit of all time is bannana’s. They literally go with everything and yummy by themselves.

  6. Favorite fruit: apples.

    Favorite veggie: broccoli (I’m every mom’s dream).

  7. lu

    Pear ^_^

  8. Favorite fruit: apple!
    Favorite vegetable: onion (does that count?), if not SPINACH

  9. Anna

    Cabbage! 😀

  10. Natalie

    I love apples!!!!

  11. Apples and potatoes top everything else. No contest.

  12. Crocuta

    My favorite vegetables are redheads and left-handed people.

  13. L

    Favorite fruit is either durian or mangosteen; too bad both are near impossible to get fresh in the states

  14. Kendall

    Pineapple is the best fruit ever hands down. And I’m a sucker for all things with yellow squash. Om nom nom nom nom!

  15. Aimee

    Papaya all the way!!!!

  16. Kaylin

    Favorite Fruit: Can’t pick just one! But my favorites are apples, bananas, blueberries.

    Favorite Veggie: Carrots. I swear I was a rabbit in another life–I eat so many carrots all the time!

  17. Noodlez

    Redheads and left-handed people will rule the world (universe) someday.

  18. “Redheads and left-handed people will rule the world someday.”

    As a (fading) redhead, I concur. However, I am right-handed so I’ll be consigned to being a lackey of some sort rather than a true leader.

    And Japanese pumpkin (kabocha) and cherries.

  19. JT

    Oh man I freaken love the berry almond chicken salad! Fav fruit are strawberries, so this is an awesome giveaway!

  20. Mango, just exotic enough without getting kinky

  21. Katie

    summer tomatoes and georgia peaches

  22. Honeydew melon! 🙂

  23. Jon H.

    My favorite fruit is probably a good SweetTango apple.

    Veggie? It’s all about the sweet potato.

    (My Irish roots say that a potato is neither fruit nor veggie, but a magical foodstuff.)

    (I, for one, welcome our lefty, ginger overlords.)

  24. Chris aka NamebranD

    I’m full lefty but only half ginger so I’ll forego answer #4 and go with #1. My favorite fruit would have to be a pomegranate. Somebody saw somethin’ and they said hey, it looks like a pomegranate, and I don’t know why they call it a pomegranate, but it looks like a pomegranate, right? It became, no matter what language you spoke it in, the syllables are frequencies. It’s the world of creation in vibrating strings, which is sound.

  25. Adam

    I love Kiwi

  26. Craig L

    Here, in San Luis Obispo County, a coastal-but-semi-agricultural area midway between San Francisco and Los Angeles, two of our biggest crops are Strawberries and Broccoli, which, coincidentally, are my personal favorite fruit and vegetable, necessarily in that order.

  27. amy marantino

    fruit: apples (granny smith)
    veggie: artichokes

  28. Whitney N

    Blueberries. Delicious.

  29. Harvin

    Redheads and left-handed people will rule the world someday.

    … and it will be AWESOME!

  30. Steve

    Pears and artichokes

  31. Ryan C

    “Redheads and left-handed people will rule the world someday.”
    Potatoes are my favorite vegetables because they have a nice texture and a are high in many vitamins and minerals. Lemons are my favorite fruit, I will often eat a bag of lemon slices.

  32. I can’t pick just one! I love apples bananas blueberries sweet potatoes carrots clementines kiwis red peppers zucchini…

  33. Manavee


    Corn on the cob.

  34. Julia

    1. peach
    2. kale

  35. Melissa

    My favorite fruit of all time is definitely cantaloupe!

  36. Lindsey

    My favorite fruit of all time is Pink Lady Apples! So juicy and sweet….

  37. Jenn

    They’re always changing, but currently peaches and eggplant

  38. JoAnn

    Tomatoes in sauce form, always forget if they are a fruit or a vegetable.

  39. tk

    fruit: mangooo!
    vegetable: sweet potatoes!

  40. Jack L

    Tomato. Is a fruit or a veggie? Who cares!

  41. James

    Fruit would be mango. Though I do love ALL fruits. Even durians…

  42. Jasmyn


  43. Tyler M

    Well, the potato is a vegetable because…. J/K, my favorite fruit is probably pineapple.

  44. Paige

    Okra is the best vegetable ever!

  45. Adam


  46. mike

    sweet potato!

  47. M86

    My favorite vegetable is asparagus…Yummmm.

  48. Capricho

    Redheads and left-handed people will rule the world someday…until people with black hair who are right handed take over.

  49. Katie

    Redheads and left-handed people will rule the world someday… and I can’t wait because I’m left-handed 🙂

  50. neil

    The best fruit is the juicy watermelon ICE COLD

  51. david

    Redheads and left-handed people will rule the world someday?

  52. 1. Your favorite fruit of all time – Banana

    2. Your favorite vegetable of all time – Brocolli

    3. A 5,000-word essay about why a potato is or is not a vegetable – See Attached 😉

    4. The words, “Redheads and left-handed people will rule the world someday.”

  53. natosha m

    a potato is a vegetable starch that you find underground, easiest to grow and full vitamin C. If your in need of something easy to grow, something that will pack you with most nutrition ever. Potassium rich, vitamin c, b vitamins, and full other vitamins. If you love to enjoy a simple baked potato or oven fried french fries you’d get good nutrition in and add some good for you butter or olive oil while baking or as topping you’ll obtain the nutrition from the fat and also feel full with the goodness of a delicious potato. Many people could say a potato and meat dish is just perfect. Have your delicious Steak with a baked potato is a classic but good for you too. Keeps you full of happiness when you enjoy a potato, energy and give you the feeling of full longer too. If your looking ever for a healthy way to eat and that will keep you full on lower calories enjoy a baked potato it will help boost your body with nutrition, and keep you healthy for a long time.
    So many types and flavors. Try them all and enjoy them in many ways. Just don’t go out and order fries at fast food place, when you can reinvent them in a healthier at home way.

  54. Redheads and left-handed people will rule the world someday. I hope this is true since I’m left-handed.

  55. jjd_87

    Redheads and left-handed people will rule the world someday

  56. Stew

    My favorite fruit is watermelon.

  57. Valerie


  58. santi

    Redheads and left-handed people will rule the world someday.

  59. PJH

    Tomatoes from the farmer’s market. None of that store bought junk!

  60. Jenny

    Brussel sprouts are my favorite vegetable. I’m undecided between kiwi and mango for my favorite fruit.

  61. Julie

    I would have to say corn on the cob is my favorite vegetable…fruit wise its an apple

  62. Benicia

    MMMM, grapefruit is my favorite fruit because it is not only healthy, it sounds REALLY cool in French:”pamplemousse” – so pretentious! Bon Appetit!

  63. Mike

    I like mango–going thru a mango phase nowadays … 🙂

  64. Favourite fruit of all time has to be the Kiwi personally. I eats it ala Oz style, skin and all.

  65. cagseg

    Favorite fruit of all time: big, fat, juicy, tree-ripened PEACH

  66. Echo710

    I don’t think I’ve ever met a fruit or vegetable I didn’t like… except for one. I can’t stand sweet corn.

  67. Deanna

    I love nearly all vegetables, although brussel sprouts and I have a long and rocky history together stemming from some unfortunate childhood memories around the dinner table. If I had to choose, I would say my absolute favorite vegetable is a green bell pepper. I could eat them raw anytime. As for fruit, I’m a big fan of berries, with strawberries taking a very slight lead over the others.

  68. Slr

    Redheads and left-handed people will rule the world someday. My ginger pride almost made me leave out the lefties, but maybe we’ll create the extreme race of ginger lefties and the world will be doomed forever.

  69. Holly B

    Mangoes are might tasty! And good luck to us if left-handers take over the world. That would be a early Apocalyse!

  70. Jared Brown

    Favorite fruit is peach

  71. Marc

    Favorite vegetable? Potatoes when in French Fry form 😛

    I enjoy carrots, broccoli, corn, squash and turnip when done right. Corn (on the cob) is probably my favorite though.

  72. Lap

    Redheads and left-handed people will rule the world someday. I’m actually a leftie and I love redheads!

  73. Claudia

    Redheads and left-handed People will rule the world someday. Mhhmmm.

  74. Jess

    Veggies. I like Brussels sprouts, they are AWESOME.

  75. danielle

    my absolute favorite fruit is a blood orange.

  76. Dannielle

    That depends if you consider a mushroom a vegetable or not.

  77. Stephani

    My favorite fruit is watermelon and as for vegetable I’ll say red potatoes.

  78. Brent

    Favorite fruit would have to be strawberries. For the veggie, I’ll go with spinach.

  79. Squash is the best veggie, cherries are the best fruit! 😀

  80. Nicole

    Redheads and left-handed people will rule the world someday. But it’ll mostly be left handed people.

  81. Vanessa

    My favorite fruit of all time is pineapple.

  82. oaksusu

    I like melons.

  83. Philip

    Mangos all day!

  84. Sabitri Kharel

    Mango is the best fruit of all time!!!

  85. Christine

    Pineapple, hands down

  86. Cat

    Redheads and left-handed people will rule the world someday.

  87. Claire

    I’m a mango girl myself

  88. SL

    1. Pink Lady apples!

  89. Michael

    The potato is obviously the best vegetable of all time! So versatile! And Wendy’s makes a good baked potato!

  90. Gionot

    I’ve done enough writing today, so, skipping the essay, I will say that potatoes are my favorite vegetable. That’s because they are good tasting, versatile and filling. While I enjoy a plain boiled potato (skin and all) as a snack, I also use them in a wide variety of dishes: eggs, gratins, stir-fries, curries. I even occasionally indulge in the standard favorites like french fries and homemade mashed potatoes.

    I’m more of a veggie person than a fruit person. But I was raised on wild-picked berries and I’ve never outgrown my love of them; ripe raspberries are the ultimate treat.

    Redheads and left-handed people will rule the world someday? Thought they already did, but maybe that’s just the perspective from my home.

  91. Ronaldo Silverado

    I can count to potato.

  92. Ashley

    Watermelons are my favorite!

  93. Kris

    Fresh tomatoes from my garden!

  94. Jenny


  95. Mary L.

    Redheads and left-handed people will rule the world someday!

  96. Gabrielle

    favorite fruit of all time: PEACHES

  97. Rick

    To quote the Wiggles: Fruit Salad, Yummy Yummy

  98. April

    My favorite vegetable is Broccoli

  99. Kristin

    Redheads and left-handed people will rule the world someday. (Sweet! I am both!)

  100. Carey

    My favorite vegetable is broccoli; favorite fruit is strawberry.

  101. Emily

    Redheads and left-handed people will rule the world someday.

    I happen to be both!

    P.S. If someone writes that 5,000 word essay, they will really rule the world.

  102. ratbuddy

    1. John Travolta.

    2. That guy from Life Goes On.

    3. Pass.

    4. Redheads and left-handed people will rule the world someday.

    Do I get 3 chances to win now?

  103. Katrina

    Classic red seedless grapes are my favorite fruit. I consider them nature’s candy.

  104. Zachary Jacob Zblewski

    Redheads and left-handed people will rule the world someday.

  105. My favorite fruit of all time is WATERMELON. Yum!

  106. Arvinder Chattha

    Favorite Fruit is watermelon hands down.

  107. YJ

    I loves me some watermelon.

  108. ArcadianWarrior

    Is mayonnaise a fruit? If so, then that would be my answer…