NEWS: Dunkin’ Donuts Offers Oreo Coolatta To Cool You Down This Summa

Oreo Cookies

Update: Click here to read our Dunkin’ Donuts Vanilla Bean Coolatta review.

I thought everything that could’ve been Oreo-fied had be Oreo-fied, but Dunkin’ Donuts has shown me how wrong I was by introducing their new Oreo Coffee Coolatta and Oreo Vanilla Bean Coolatta.

The new blended Oreo Coolattas beverages are available for a limited time.

A small (16 ounce) Oreo Coffee Coolatta with cream has 480 calories, 26 grams of fat, 15 grams of saturated fat, 0.5 grams of trans fat, 80 milligrams of cholesterol, 210 milligrams of sodium, 64 grams of carbohydrates, 49 grams of sugar, 1 gram of fiber, and 4 grams of protein. If you think the fat totals are a bit too high, you can make it better for you by swapping the cream with milk or skim milk.

A small Oreo Vanilla Bean Coolatta has 420 calories, 9 grams of fat, 4 grams of saturated fat, 0 grams of trans fat, 20 milligrams of cholesterol, 230 milligrams of sodium, 88 grams of carbohydrates, 75 grams of sugar, 1 gram of fiber, and 3 grams of protein. If you think the sugar total is a bit too high, you can make it better for you by pouring half of the frozen beverage on the ground.

Dunkin’ Donuts also has new Oreo donuts, but I’m too Oreo-ed out to explain them.

(Thanks to TIB reader Christopher for the heads up!)

Image via flickr user KellBailey / CC BY 2.0


13 responses to “NEWS: Dunkin’ Donuts Offers Oreo Coolatta To Cool You Down This Summa”

  1. Bobby

    My husband and I have both tried it, at two different DD’s, and had two different experiences. At the one he went to, the DD person who made it was very knowledgable about the new product, and the Coolatta was very thick and tasty. However, when I got it at another DD, the employee insisted there was no such thing as the coffee one — only vanilla bean. We had to actually point out the advertising right there in his store that said Oreo Coolatta Coffee, to convince him to make it. Then he had to ask someone else about it, and the drink was thin and watery.

  2. Jenn

    Love it. Never been a fan of the Vanilla Bean Coolata in the past so I’ve only had the Oreo Coffee Coolata. Sometimes it tastes like a cookies and cream milkshake, sometimes it tastes like a Coffee Coolata with some oreo dust in it. Either way I recommend trying it.

  3. amy mattos

    tried the oreo iced coffee it is interestingly delicious

  4. allison

    The vanilla bean oreo coolata is REALLY good

  5. Feia

    I tried the Vanilla Bean Oreo Coolatta. I was disappointed. It was thin and watery. Almost no flavor. Gave me reflux too!

    Note… I don’t really care for Dunkin’ coolattas to begin with, so take this with a grain of salt.

    1. Anonymous

      sometimes they ruin them when making them, you should give it another try! i find that they taste better when they are not smalls!

  6. kssnrabbit

    i think they are really good, yum!

  7. anon

    Wait wat? A 16 ounce beverage is considered small?

    I’m shocked honestly.

  8. Ben

    Christ, these were amazing till I read there’s 480 calories! Heaven in your mouth doesn’t make up for the hell in your belly

    1. Miki

      I feel pretty bad. I was trying to convince my brother that the drink couldn’t have been more than 300 calories at the most. Now i feel pretty sad I ate it.

      Don’t get me wrong, it SOOO yummy!!! I don’t like coffee. So After staring at the advertisement for 2 months, because DD is in our college. I decided to try it out. I told the ladies working there, small vanilla bean oreo coolatta but to add a lot of chocolate and sweet stuff to it. It tasted like heaven on earth, I never finished a drink so fast in my life. Swear it took me only 10 minutes. I had 2 of them on my birthday yesterday justifying it to myself. Then again I worked out so I think it’ll equal out.

      But going to be a long time before I have one again now that I know its 420 calories and probably more since i added extra chocolate even though i had no whip cream on mine.

      1. Not spam, honest person

        Yummy? How old are you? 5?

  9. Dan

    I guess this is something to try once and be done with it.

  10. Evilsnook

    Tastes like doo doo