PRIZE DRAWING: Because A Wise Man Once Said A Clean Mouth Will Get French Kissed More Than A Dirty One


Oh wait…. Or is it the other way around?

Anyhoo, the fine folks at Oral-B are letting us give away one of their Professional Precision 1000 Power Toothbrushes to a lucky Impulsive Buy reader.

Before I got the email from the fine folks at Oral-B, I was doing research on electric toothbrushes, because I needed something stronger to clean my dirty, dirty mouth, and the one we’re giving away was on the top of my list because of its price and what it offers. The Oral-B Professional Precision 1000 received mostly 4 or 5 star reviews on Amazon
(affiliate link) and it’s The Wirecutter’s pick for Best Electric Toothbrush.

When I’m done going through the regular toothbrushes I bought from Costco, I’ll most likely pick up the Oral-B Professional Precision 1000. But enough about me and my quest to get an electric toothbrush, let’s talk about you and your quest to get an electric toothbrush.

To enter our Oral-B Professional Precision 1000 giveaway, leave a comment with THIS post. You can say whatever you want in your comment, but you must use the word “gingivitis” or the words “cavity creeps” in it.

Please don’t forget to fill out the email field because I’ll be emailing the randomly selected winner for his or her mailing address. The Impulsive Buy will stop accepting entries on Saturday, July 14, 2012 11:59 p.m. Hawaii Standard Time. Only one comment allowed per person, and it’s only open to U.S. residents who are at least 18 years old.

For those of you who have a Twitter account, you can get an additional entry by tweeting the following by Saturday, July 14, 2012 11:59 p.m. Hawaii Standard Time:

Hey @theimpulsivebuy! Just chill, listen to the beats I spill, I use Crest, so ain’t no cavity creeps in my grill.

So just copy, paste, and tweet. Only one tweet per Twitter account.

Good luck!

One last thing… if you don’t win, and you’re interested in the Professional Precision 1000 Power Toothbrush, Oral-B is offering a $20 mail-in rebate on it until September 30.

Fine Print: The Impulsive Buy promises your email address will not be used to send you free toothpaste samples. The Impulsive Buy also promises your mailing address will not be used to send you anything from dentists in your area looking for new patients. Bribes will not be accepted. The Impulsive Buy will not be responsible for lost mail, damaged mail, or you not having good oral hygiene.

Image via flickr user rightee / CC BY 2.0

94 thoughts on “PRIZE DRAWING: Because A Wise Man Once Said A Clean Mouth Will Get French Kissed More Than A Dirty One”

  1. Thankfully I don’t have the gingivitis. But I’ve got the cavity creeps, they’re all over the place. Jerks.

  2. Anyone else immediately think of the Scooby Doo episode (The Creeper!) when they read the words, “cavity creeps”? No? Just me?

  3. Cavity creeps and gingivitis can suck it if I win this contest! I needs me a new toothbrush to brush The Teeths Of A Big Cat!

  4. Those Gingivitis boys were nothin’ but a couple o’ nasty, no good cavity creeps.

  5. Love the reviews of Japanese snacks with the M&M ladies! Perhaps Japan has a snack that will prevent gingivitis…

  6. Michael Flory

    I need a new toothbrush to prevent gingivitis and prevent those cavity creeps!

  7. Zachary Jacob Zblewski

    You know what? I need to tell you that gingivitis gives me the cavity creeps. Or something.

  8. In our house, the cavity creeps are known as “sugar bugs” for the sake of our three year old. At least for a while it helped with teeth brushing.

  9. I used to have the “cavity creeps”, but now with so many crowns, there are few places for them to live….

  10. It wasn’t a wise man that said it – it was a Trekkie that said it so he could blame his lack of girlfriend and kisses on his gingivitis instead of his homemade Capt. Kirk costume.

  11. Heather Marie

    Those cavity creeps are some bad mofos! I could use an electric toothbrush to battle them after every meal. Pearly whites FTW!

  12. I dated a red head once…and they gave me gingivitis.


    But seriously, I need a new toothbrush…the cavity creeps are after me and I dont know how long I can hold them off. I made a fort out of old Crest and Colgate toothpaste boxes…but these suckers are starting to eat through the first layer!


  13. I would like to aid in the preventing of Cavity Creeps and Gingivitis in my mouth.

  14. Disclaimer 2: Without proper brushing, impulse buys may lead to gengivitis. Furtermore, consumption of certain products reviewed herein, though often delicious, may keep the most hardened creeps away from your no no cavities.

  15. [ This should be sung ] Gingivitis will give us Bad Breath and heart
    problems yeah yeah yeah………

  16. Last night I dreamed that the cavity creeps were chasing me, and I just couldn’t get away.

  17. As a microbiology student, I know that gingivitis is often caused by biofilms of bacteria!

  18. My sonicare tooth brush gave me “gingivitis”. Please sir, may I have another?…. Toothbrush!

  19. If you don’t let me win, i will come to your house and give you gingivitis! …Pretty sure that’s how it works, so you better watch out.

  20. I heard once that if you brush and it’s pink when you spit (blood, duh) then you probably have gingivitis. Therefore, I probably have gingivitis.

  21. Cavity Creeps. Cavity Creeps. Cavity Creeps. I might have gingivitis but not the Eric Cartman kind……

  22. While I’ve never had gingivitis as a kid I did get a bad case of the cavity creeps. Thank god they were all baby teeth and I could afford to let them fall out.. but NOW i must take good care of my teeth! Or the evil tooth fairy will come yet again and swipe them from me for WAY less than what they are worth.

    That is why it is my duty to fulfill this entry form to ensure the cavity creeps will never come to haunt this cavern again. Your mission, if you choose to accept.. is to surrender what you call this fancy dandy tooth brush to me to fight the good fight. and win.

  23. I’ve never gotten gingivitis or cavity creeps. If this toothbrush can help that continue then I’m all for it!

  24. I’ve been using an OralB electric toothbrush since 2000. I’ve been gingivitis free ever since. A new toothbrush would be wonderful, because my old one doesn’t hold a charge as well anymore.

  25. Cavity Creeps was the name of my band in college. We had one hit that made it to the local airwaves. It was called “Gingivitis Eyes”.

  26. Gingivitis. Eatin’ up my teeth.
    Gingivitis. Givin’ me the cavity creeps.
    I don’t believe you, you’re not true.
    You turned my dead tooth black n blue.
    Mercy. (refrain) Raaaawwwwwrrrr!!!

  27. Rollin’ in my jeep
    Hollerin’ at my peeps
    Getting’ no stink
    Cause of my cavity creeps

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