ANNOUNCEMENT: We Let an eBook Publisher Go Through Our Fast Food Reviews to Put Together a Collection of Them So That We Can Say We Published a Book!

bookcoverWe’ve done a salt lick’s worth of fast food reviews here at The Impulsive Buy. Don’t believe me? Read our archives or pick up our brand new eBook, Brutally Honest Fast Food Reviews – The Best and Worst of Burger King, McDonald’s, Taco Bell, and Other Drive-Thru Mainstays.

Yes, you can now read TIB reviews without an Internet connection. Well, that’s not entirely true, you’ll need one to download the eBook. But once it’s downloaded you can enjoy it on your eBook reading device sans Internet. And if you’re in your private place, sans pants.

Putting together this book was hard work…that we didn’t do. We left the collecting, editing, and graphic designing to our new friends over at Hyperink, who specialize in turning blogs into eBooks. We’ve done almost 1,200 reviews here at The Impulsive Buy and I estimate about one-fifth of them are fast food reviews. Our eBook doesn’t have them all, but it’s got many of our best.

So if you’re a new TIB reader, this eBook is a great way to look back at some of our archives which goes back eight years. And if you’re a long time reader, this eBook is a wonderful way to relive all the sodium and saturated fat we consumed for you.

So how much is Brutally Honest Fast Food Reviews – The Best and Worst of Burger King, McDonald’s, Taco Bell, and Other Drive-Thru Mainstays?

If you buy it from the Amazon Kindle store, it’s just $4.95. You can also purchase it direct from Hyperink for just $2.99. With that purchase, you can get the eBook for the Kindle, Nook, iPad, or download a PDF.



9 responses to “ANNOUNCEMENT: We Let an eBook Publisher Go Through Our Fast Food Reviews to Put Together a Collection of Them So That We Can Say We Published a Book!”

  1. MeNotYou

    If I had the Internet I’d be all over that book!

  2. winnie

    Wow, congratulations.

  3. That’s awesome

    1. Thank you!

  4. Mike N.

    Cool! Does it include user comments?

    1. Nope. But it does include links to other blogs that reviewed the same products. You’re welcome, other blogs!

  5. Molly

    …it’s not…self-published…is it?

    (Just kidding! English majors’ inside joke!)


    1. Thanks!

      Actually, I’ve been thinking about self-publishing our next book.