5-Hour Energy now has a pink lemonade flavor, joining berry, lemon-lime, orange, grape, and pomegranate.
Holy crap! I didn’t know there were that many 5-Hour Energy flavors. So if I wanted to stay up for 30 hours straight, I could do so drinking every flavor.
However, Pink Lemonade 5-Hour Energy isn’t just a new flavor, the kind folks that make the pick-me-up are donating five cents to the Avon Foundation for Women Breast Cancer Crusade for every bottle of Pink Lemonade 5-Hour Energy that’s sold. The minimum donation they’ll contribute is $75,000.
According to their TV commercial, 5-Hour Energy is used nine million times a week. So if one million of those were Pink Lemonade sales, that’s $50,000 per week. Donations from sales will be running from the beginning of October 2012 to the end of the year. So that’s $50,000 times 14 weeks, which equals…Ugh, I can’t focus and all this math is making my brain tired. I could sure use some 5-Hour Energy.
Source: Foodbeast