The Impulsive Buy


Here are some new products found on store shelves by us and your fellow readers. We may or may not review them, but we’d like to let you know what new items are popping up. We’ll also occasionally throw in an unusual product.

Tastykake Kandy Bar Kakes 1

Tastykake Kandy Bar Kakes 2

These Tastykake Kandy Bar Kakes look skrumptious and delektable. It sukks I kan’t konsume them bekause the Tastykake kompany doesn’t sell their produkts here on this rokk. I am driving my spellchekk krazy. (Sukriya for the photo, Adam!)

Cool Whip Frosting

Do you know what I like about Cool Whip? It comes in a tub that’s easy to eat out of, and Kraft’s new Cool Whips Frosting also come in a container that’s easy to eat out of. It looks like my cakes will be naked. Cool Whip Frosting comes in three flavors — Chocolate, Cream Cheese, and Vanilla. (Salamat for the photo, Adam!)

Limited Edition Marshmallow Pebbles

I’ve mentioned several times on this blog that I have a thing for redheads and I believe it all started because of Wilma Flintstone. Because of my love for redheads, I’m probably going to buy a box of Limited Edition Marshmallow Pebbles, which don’t appear to be any different than the old Marshmallow Pebbles and is only a limited edition because Wilma is on the front.

Werther's Originals Caramel Specialties

If Werther’s Original’s specialty is caramel (yup, double apostrophe S’s), then what’s so special about these Werther’s Original Caramel Specialties. Along with the Caramel, CaraMelts, and Toffee Crunch varieties, there’s also a Milk Chocolate version of these Werther’s Original Caramel Specialties. The Snackpot reviewed the Toffee Crunch flavor. (Gracias for the photo, Kenneth!)

Bacon jerky! Nice! Natural smoke flavor added! Nice! Non-edible silica moisture absorber! Nice! It’s like Beggin’ Strips for humans! Nice! (Mahalo for the pic, Scott!)

If you’re out shopping and see a new product on the shelf (or really unusual), snap a picture of it, email it to us at with “Spotted” in the subject line, and you might see it in our next Spotted on Shelves post.

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