I get my hands on Wasabi Kit Kat from Japan. Is it oishi or warui? Find out in this review.
Length – 2 min. 29 sec.
Natto picture in video courtesy of Rodzilla Reviews
Other Wasabi Kit Kat reviews:
Japanese Snack Reviews
ZOMG Candy
Foodette Reviews
11 responses to “VIDEO REVIEW: Wasabi Kit Kat (Japan)”
Hilarious review Marvo!
Thank you!
I tried many flavors of Kit Kats from Japan. I loved shoyu, sweet potato, maple, and green tea. Wasabi was the only one I couldn’t handle and actually had to spit out. So gross!
I tried and liked the shoyu and green tea. I keep wanting Nestle in Japan to come out with a durian flavored Kit Kat.
So people who don’t care for wasabi wouldn’t appreciate the Wasabi Kit Kat. Sound reasoning! XD (I’d be all over a Green Tea one, though.)
Dammit! Proofreading fail!
Hey, I thought it was funny. Still do!
Me love some green tea Kit Kat! So… If I have an addiction of putting wasabi on any edible thing, I’ll probably like this Kit Kat, right? In Brazil we only have the plain-not-fun-at-all chocolate Kit Kat.
ps: <3 from Brazil Marvo! You are a cutie
Thank you! That’s what I say to myself in the mirror every day.
That cracked me up!