NEWS: Taco Bell’s Cookie Sandwich Is Probably Not Lorena Garcia’s Idea

Why is Taco Bell’s new Cookie Sandwich not a cookie taco?

Or instead of a cookie taco, why couldn’t Taco Bell just make up a Mexican sounding name like they’ve done with past menu items? Because Cookie Sandwich sounds out of place among the other two items on Taco Bell’s dessert menu — Churros and a Caramel Apple Empanada.

Taco Bell’s Cookie Sandwich is made up of two triangle-shaped chocolate chip cookies with vanilla cream filling in between. The dessert reminds me of the discontinued Chips Ahoy Cremewiches, which I really miss.

The Taco Bell Cookie Sandwich has 390 calories, 17 grams of fat, 8 grams of saturated fat, 15 milligrams of cholesterol, 130 milligrams of sodium, 56 grams of carbohydrates, 2 grams of fiber, 44 grams of sugar, 3 grams of protein.

10 thoughts on “NEWS: Taco Bell’s Cookie Sandwich Is Probably Not Lorena Garcia’s Idea”

  1. this item doesn’t belong in the menu, it isn’t even a hispanic item.
    and the caramel empanada is a very old item.
    none of the new items impress me.

  2. Tried one today per this post. Cookie part is nice and chewy and good. Filling is really sickening sweet. Taste like a paste of powdered sugar and water smashed between two cookies. Two thumbs down.

  3. Kenneth Rathburn

    The small indent in the top cookie made me imagine the cookies being shaped like tortilla chips and including marshmallow dipping sauce. Hey, it’s fast food, there are hardly any bounds!

  4. I tried one of these tonight and split it with my grown daughter. We both agreed it tasted pretty poor. The soft chocolate chip cookies are low quality with very little taste other than sweet, and no chocolate chip flavor. The filling was just sweet icing, too sweet. Nothing special about it at all. Definitely NOT worth $1.29. We both agreed we would never get another one.

    its a drive thru what do you expect I will agree it is VERY sweet but for those who love sweet this is the place to pick one up fast.

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