Here are some new and limited edition products found on store shelves by us and your fellow readers. We may or may not review them, but we’d like to let you know what new items are popping up. We’ll also occasionally throw in an unusual product.

Earth Balance Coconut & Peanut Spread

Despite their names, both coconuts and peanuts aren’t nuts. Coconuts are drupes, while peanuts are legumes. So I find it fitting that the two find themselves together in a coconut and peanut butter spread. (Spotted at Whole Foods. Spotted by Audrey.)

Rice-A-Roni Cups

Is Rice-A-Roni still the “San Francisco Treat”? Because I’ve never considered rice to be a treat. When has rice ever been a treat? Well, now that I think about it, I guess if I was held captive somewhere and fed only water and bread, rice would be a treat. (Spotted at Safeway)

Heinz 57 Sauce with Honey

It’s rare to see another Heinz 57 Sauce variety. I can’t wait to use Heinz 57 Sauce with Honey to make the steak, chicken, and pork I overcook in my George Foreman grill taste a little better. (Spotted at Safeway)

Pillsbury Fudge Truffle Supreme Collection

Pillsbury Red Velvet Supreme Collection

As someone who has trouble baking a cake from a regular boxed cake mix, these, with their filling and need for a bundt pan, look really scary to me. (Spotted at Safeway)

Hormel Black Label Real Bacon Snackin' Nuggets Jalapeno

Hormel is the king, THE KING I say, of shelf stable meat products. Also, I find their SPAM Museum in Minnesota to be very interesting. Here’s a Hormel Black Label Real Bacon Snackin’ Nuggest Jalapeño review. (Spotted at Walmart. Spotted by Carrie.)

If you’re out shopping and see a new or limited edition product on the shelf (or really unusual), snap a picture of it, and send us an email ( with where you found it and “Spotted” in the subject line. If you do so, you might see your picture in our next Spotted on Shelves post.


7 responses to “SPOTTED ON SHELVES – 11/9/2012”

  1. Three Pipe Problem

    Wow these marketers will lie through their teeth. Adding honey *obviously* makes it Heinz 58.

  2. Oh, this is too funny. I bought the Earth Balance spread last weekend and it is SO SO GOOD. I actually blogged about it today too, ha! Glad to see it on another blog. 🙂

  3. Jeliah

    That Earth Balance Spread has been around for years now.
    It is really good and I’ve been buying it for over a year.
    But it is for people who like coconut.
    I LOVE coconut and peanut butter so there.

  4. Echo710

    The Heinz 57 Sauce with Honey has also been around for quite a while; I’ve been buying it for at least 2 years. I like it even more than the original Heinz 57 (although that’s delicious too).

  5. AK

    Fried rice or rice pudding could be a treat? I dunno.

  6. jamesela

    I hate to admit it…but that cheddar broccoli Rice-a-Roni is a total guilty pleasure treat for me.