For years, Heinz ketchup has been my condiment of choice for French fries and to make my cooking a little more tolerable.
While Heinz ketchup has changed the flavor of my weak tasting food, the condiment itself has never really moved beyond the formula of tomato concentrate from red ripe tomatoes, distilled vinegar, high fructose corn syrup, corn syrup, salt, spice, onion powder, and natural flavoring.
However, a few years ago Heinz came out with a Hot & Spicy variety that was flavored with Tabasco sauce. And last year they came out with a limited edition ketchup blended with balsamic vinegar that later became a regular addition. This year, Heinz has released another limited edition ketchup and this time it’s blended with jalapeño.
I’ve had a number of jalapeño products over the years and many of them have been disappointing because while they have the jalapeño flavor, they also have little to no heat. However, the Limited Edition Heinz Tomato Ketchup Blended With Real Jalapeño has the opposite problem.
I tried the spicy ketchup by itself, with McDonald’s fries, on a condiment-less Jack in the Box Jumbo Jack, and on top of my awful cooking. I was going to use it to make spicy sketti, but I didn’t want to find out if my horrible food was worse than a reality show star’s horrible food.
On everything I used the jalapeño-enhance ketchup with, all I initially noticed was the heat.
On a scale of one to ten, with one being the heat I would feel on the top side of a pillow that has just been slept on for eight hours and ten being the heat one would feel on a pan that has just been in an oven for eight hours, the spiciness of the Limited Edition Heinz Tomato Ketchup Blended With Real Jalapeño would be a four or five. It’s a nice kick that didn’t instantly shock my mouth’s nerves.
While its spiciness and tomato flavor was wonderful, it’s hard to notice the jalapeño flavor. Once in a while, I got a hint of it, but it’s definitely not as strong as I hoped it would be. Also, I don’t know if the heat was distracting my taste buds, but the ketchup’s vinegary flavor was slightly lacking. I wouldn’t have minded it so much if it had a jalapeño flavor to replace it with.
Overall, the Limited Edition Heinz Tomato Ketchup Blended With Real Jalapeño does make McDonald’s fries, a Jack in the Box Jumbo Jack, and my cooking spicier, but it does just a decent job at helping the awful meals I make taste better.
Disclosure: I received a free bottle of Limited Edition Heinz Tomato Ketchup Blended With Real Jalapeño from the fine folks at Heinz in order to review it.
(Nutrition Facts – 1 tbsp – 20 calories, 0 grams of fat, 160 milligrams of sodium, 5 grams of carbohydrates, 0 grams of fiber, 4 grams of sugar, 0 grams of protein, 2% vitamin A, and 2% vitamin C.)
Item: Limited Edition Heinz Tomato Ketchup Blended With Real Jalapeño
Purchased Price: Free
Size: 14 ounce bottle
Purchased at: Received from the folks at Heinz
Rating: 6 out of 10
Pros: Nice spicy kick and tomato flavor. Heinz coming up with more limited edition ketchup. Regular ketchup makes my cooking taste taste better.
Cons: Doesn’t have a strong jalapeño flavor. Vinegar flavor is slightly subdued. My cooking. Does just a decent job at improving my cooking. Sketti.
10 responses to “REVIEW: Limited Edition Heinz Tomato Ketchup Blended With Real Jalapeño”
I wonder if they’ll ever come out with a limited edition habanero version.
Nah, let’s skip the habanero and go straight for a ghost pepper version.
That would be some pretty expensive paint remover. I wish this would come in a larger bottle.
This ketchup isn’t for those that want something hot and spicy on their burgers..that’s what the Heinz Hot and Spicy is for.
However..what this ketchup IS good for is consumers that want just a little kick to their food whether it be as a condiment on their meatloaf…to add to shrimp sauce, etc. as it’s thicker and meatier than the regular Heinz with a little bit of kick and not as sweet.
My hubby bought a few bottles online when Heinz introduced it during the holidays and loved it. Even the kids liked it which was pretty amazing as they’re pretty fussy.
What’s great about this product that is soo hard to find elsewhere is that it has a mediocre spiciness along with the fact that it’s a little thicker and meatier than their regular ketchup. Much less of that vinegar taste that I don’t care for in Heinz regular ketchup.
If you’re not a big fan of really hot ketchups and are just looking for a product that is going to add just a bit of kick..this is the ketchup for you!!
I ordered 3 bottles! pretty good price
This is just one of many limited editions ketchup flavours doing the rounds in the uk at the mo. none of them beat the original stuff for me.
The Old Fogey thinks Heinz should just go for broke, how’s about a spicy three pepper with scotch bonnet, ghost pepper, and jalapeno at the same time!
Love the new Tabasco Ketchup keep it coming!!!
I suggest reading the ingredients to see how far jalapenos are down the list. The only thing jalapeno about this product is the label.
It freaking good!, keep it coming for real!!