Here are some interesting new and limited edition products found on store shelves by us and your fellow readers.

Doritos Jumpin' Jack

Holy crap! Doritos Jumpin’ Jack Tortilla Chips are back for a limited time. All I need now is a Sega Genesis game console, Crystal Pepsi, and horrible acne to relive my high school years. (Spotted by Adam at Target.)

Silk Latte

Last year, International Delight started offering their own iced coffee after years of being just a coffee creamer company. So it’s not surprising to see Silk do the same thing, except in a way that doesn’t involve cow udders. (Spotted by Melissa at Redner’s Warehouse Market.)

Lean Pockets Limited Edition Chicken Carbonara

Another limited edition Lean Pockets, which I purchased. My microwave oven is not excited to find out if my streak of Hot/Lean Pockets oozing some their contents out while being heated up will continue. (Spotted by Marvo at Target.)

Dole Chia Clusters

This has nothing to do with these Dole Chia & Fruit Clusters, but I’d like to point out there’s a Chia Hello Kitty, which is perfect for the Hello Kitty superfan in your family. (Spotted by Margaret at Kroger.)

Skinny Cow candy

Skinny Cow Devine Filled Chocolate? How about some Skinny Cow Wine Filled Chocolate? Amirite, my fellow ladies? Oh wait, I’m a guy. (Spotted by Margaret at Kroger.)

Thank you to all the photo contributors! If you’re out shopping and see an interesting new or limited edition product on the shelf (or really unusual), snap a picture of it, and send us an email ( with where you found it and “Spotted” in the subject line. If you do so, you might see your picture in our next Spotted on Shelves post.


8 responses to “SPOTTED ON SHELVES – 12/31/2012”

  1. If I could push a button and Crystal Pepsi would return yet five people somewhere in the world would die, I would spend a disturbing amount of time considering my options.

    1. Echo710

      Me too. I loved Crystal Pepsi.

  2. Chia & Fruit Cluster? Gotta give them a try; sounds perfect for my never ending New Years Resolution of eating healthy

  3. WK

    Jumpin’ Jack, Monterey Jack, Black Pepper Jack… I don’t know how many different names this flavor has been resurrected with, but I’m happy. Best Doritos ever.

  4. Echo710

    Jumpin’ Jack Doritos? That used to be my favorite flavor.

    I actually haven’t eaten Doritos in years, but I might have to pick up a bag of these for nostalgia’s sake.

  5. Chefprotoss

    I have like 5 genesis’ laying around if you want one…

    1. Thanks, but now that I think about it, I don’t want to go through the pain of blowing into cartridges in order to make them work properly.

  6. Jumpin’ Jack!!!!!!! Decent….in our opinion, but not quite as good as Black Pepper Jack!! Are we sure they are the same flavor?!?