Year: 2012

  • REVIEW: Kashi Chocolate Almond Butter Soft-Baked Cookies

    Kashi Chocolate Almond Butter Soft-Baked Cookies

    Some mornings, I wake up and make a list of the things I could do to be a better person:

    1. Learn to play the bagpipes.
    2. Engineer a machine that cures allergies.
    3. Prove that a Hadamard matrix exists for every positive multiple of 4.

    Somewhere down that list, I eventually land on the inevitable, “Eat more whole grains.”

    Ah, yes, whole grains: the former foundation of the food pyramid (prior to its 2000 re-fashioning) and topic pressed by nutritionists, early morning talk shows, and grandmoms alike, and, well, grandma knows best. While I still love my white bread and peanut butter sandwiches, no doubt more whole grains are gonna help me live longer, so, if I find a product that fulfills my grainy requirement in the form of a baked goodie, you can bet I’m on-board.

    This is where Kashi cookies came into my life. Aisle 7. Tip top shelf. There it was. In shining bold letters.

    Kashi Chocolate Almond Butter Soft-Baked Cookies Kashi cookies have whole grains

    “Whole Grains”!

    First, I would like to take a moment of appreciation for this packaging. Like a miniature treasure hunt, these cookies are housed in a package within a wrapper within a box and let’s face it: there is no replacement for the utter joy brought about by ripping open a box then ripping open another package. It builds that bubbling, anticipatory suspense… slowly…slowly… until…

    Kashi Chocolate Almond Butter Soft-Baked Cookies Look at that Kashi packaging


    There it is. 8 little cookies all in a row.

    Now, the gloves come off: it’s tasting time.

    Well, slap me sideways and call me Cabbage McPhee. There are whole grains everywhere in this cookie. Inside each of these eight hockey-puck-shaped wonders is the dense, rocky road of Cookieland. Those classic “7 Kashi Grains” take up the majority of the cookie. The chew is a little too texturally challenging for my cookie preferences, but, if you’re a texture kid, pull out your adventure hat and hop in the Jeep Wrangler. This is an off-roadin’ cookie.

    Kashi Chocolate Almond Butter Soft-Baked Cookies Oh, ye crumbly kashi cookie

    This cookie’s flavors are much like a night of good jazz improv: all the components support one another. The nuttiness of those grains plays the bass beside the almond butter while the cocoa plays the saxophone, highlighting all that roasty-toasty swing (plus, who doesn’t want to play the saxophone?). It all comes together, with the chocolate being the main highlight and a hint of salty-sweet almonds at the end.

    And did I mention there are chocolate chips? There are. And they’re especially soft. And especially good after microwaving the cookie for 5 seconds. Especially good.

    Each cookie packs a double-punch of almonds with both almond butter in the cookie batter and whole almonds poking out from the jagged terrain of each crumbly offering. There were no noticeable almond butter swirls, but I was cool with that. The almonds echoed enough in the flavor that I trusted there was some almond butter in there doing its job.

    While these rocked on taste combination, my particular box seemed to be suffering from a “Dry and Tough” disease. (Sad face) Although it wasn’t the soft chew I was hoping for, there was something I was rather fond of that I couldn’t quite put my finger on, so I ate another while listening to Tchaikovsky’s The Nutcracker in hopes that a holiday musical muse might descend from above and enlighten me. It was right in the middle of the “Waltz of the Snowflakes” that I realized (with a particularly dramatic gasp): these are cakey granola bars! In cylindrical hockey-puck form!

    Talk about a way to energize the mid-day snack attack: whole grains, chocolate, and a recyclable box, which, after you dispose of said receptacle at your local recycling center, will give you good karma in days to come.

    Within us all rests a desire to explore, and it seems the folks at Kashi channeled that urge into a cookie. While the multiple grains befuddled my child-like taste buds, I admire Kashi for what they’re doing. They like their 7 whole grains and, by gum, they’re not about to change them for anyone. There’s something admirable in embracing who/what you are and not being afraid to hide it, no matter what the cost.

    At the same time, I do believe that these cookies could benefit from a tweak to the recipe that would allow them to transform from a tough granola-bar-like product into a softer cookie-like product, and I have faith that the good people at Kashi can and will do just that. In the words of that terrible 1990s parody of Star Trek, Galaxy Quest, “Never give up. Never Surrender.”

    (Nutrition Facts – 1 cookie – 130 calories, 45 calories from fat, 5 grams of fat, 1 gram of saturated fat, 0 grams of trans fat, 0 milligrams of cholesterol, 80 milligrams of sodium, 19 grams of carbohydrates, 4 gram of dietary fiber, 7 grams of sugars, and 3 grams of protein.)

    Item: Kashi Chocolate Almond Butter Soft-Baked Cookies
    Purchased Price: $2.50 (on sale)
    Size: 1 box/8 cookies
    Purchased at: Harris Teeter
    Rating: 4 out of 10
    Pros: Chunks of chocolate. Almonds and almond butter. Whole grains. Good karma from recycling. Learning to play the bagpipes.
    Cons: Tough. Dry. A bit crumbly. References to poorly made 90s movies. The re-fashioned food pyramid. Not figuring out if a Hadamard matrix exists for every positive multiple of 4.

  • SPOTTED ON SHELVES – 12/17/2012

    Here are some interesting new and limited edition products found on store shelves by us and your fellow readers.

    Limited Edition Marshmallow Pebbles Starring Barney

    This is the second Limited Edition Marshmallow Pebbles box we’ve featured here with the first being the Wilma Flintstone box. From the looks of it, Post will probably have Betty Rubble and Dino boxes, but I hope Post releases a super limited edition Pearl Slaghoople box. (Spotted by Cortney at Walmart.)

    YoCrunch Vanilla Yogurt and Applesauce

    Maybe it’s just me, but it feels like YoCrunch added the words “Terrific Taste Combo” to the packaging specifically to convince shoppers that the combination of yogurt and applesauce isn’t as weird as it sounds. (Spotted by Stefanie at Walmart.)

    Green Giant Casseroles

    I will not eat them with an evil coven. I will not eat them from an oven. I will not eat them with a horny stag. I will not eat them from a microwaveable bag. I will not eat green bean casserole. Oh, no. Oh, hell no. (Spotted by Marvo at Safeway.)

    International Delight Caramel Macchiato Iced Coffee

    International Delight has a new half-gallon carton iced coffee flavor — Caramel Macchiato. I’m waiting for Starbucks to come out with their own iced coffee in a half-gallon carton. But instead of calling it a half-gallon, I hope they call it gigantesco. (Spotted by Marvo at Safeway.)

    Kidfresh Frozen Entrees

    According to the Kidfresh website, “Because most children don’t eat enough vegetables, each of our fresh frozen meals are full of hidden veggies that have been pureed and snuck in. Shhh…don’t tell the kids!” Well, if Kidfresh is trying to be secretive about it, maybe they shouldn’t have highlighted “with hidden veggies” on the front of the box. (Spotted by Marvo at Safeway.)

    Thank you to all the photo contributors! If you’re out shopping and see an interesting new or limited edition product on the shelf (or really unusual), snap a picture of it, and send us an email ( with where you found it and “Spotted” in the subject line. If you do so, you might see your picture in our next Spotted on Shelves post.


    Here are some interesting new and limited edition holiday products found on store shelves by us and your fellow readers.

    Jet-Puffed SnowmanMallows French Vanilla

    Jet-Puffed GingerbreadMallows

    MoreMallows! But I’d really like to see artificially flavored EggnogMallows and CinnaMallows. (Spotted by Stefanie at Walmart.)

    Candy Cane Pop Rocks

    With these Candy Cane Pop Rocks, I can make my breath kissable, but the popping may make my mouth super unkissable. Or, for some of you, super kissable if you like swapping spit with a side of mini explosions. Here’s a Candy Cane Pop Rocks review. (Spotted by Lauren at Safeway.)

    West Soy Chocolate Pepperming Stick Soy Beverage

    “Serve warm or chilled”? I need West Soy to be a little more specific with “warm.” Do they mean room temperature? If that’s the case, the box might as well say, “Serve chilled or at temperature that makes you regret you didn’t serve it chilled.”
    (Spotted by Audrey at Whole Foods.)

    Rondele Limited Edition Gourmet Spreadable Cheese

    President Rondelé Limited Edition Cranberry Orange Gourmet Spreadable Cheese and President Rondelé Limited Edition Pumpkin & Spice Gourmet Spreadable Cheese allow me to make a sentence that’s way longer than it should be. (Spotted by Linda at Fresh & Easy.)

    Twinings Keurig Tea

    To make your Keurig look more festive this time of year, you could wrap it in Christmas lights and tinsel; give it a red, white, and green paint job; put it back in its original box, cover it with holiday wrapping paper, and put a bow on it; or put a supply of these Twinings Christmas and Winter Spice teas next to it. The Tea Review Blog reviewed both flavors. (Spotted by Audrey at Harris Teeter.)

    Thank you to all the photo contributors! If you’re out shopping and see an interesting new or limited edition product on the shelf (or really unusual), snap a picture of it, and send us an email ( with where you found it and “Spotted” in the subject line. If you do so, you might see your picture in our next Spotted on Shelves post.

  • NEWS: Pepsi and Lay’s in China Team Up For Cola Chicken Flavored Potato Chips

    Holy crap! China has had Pepsi Cola chicken-flavored Lay’s potato chips since August!

    According to AdAge:

    Cola chicken is a common recipe in China, with chicken wings tossed into a wok and caramelized in soy sauce, spices and cola. In potato-chip form, the flavor is vaguely similar to barbecue with a sugary aftertaste. If there’s any hint of Pepsi, it’s fleeting and lacks fizz.

    Now that I know there’s a Chinese dish called cola chicken, I hope Panda Express offers an Americanized version of it really soon.

    Here’s the TV commercial for the cola chicken-flavored chips:

  • SPOTTED ON SHELVES – 12/12/2012

    Here are some interesting new and limited edition products (and occasionally odd products) found on store shelves by us and your fellow readers.

    Kozy Shack Soda Shoppe

    I wonder if I can suck this Kozy Shack Soda Shoppe Root Beer Float pudding through a straw. If it’s possible, I hope to recreate a 1950s date by sticking two straws in it so that I can share it with my lady friend. (Spotted by Leah at Walmart.)

    Dasani Drops

    Finally! Something by Dasani that can make Dasani water not taste so much like Dasani water. (Spotted by Marvo at Safeway.)

    GoGo Squeez Fast Fruit

    You’ve probably seen the squeezable fruit pouches for children at your local grocery store. Well, now there’s squeezable fruit pouches for adults. So where’s the adult juice pouches, Capri Sun? (Spotted by Marvo at Target.)

    Flavor Your Own Gourmet Potato Chips

    Do you want pizza or chili cheese fries-flavored potato chips? You can now have some through gradual gratification by baking or microwaving your own. Read more about these chips here. (Spotted by Tabitha at Kroger.)

    Monterey Jill

    Lucerne Monterey Jill cheese has been around for a while, but I still haven’t seen Pepper Jill and Colby Jill cheeses. (Spotted by Shanon at Safeway.)

    If you’re out shopping and see an interesting new or limited edition product on the shelf (or really unusual), snap a picture of it, and send us an email ( with where you found it and “Spotted” in the subject line. If you do so, you might see your picture in our next Spotted on Shelves post.